Magic Love Ring

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

Through the search of perspective, song Yan once again found the plant moved to a tree hundreds of meters away.

Standing under the tree, he didn't rush any more. This plant can't even affect its speed in the field of gravity. Who knows if space stagnation will work?

"What should I do?"

Even if the wisdom of song inkstone is like a demon, I can't think of a good way to catch this plant for a while.

"Forget it, or try space stagnation."

Heart read a move, song inkstone suddenly jumped up, when close to the plant, it opened the magic space stagnation.

Suddenly, with the body of song inkstone as the center, a small space with a radius of 10 meters was formed. However, this small space can only last for three seconds.

With a little uneasy, song Yan quickly grabbed the plant with his hands.


In a flash of green light, song Yan grabbed the sky, and the plant flew away again and moved to a tree hundreds of meters away.

For this reason, song Yan felt particularly depressed.

All of a sudden, he felt a movement in his heart. The elf meow in the heart God communication system asked, "meow, do you know this plant?"

"The consulting fee is worth 1 million points."

"You are taking advantage of the fire." Song Yan is very dissatisfied with the complaint.

"Knowledge is wealth. You can choose not to ask. " Meow uses the language airway which is not worth his life.

"Come on, I don't lack that fame. One million is one million. Tell me quickly, what is the origin of this plant?"

After deducting a million fame values, Miaowu said: "this is a magic medicine. I can't imagine that there will be magic medicine on this planet with lack of spirit."

"What is magic medicine?" Song Yan asked curiously.

Miaowu despised: "it's terrible to have no culture. I'll give you the science popularization. The level of medicinal materials is divided into four levels: ordinary, panacea, fairy medicine and divine medicine. Ordinary medicinal materials don't need to be introduced. A panacea can only be called a panacea if it's more than 100 years old. At the same time, the panacea is divided into nine grades, the lowest and the highest.

There are also nine kinds of elixirs, which are generally grown in places with abundant aura.

As for the magic medicine, there is no hierarchy, because each magic medicine has the function of seizing the heaven and creating the nature. It is difficult to determine which is stronger or weaker. At present, this magic medicine is called Tiandao fruit tree. Its fruit has two major effects. First, it can improve the purity of soul infinitely.

The purer the soul, the easier it is to understand the laws and artistic conception of heaven and earth.

Of course, the laws and artistic conception of heaven and earth are too far away for you. However, if you can take a fruit of heaven, your future cultivation will be smooth.

The second utility is to change the life grid.

Generally speaking, everyone's life style is doomed from the day of birth. The stronger the life style is, the stronger the morale will be and the higher the achievements will be. "

"It's impossible, isn't it?" Song Yan was very skeptical about the saying of Mingge: "according to your saying, people with good Mingge don't have to do anything and can achieve great achievements, and those with poor Mingge don't have their day!"

Meow explained: "I mean, in general, the life grid can also be changed. For example, if a person with a poor life grid gets a person with a high life grid that matches his life grid, under the long-term influence of the high life grid, the person with a poor life grid will become better and better.

There are many such examples in your human beings, for example, someone who is relatively depressed for the majority of his life, but one day he gets the help of one person and suddenly soars to the sky.

Of course, there are also cases in which a rich man marries a man with a better life than him, and then he quarrels with him. Then his life will become worse and worse, eventually leading to the decline of his family and becoming a beggar. "

Song Yan thinks, this kind of situation seems to be quite a lot.

"How to detect the level of the lattice, and how to judge the coincidence and repulsion of the lattice?" Song Yan asked.

"Life grid is divided into nine stars. One star is the weakest and nine stars are the strongest. To detect a person's life grid, you only need to cultivate the eye of heaven."

Song Yan asked curiously, "when can I build a heavenly eye?"

"There are two ways. First, when you reach the golden elixir, you can open up the eyes of heaven. Second, you can draw the eyes of heaven through the system lottery. There is no intuitive way to judge whether the fate matches or repels each other."

It's too far to be a golden elixir. It's estimated that it will take several decades, but it's a lottery. It's possible.

Suddenly, song Yan realized the crooked building and asked meow, "how can I catch the fruit tree of that heavenly way?"

"The magic medicine has spirit. You can't catch it with your current accomplishments!" Meow light way: "however, also is not to have no way!"

Hearing the first half of the sentence, song Yan was still disappointed, but hearing the second half of the sentence, he immediately got excited again: "what's the way?"

"I want to know how to give another million fame!"

"Profiteers!" Song Yan scolds him secretly, but he is not willing to give up the magic medicine, so he can only compromise.After deducting another one million fame values, Miaowu said: "this planet is short of spirit, and the growth of magic medicine requires a large amount of spirit. Now that day, the fruit trees can only parasitize on ordinary trees to absorb nutrients. Without a hundred years, their quality will deteriorate, so as long as you can provide it with spirit, you may not have no chance to get it!"

Song Yan's eyes brightened, his hands turned, and there was a bright red crystal in his palm.

"Is this OK?"

"Compared with the nutrients of those ordinary trees, this inferior Lingjing should have a great attraction to the Tiandao fruit tree. If you communicate with it well, you may be able to rob a Tiandao fruit in the fire."


In a flash of green light, the Tiandao fruit tree on the tree came straight to the palm of song inkstone.

"Take it!"

Song Yan's heart was startled, and he quickly put Lingjing into the storage ring, which made Tiandao fruit tree empty.


It failed to seize Lingjing. Tiandao fruit tree was dissatisfied. It was floating in the air in front of song inkstone, shaking its branches and leaves.

Song inkstone saw the shape, could not help laughing, and said to the Tiandao fruit tree: "do you want Lingjing?"

To song Yan's delight, Tiandao fruit tree really understood his words and bent three times in a row, as if nodding.

"It's ok if you want it, but you have to exchange it for a fruit of heaven!" Song Yan's smile is stronger.


When the body of Tiandao fruit tree shakes, a bright red fruit flies to song Yan. Song Yan grabs the fruit and catches it. josei

"So easy?" Song Yan can't believe it.

"Tiandaoguo has absorbed a lot of nutrients. If you give it one, its own pressure will be reduced!" Miaowu explained.

"Take it!"

Song Yan takes out Lingjing and throws it at the Tiandao fruit tree.

Seeing the short roots of Tiandao fruit tree, he wrapped up the Lingjing. Then, the sound of swish disappeared completely in front of song inkstone.

"Meow, how to take this heavenly fruit?" Song Yan looks at the fruit in his hand and asks meow.

"Swallow directly!"


Song Yan said nothing and threw the fruit into his mouth. The fruit turned into two streams of air and rushed to his mind and body.

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