Magic Love Ring

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Song Yan takes two beautiful bodyguards to the central villa of Zhongcheng international.

He looked at the two women and said, "you will live here in the future. Anyway, there are many rooms. You can choose any two."

"Yes, sir." josei

The two women said the same thing, but the tone was still very flat.

Song Yan continued: "as for the problem of your meals, there are kitchenware in this villa that you can make by yourself. If you don't want to make it by yourself, you can eat out. By the way, there is also your salary, tentatively set as 12 million a year. Give me your card number, and I will advance your salary for one year in advance!"

Hearing song Yan give them such a high salary, the second daughter's cold face finally got a little more moving.

Leng Xue said, "you don't have to pay us, young master."

Song Yanbai waved: "I'm not a black hearted capitalist. Give me your card number."

"Yes, sir."

The two women didn't say anything more. They gave song Yan a card number, and song Yan didn't say anything. They directly gave each of them 13 million yuan.

Receiving a message from the bank, Leng Xue said again, "master, why is there a million more?"

"This one million is for your living expenses and clothing expenses!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"Thank you, young master!" Thank you.

Song Yan waved again: "you're welcome. You work for me. I can't treat you badly. In this way, you don't need to follow me at this time. You need to know the terrain of xiaxiangcheng first!"

"Young master, before receiving the order, we have completely recorded the terrain of Xiangcheng in our mind, so we don't need to investigate any more!" Cold snow replied.

"Well, then you can go shopping. I won't leave Xiangcheng in this period of time. You can follow me when you leave Xiangcheng!"

"But young master, our order is to protect you closely!" Cold snow stubborn way.

Song Yan didn't want to go around with two female bodyguards, so he said in a deep voice, "you are my bodyguard now. You should obey my orders. You can do what I want you to do. Do you understand?"

Two faces flashed a little hesitation, and finally nodded.

After setting up two bodyguards, song Yan set off for school.

After school, Hansha sends a message to song Yanfa, asking him to wait for him near the school.

About ten minutes later, Hansha walked out of the school and found song Yan's car. She walked quickly and opened the door and sat up.

"Sister Sha, is there anything wrong with you asking me to wait for you here?" Song Yan pulls Hansha's soft little hand and rubs it. Since breaking through that relationship, Hansha doesn't want him to call her teacher again.

"Don't be a rascal. I have something to tell you."

Hansha took back her hand and said in a deep voice, "Wang Ziming hasn't come to class for four days. His family is poor and doesn't have a phone. I'm going to go to his house to see what's going on. But Wang Ziming lives in the slum. It's a mess, so I want you to go with me."

Wang Ziming's song inkstone still has some understanding. He was abandoned by his parents and lived with his grandmother who picked up garbage. His family was poor and his grades were poor. He was also cowardly, so he felt weak in class.

If it's Yan Weimin, if Wang Ziming and other students don't come to school, I'm afraid it's exactly what he wants.

But Hansha is different. She treats students equally, and does not look down on students with poor grades.

The so-called slums are actually villages in the city.

Living here, are some of the bottom of the society and bitter ha ha.

Song Yan didn't drive his car into the village, because the streets here are very narrow, and there are many vendors who occupy the road, so driving is not as fast as walking.

Park the car, and they walk into the city village together.

The smell in the air is not good, and the street floor is also very messy. There are garbage peels and rotten vegetable leaves everywhere. In addition, there was a rainstorm yesterday, and sometimes there are muddy puddles in the dilapidated streets.

"Wang Ziming's home is here!" Hansha pointed to a low earthen house road.

"I'll knock on the door!"

Song Yan grabs the door ring and knocks on the door plate for a few times, making a dull noise, but there is no reaction in the room.

"Not at home, is it?" Hansha said.

Heart read a move, song inkstone opened perspective, found that the vacuum in the room is also empty.

"No one should be at home, or shall we wait?" Song Yan looks at Hansha and asks.

"Then wait!"

After waiting for more than half an hour, Wang Ziming still didn't come back. Just as an uncle passed by, song Yan stopped him and asked, "uncle, do you know Wang Ziming?"

"Yes, I live next door!"

The uncle pointed to the tile house next door.

"Do you know when he will come back?" Song Yan continued to ask.

Uncle face suddenly a little more vigilance: "who are you?"

"I'm song Yan, his classmate. This is Hansha, his teacher. No, he hasn't come to school for four days, so Mr. Han asked me to accompany her to see what happened?" In order to prove his identity, song Yan showed his student card and Hansha her work card to the uncle."Well, if you don't like it, just go to my house and talk!" Uncle looked around nervously.

Song Yan looks at Hansha and nods.

So, they followed Uncle to his home, uncle Xinyang, the old resident of the village in the city.

Uncle Yang poured a glass of water for song Yan and Hansha, and then sighed: "Xiao Ming was abandoned by his parents since he was a child and lived with old lady Wang, a lonely old man. In the evening of four days ago, when old lady Wang was picking up garbage, she was beaten to death by someone because she found it late and left before she was sent to the hospital.

But I heard that it seems that old lady Wang saw something that she shouldn't have seen. Then she ran to the police station and called the police. No, she was seriously injured just after she left the police station. "

"Who did it? Even the old lady can do it!" Hansha said angrily.

Uncle shook his head: "I don't know, but Xiao Ming seems to know who did it. With the help of the neighbors, he left and never came back.

Soon after he left, from time to time, a group of people from the community would wander around and inquire about Xiao Ming's whereabouts. It seems that Xiao Ming cut their eldest brother! "

Speaking of this, the uncle sighed again: "I watched Xiaoming grow up. He is clever and thoughtful at ordinary times, and he is very kind. He is also very polite to us. I think it must be because he knew the murderer who hurt Mrs. Wang that he would cut people.

You are his teachers and classmates. If you can help him, please help him. That boy is really pathetic! "

From Uncle Yang's home, Hansha's heart was heavy. Unexpectedly, in a few days, Wang Ziming's family had so many things happened.

Seeing this, song Yan grabs her hand and whispers, "don't worry, sister Sha. I'll do this!"

But at this time, song Yan found that four men with poor looks surrounded them, and they were surrounded.

"You two, come with us if you can understand each other!" A flat headed man led by Lengleng Dao.

Song Yan felt that these four people should be what uncle Yang said. They searched for Wang Ziming's gang. In order to find out the truth, he nodded: "OK, let's go with you!"

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