Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2057

Chapter 2057

It was night. Song Yan was reading a book. However, what he read was not a book related to the imperial examination, but a book about the customs of the Wei state.

"Xiao Lang, I cooked you a bowl of lotus seed soup."

Chen Niang opened the door and came in with a bowl of lotus seed soup.

"Aren't there servants at home? Why do you have to do it yourself!" Song Yan took over the lotus seed soup and said pitifully that when he returned to the Song family village, song Yan passed on the secret of gathering Xia to Chen youniang. Under his guidance, the other side had cultivated inner Qi and promoted to the level of martial arts teacher.

Song Yan didn't pay much attention to the skills. After all, as long as he met a stronger warrior, he would scan his skills.

Therefore, he not only taught Caixia Jue to Chen youniang, but also to Cao Jing.

One month later, Cao Jing has transformed the real Qi in her body into the real Qi of Caixia, and her strength has been enhanced. At the same time, song Yan has pointed out the shortcomings of her drizzle sword.

She also greatly increased her sword skills. Therefore, she was amazed at this. Her younger martial brother was too rebellious. Therefore, she was reluctant to leave song Yan, because only by following younger martial brother could she get more benefits.

It is worth mentioning.

After moving into the new house, song Yan and Chen youniang share the same room, which is only the same room, and does not involve the couple. After all, Chen youniang is still young, song Yan can't bear to destroy her.

Because the quality of life has been greatly improved, Chen youniang, who has achieved success in cultivation, has become more and more beautiful, almost as good as Cao Jing.

After drinking lotus seed soup and washing it under Chen youniang's service, song Yan goes to bed and has a rest. Chen youniang quickly drags all her clothes into the cup and sticks them up.

Song Yan naturally put his arms around her and kissed her on the forehead: "sleep."

"Xiao Lang!"

Chen youniang rubs against song Yan.

"What is it?"

"When shall we have children?" After saying this, Chen's pretty face became red.

Smell speech, song Yan but some cry smile, in his eyes, Chen youniang is a big loli, how can let her have a baby.

So, she gently shaved on her nose: "wait until you are 16 years old."

"But they want to have children for the Song family earlier!" Chen youniang looks at Song inkstone obstinately.

"Silly girl, your body is not fully open, and it is not suitable for having children." Song Yan said softly.

"No, there are two children in Chunhua, the same age as me, and Ruyi, who is one year younger than me, is also pregnant!" Chen youniang said without hesitation: "Xiaolang, do you lift me?"

The spring flowers and Ruyi in the mouth of Chen youniang are the little daughters-in-law of the village. josei

"How can you dislike you? Well, don't think about it. We'll talk about having a baby when you are 16!" While talking, song Yan flexed his fingers and shot out the wick with a strong wind.

In a dark moment in the room, Chen youniang suddenly came up to stabilize song Yan's mouth, and put out her tongue to drill into his mouth.

"You girl!"

Song Yan is a little depressed, but the moment of speaking is taken advantage of by Chen youniang.

"Little girl, how dare you kiss me? Let me clean you up!"

Song inkstone is also on fire. She starts kissing. She kisses Chen youniang dizzily. The sky is dim and the earth is dark. She is paralyzed.

After a long time, song Yan let go of Chen youniang, and then patted her on the back: "no more trouble, sleep!"

The next morning.

Song Yan left with Cao Jing in Chen youniang's tearful farewell and went to the provincial capital, from Songjia village to the provincial capital. For ordinary people, there are seven or eight days' journey, but song Yan and Cao Jing are inborn experts. They don't go on the ordinary way. If they try their best to catch up, they can arrive at most in half a day.

However, song Yan had to get rid of bandits on the road.

So, it was almost twenty days before we arrived at the provincial capital.

In the past 20 days, he and Cao Jing have killed more than 80 villages, and tens of thousands of bandits have died in their hands, and the harvest is also huge. In the system of song inkstone alone, there are more than 100000 liang of silver. In addition, he has also collected more than 15000 points of fortune.

Because their movements are so noisy, their fierce names are also spread out. They are called green and white double evils by the underworld, while the righteous call them green and white double evils.

Comparatively speaking, the provincial government is much more prosperous than Mingshan government.

Song Yan and Cao Jing find a high-class inn to package the next courtyard. After a simple wash, they begin to sleep.

In the past 20 days, the two of them have been running for thousands of miles. During this period, they have to kill mountain bandits. They are very tired both mentally and physically.

This sleep is a day and a night. It's noon the next day when they wake up.

Song Yan plans to go to the Yamen of the University for record first, and Cao Jing plans to go to the city to have a look. After all, she is the first time to come to the provincial capital.

Song Yan directly gave her dozens of silver coins and several hundred liang of silver notes. Anyway, both of them have been fighting for justice all the way. They don't lack silver at all.In less than half an hour, song Yan walked out of the government office.

And get the test number, in the future, you need to give the test number to the yamen runner before you can enter the test room.

Just back to the inn, I found Cao Jing waiting there. As soon as I saw him, Cao Jing took his hand and said excitedly, "come with me, younger martial brother. I found a funny thing!"

After more than 20 days of getting along with each other day and night, and sleeping in the wild, the two people have become intimate for a long time.

"Where are you going, elder martial sister?"

Song Yan asked.

"You will know when you arrive!" Cao Jing said mysteriously.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Cao Jing and song Yan arrived at a rather grand mansion. Outside the mansion, there were two stone lions, and at the door stood eight strong domestic slaves.

"Wei Fu!"

Song Yan looked at the plaque on the eye mansion and said in silence.

"For what?"

A domestic slave asked.

"We are here to help you catch ghosts!"

Cao Jing throws a notice to the other side.

The servant looked at the notice. It was the sign posted by the Wei family, but he looked at Song Yan and Cao Jing suspiciously: "you two can get rid of ghosts?"

"Why not! Get us in! " Cao Jing said impatiently.

"Hum, just rely on the two of you. Don't make trouble and go quickly, or you'll get rid of the mess!"

The famous family nuleng shouted, obviously not believing that song Yan and Cao Jing can catch ghosts.

"A man who looks down on others!" "Cao Jing is dissatisfied with the way:" however, the ghost in your house, I am determined to get rid of it! "

"What's the noise here?"

Just then, a shout came from inside, and then a middle-aged man came out.

"I've seen the housekeeper!"

Eight servants saluted one after another, and then the servant said, "housekeeper, these two men have uncovered a notice to get rid of ghosts in the house!"

Hearing this, the housekeeper couldn't help but look at Song Yan and Cao Jing with his eyes: "the notice of Wei family can't be revealed by anyone. If you two want to come to our house and cheat, you'll choose the wrong place. Hurry up!"

[author's extras]: the end of the second shift

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