Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2045

Chapter 2045

It's worth mentioning that some villagers found five horses tied to the tree trunk not far from the village. Zhou Qing knew that the five horses should have come from malingui last night.

These five horses are likely to expose his killing of Ma Chuang and others.

With his strength, he is not afraid of the horse family, but what about the horse family's attack on his father-in-law?

Therefore, his eyes narrowed slightly. In this case, only the father of Ma Chuang and Chen Hubao, the leader of the inner Qi environment guard, were solved, could he have no worries in the future.

Song inkstone is not a pedantic person.

That night, he left the village quietly and flew to the county seat.

It took him only half an hour to arrive at the fifty mile road. The city wall of Huangshan county is about five meters long, and there is no County guard at all. After all, the present guard country can hardly be regarded as a peaceful country. As for the mountain bandits, they don't have the courage to attack the city. Therefore, the guard of the county is inevitably relaxed.

The five meter high wall is not easy for ordinary martial artists to jump on, but it is difficult for song Yan to cultivate the inner Qi to the top of the martial arts.

When approaching the city wall, he ran five meters ahead of time, and then at the moment of approaching the city wall, his feet stepped on the city wall, and the whole man rose rapidly and fell easily on the city head.

Glancing at him, he found that he didn't disturb the guards, so he flew down the wall and headed for the Majia courtyard.

As the largest household in Huangshan County, Ma family has built a grand mansion covering an area of dozens of mu.

Master Ma has two sons, one is Wen and the other is Wu.

Ma Chuang is a fighter of internal Qi. His youngest son, Ma Yanzhang, has been admitted as a scholar. Now he is studying in the state capital college and is preparing to take the exam this year.

Over the wall, song Yan takes out the black cloth towel prepared in advance and puts it on his face.

Although Majia is the largest household in Huangshan County, the defense of Majia is still very tight. The main reason is that the Majia's way of doing things is quite cruel. I don't know how many people died in these years.

Not to mention that Ma Chuang likes to forcibly break into the people's daughter, even the master Ma, who is nearly 50 years old, is also a lecherous man. Unlike his son, the woman he likes will be forced to marry back to the house to support him. Now, his youngest wife alone has as many as 35.

Because of so many evils, master Ma was afraid that he would be assassinated by others. Therefore, even if he had a son who was a master of internal Qi, he spent a lot of money to recruit a master of internal Qi to act as the leader of the guard.

As for the guard of the house, there are more than 100 people.

Although the layout of the Majia residence is large, song Yan is familiar with it. It's not that he's been here, but that he knows a lot. In the past, he's also a master of array and Taoism. The house construction will involve some geomancy knowledge at least.

Fengshui is the fur of array.

After three rounds of patrols, song Yancai sneaks into the inner courtyard.

The inner courtyard is full of women's family members, so there are few guards, mainly Chen Hubao, who lives next door to master Ma for close protection.


Song Yan felt the breath of Chen Hu and Bao.

The breath of the internal breathing master is different from that of the ordinary martial artists, which can't be concealed from Song Yan at all.

Of course.

But he can completely control his own breath. Before reincarnation, he was billions of times stronger than now. In Huangshan County, he let it collapse with one look. It's not easy to control his breath.

Quietly dive to Chen Hu Bao's door.

Song Yan first asked the system to scan Chen Hu Bao in the room, then retreated to the yard, picked up a stone and bent his fingers, just hit the door.


There was a cold drink in the room, and then the door opened. Chen Hubao walked into the yard with a long gun and a pair of fierce eyes swept around.

At this time, he was suddenly shocked. His hair was all over. Subconsciously, he retreated, but he was still slow, but a sword light came on at this time.


Blood splashed, and a blood mark appeared on Chen's forehead.

"Poo Tong!"

Chen's body fell directly to the ground.

Song Yan glanced at him lightly, then walked towards the other room, where the voice of men and women came out. I have to say that master Ma's spirit is very good, until this time, he is still working hard.

He directly kicked the door into the room and immediately shocked the men and women on the bed.

Mr. Ma is very fat and well-off. The woman on his body is quite young. Now he is sitting on Mr. Ma, naked.

Although the body looks good, but can not let song Yan heart set off a little waves.

"Bold, who are you?"

Master Ma shivered all over, and then he asked.

"The one who took your life!"

Song inkstone.

Hearing this, master Ma's face changed greatly and exclaimed, "come!"


In a flash, song Yan sweeps to master Ma's bedside, raises his long sword and cuts his head off. Seeing this, the woman screams and faints directly.After all this, song Yan flashes away directly. After he leaves, the guard arrives soon

After leaving the Ma family, song Yan left the city overnight and returned to the Song family village.

Calling out the system interface, he found that his fortune had increased by 120.

It seems that master Ma is a man of great fortune. Unfortunately, he is now complete.


