Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1839

Chapter 1839

Song Yan knew that Tianji was greedy for food and money, so when he went to meet him, he ordered people to prepare food and wine.

Therefore, seeing the table full of good wine and good food, the God of heaven could not help his eyes shining. He said with a smile, "you really know the old man's mind!"

"Please, elder!"

Song Yan made a request to invite Tianji to take his seat. His soul has undergone six transformations, which can be said to be extremely sensitive. Therefore, at the moment when he saw Tianji, he saw through each other's realm cultivation.

He didn't expect that an old man he met in the lower world should have the terrorist power of Zuxian sixteen times.

Such a person, however, is unknown in the fairyland. It has to be said that the water in the fairyland is still very deep.

There is no politeness in Tianji's divine calculation. You can't eat the delicious food full of the table, and only mess is left when the table is full.

"Senior, is that enough? If it's not enough, I'll send another table! "

Song Yan asked with a smile that in the world of immortal Xia, the divinity of heaven's machine had helped him to repel the enemies, and he was also kind to him. Song Yan was never ungrateful, so he always respected the divinity of heaven's machine.

"No more!" josei

The God of heaven picks his teeth with his fingers.

Song Yan, on the other hand, pondered a little. After a while, he looked up at Tianji and said, "what are you doing here


Tianji divine brain nodded: "you have the power to stir up the fairyland after flying to the fairyland for more than a hundred years. Now, you occupy one of the eight fairylands, which is beyond my expectation!"

"I'm just lucky, master!" Song Yan smiled modestly.

"You don't have to be humble. If you want to be someone else, you can't give them hundreds of thousands of years, even if you give them hundreds of thousands of years."

Song Yan said with a smile, "if you have something to say, you can say it directly!"

"Don't worry!" Tianji divine alchemy waved his hand: "although you now occupy the purple dragon fairy kingdom, your foundation is too thin after all. There are no other experts except your two masters who can hold your hands!"

"What you said is very true!"

Song Yan does not deny this.

There are not many Zuxian under him. In addition to hearing thousands of ghosts, the sword spirits of little yellow chicken and Yuan ancient sword have the strength of Zuxian.

Before that, he had a ten-year agreement with the sword spirit of Yuangu sword. Ten years later, maybe he saw his potential, and the other side said that he would like to stay in the ancient yuan sword as a sword spirit. For this reason, song Yan did not treat her badly, and gave her a divine sword code to practice. Now she also has the strength of Zuxian quadruple.

But on the whole, it's still not enough.

"Boy, there's an opportunity for you now. I just don't know if you can seize it!" It's a meaningful way.

"Please give me some directions!"

Song inkstone.

"You have to answer the old man first!" The expression of the Divine Providence became quite solemn and serious.

"Please tell me, elder!"

"Do you have the ambition to create the kingdom of immortals?"

The Divine Providence stared at him, his eyes were sharp and abnormal.

"I dare not to hide it from you. I really intend to build the kingdom of immortals!" Song Yan admitted without hesitation.

"Do you know what challenges you will face?" Ask again.

Song Yan nodded: "in the future, my enemies should be those old antiques sleeping in the eight immortal regions, thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed areas."

"Now that you know it, you don't have enough power to see it now. Maybe just an old antique can make all your efforts go to waste!"

"Not bad!" Song Yan nodded again, and then he kept silent, because he knew that in the following days, the Divine Providence would talk about his intention to come today.

"Do you know the kingdom of Qin?"

Asked the divine providence.

Song Yandao: "I know that the collapse of Qin Xianguo and the collapse of two million years ago cannot be separated from the promotion of the sleeping antiques!"

"Not bad!"

"They are the culprits of the immortal kingdom of Qin. At the beginning, they almost killed all the children with the blood of the immortal kingdom in order not to let the chance of the reconstruction of the immortal kingdom of Qin. Only the old man and the princess escaped from their pursuit!"

"It turns out that the elder generation is from the immortal kingdom of Qin!"

Song Yan asked in surprise. Suddenly, he felt something in his heart: "the princess mentioned by the elder generation is not Murong Hongdou girl, right?"

"Not bad! It's her! There is an extremely powerful skill in the immortal kingdom of the Qin Dynasty. Apart from the success of Murong Yingzheng, the founder of the immortal kingdom of the Qin Dynasty, no emperor has ever cultivated it. But our princess Tianzong is a genius who has cultivated this skill to the full level! "

At this point, there is a proud look in the eyes of Tianji magic.

"Is it Murong's intention to rebuild the kingdom of Qin?" Song Yan asked tentatively, he created the kingdom of immortals in order to complete the system task, if Murong Hongdou also wants to create the kingdom of immortals, it will become his roadblock.To be honest, he didn't want to be the enemy of Murong Hongdou, the God of heaven.

"The princess does have such an idea!" "But the old man has come up with a compromise. It will not only fulfill the princess's wish to rebuild the immortal kingdom of Qin, but also help you a lot."


Song Yan looks at Tianji's divine calculation doubtfully and waits for his answer.

"Very simple!"

Tianji Shenshu smiled proudly: "the immortal Kingdom you later founded is called the immortal kingdom of Daqin, and then you set up our princess as the queen of the immortal kingdom. Since you have become the husband of the princess, you are all a family anyway, so you have fulfilled the wishes of the princess. Moreover, although the immortal kingdom of Daqin has been destroyed for two million years, many old ministers live in the world. If those old ministers join in Your camp, your influence will be greatly increased. Moreover, under the banner of reconstructing the immortal kingdom of Qin, you are also famous! "

"Is that really OK?" Song Yan was stunned.

"Of course you can!" said the God of heaven! How about the boy? If you nod your head, you will not only marry a beautiful woman, but also gain the loyalty of hundreds of senior ancestral immortals. Such a good thing is hard to find with a lantern! "

"Senior, can you let me think about it?" Song Yan ponders the way.

"Well, I'll give you ten days. Ten days later, I'll come back to you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the magic of heaven disappeared.

"Miaowu, did you hear what I said just now? If I'm according to the divinity of heaven, am I to finish the task?" Song Yan asks meow in his mind.

"As long as you are the leader of the immortal Kingdom and can mobilize more than 90% of the power of the immortal Kingdom, you can complete the task!" Meow replied.

In this case, there is no hesitation. He doesn't care whether Murong Hongdou wants to use him or not, and then another bridge to be demolished.

When the immortal Kingdom war is finished, if they want to take it, he will not blink. Anyway, he is not interested in being emperor.

[author's extraneous remarks]: after the update, thanks for the reward of Liu Menglong

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