Song Yanxin feels that the system spontaneously brews a small magic power. It only takes 500 points of Qi to integrate the magic power, the golden eye of Qi.

This aura golden eye can check the aura points of other creatures.

Song Yan didn't have any hesitation. He directly consumed 500 points of Qi. Then, his eyes itched, and then a cool breath came out. Then, he felt some changes in his eyes.

The next morning.

After Song Yan got up, Xu Yuee took the initiative to bring him face washing water.

The identity of the three of them has been established, that is to become servant girls of the Song family. josei

My heart is moving.

Song Yan opens her golden eyes and looks at Xu yue'e. a golden figure appears on her head. It's five o'clock.

"How can Xu Yuee be lucky at five?"

Song Yan is a bit strange. Since she has five points of fortune, she should also be blessed. How could she be caught by the bandits?

Then, song Yan looked at the other two women and Chen youniang's luck.

The other two women's Qi luck is the same as that of Xu Yuee. By then, Chen youniang's Qi luck had reached more than 50.

Suddenly, song Yan woke up. It was not their original fortune, but because of his influence, they had so much fortune.

After all, people's air transport will be affected by external factors.

After breakfast, song Yan went to the village for a walk, and checked the air transport of the villagers with his golden eyes. The air transport of these villagers is very common, and the number of people is only three, and the number of people is only one.

There is also a long-term illness of the villagers, Qi Yun point is actually negative.

Song family village is as peaceful and peaceful as ever, but a big event happened in the county. One night, master Ma and Chen Hubao, the leader of the guard with inner Qi realm, were killed.

When the news came out, many people clapped their hands in secret, mainly because the horse family was really unpopular.

On the other hand, the horse family sent people to look for the eldest son, and on the other hand sent people to Fucheng academy to inform the second son.

As for Xian Zun, he sent captains to Ma's house for investigation.

However, the constable used to walk through the field. After all, he died a master of internal Qi. With these common constables, he could not find anything.

A few days passed in a flash.

The second son of the Ma family came back from the city, but the eldest son of the Ma family seems to have disappeared. Therefore, it is rumoured that the eldest son of the Ma family may also have died.

For a while.

All the other big families in the county have moved their minds. If Ma's eldest son is dead, he can't defend Nuo's eldest horse family with only one scholar, can they go up and bite a piece of meat?

So, in the next half month, the big families in the county tested the bottom line of the horse family in various ways, but after seeing that master Ma died nearly 20 days, and Ma Chuang didn't commit himself, those big families finally couldn't sit down.


That night, the second young master of the horse family was killed by a guard of the horse family.

After killing the second young master of the horse family, the guard escaped.

As soon as the second young master of the Ma family died, the Ma family suddenly became an ownerless thing. Then, Xian Zun and Xian Cheng worked together to find out many cases of corruption and law bending of the Ma family, and sent people to check the whole Ma family.

All gold, silver and jewelry were confiscated.

As for the low price of all the farm stores, it was given to other large households in the county.

Therefore, the Ma family completely disappeared in Mount Huangshan county.

Song Yan also heard about the trivial matters in the county, but he didn't pay much attention to them, because he had expected the end of the Ma family.

There are ten days left. It's the time for the scholar to take the exam.

In a few days, he will leave for Fucheng to take the scholar examination.

Five days later.

Song Yan says goodbye to Chen youniang and goes to Mingshan mansion.

Chen youniang has always sent him to the village entrance. In the past 20 days, Chen youniang has cultivated the body strengthening formula every day, and the food is not bad. Therefore, the original girl has changed a lot. She is so graceful that she even grows taller.

The flat chest also has a certain scale.

"Xiao Lang, you must be careful on the way!"

Chen youniang reminds with tears.

"Well, I know. Come back!"

Song Yan waved.

Farewell to Chen youniang, song Yan sat in the carriage stopped not far away from Chen Chong, and then drove the carriage to Fucheng by Chen Chong.

Knowing that song Yan wanted to go to the city for the examination, the father-in-law of the pig Slayer had to ask Chen Chong to escort him to go, but he couldn't refuse, so song Yan had to promise that he had prepared a cart, but song Yan thought it was too slow to abandon the cart, so he rented a carriage with money.Since Song Yan taught Chen Chong the Zhuang Ti Jue and the tiger wolf fist, he has been practicing hard. In the past month, he has made great progress. Although he has not cultivated the internal Qi, he is at least twice as strong as before.

These days, song Yan also made clear the division of the realm of martial artists.

The unity without cultivating internal Qi is called samurai. The one who cultivates internal Qi is called martial arts master. The one who transforms internal Qi into real Qi is called inborn. There is a grand master after inborn.

There are very few martial masters, and there will be no more than ten in the whole Wei state.

[author's extras]: the end of the second shift

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