Magic Love Ring

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Jiang Waner saw that song Yan sitting with Han Zhenhai had some accidents. After nodding to him, she looked at Han Zhenhai and said, "old Han, I'm Jiang Waner of Jiang's jewelry. Don't be surprised if I dare to disturb you."

Jiang's jewelry and Han Zhenhai have heard that although the rising stars in the jewelry industry cannot be compared with Zhou's jewelry, they have developed rapidly in the past two years. It is said that Jiang's jewelry developed rapidly after Jiang Waner took over.

Therefore, Han Zhenhai replied with a smile: "the original Miss Jiang, Jiang's jewelry can have today's scale, Miss Jiang can say the credit is not to have, did not expect you to be so young, is really a woman not to let men."

"Old Han is flattered. I'm not sure." Jiang Waner said modestly.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Han Zhenhai immediately asked, "by the way, what's the matter with Miss Jiang looking for the old man?"

Jiang Wan'er was shocked. He didn't expect Han Zhenhai to be so direct. But he also thought about it. At his level, there's no need to beat around the Bush and try to be profound. He said in a deep voice: "I really want to ask Han for something."

Han Zhenhai nodded: "well, let's make an appointment to talk about it again. I have guests today, so I won't leave you."

"Thank you very much, old Han. I'm leaving." Jiang Waner leaned slightly, then smiled and said to song Yandao, "Mr. Song, I'm sorry about that night. I hope you don't mind."

Song Yan smiled, "I forgot that night."

Hearing this, Jiang Waner's eyes narrowed slightly and said with a smile, "old Han, little girl song won't disturb your meal."

Out of the box, Jiang Waner's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

She never thought that she saw song Yan here, and from Han Zhenhai's words, she could tell that he was Han Zhenhai's guest.

The other three people here, the seemingly ordinary middle-aged man, she didn't know.

But Liu Weidong and Han Xiaowei know that.

One is Han Zhenhai's apprentice and the other is his granddaughter.

It shows that the relationship between Han Zhenhai and song Yan is extraordinary.

"Who is song Yan? Will he hate me for that night's incident and then get in the way of it? "

Thinking of this, she felt regret. If she had known that he had this relationship with Han Zhenhai, she would have made him better.

In the box.

Han Zhenhai asked with a smile, "Song Shao, do you know Jiang Waner?"

"That's right." Song inkstone is light.

Wen Yan, Han Zhenhai stopped this topic and asked no more questions.

A meal makes the host and the guest happy.

Back to the hotel, song Yan also took a bath, then called Hansha, and then lay in bed reading.


There was a knock at the door.

"Who will it be?"

Song Yan got up to open the door and saw that it was Jiang Waner.

"What's wrong with Miss Jiang?" Song Yan said quietly, this woman is too utilitarian, he doesn't like it very much.

For song Yan's cold attitude, Jiang Wan'er didn't take it seriously. She smiled like a flower: "Mr. Song, please don't let me in."

"It's late. It's hard to avoid being talked about by others in the same room. So, if there's anything wrong with Miss Jiang, please tell me here." Cougar still a thousand li away. At the moment, Jiang Wan's beautiful face was slightly painted with a smile. She had a mature woman's charming manners, especially the two people, who were very close.

In charge of a large company with tens of billions of dollars, Jiang Waner is also arrogant. She offered to go to song Yan's room, but the other side refused. Even if she asked for it, she could not bear the other side's attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away. The smile on her face disappeared, and she said quietly: "in this case, I will not disturb Mr. Song."

Looking at Jiang Waner, song Yan shakes his head secretly and closes the door.

The next day.

Song Yan brings Xiangshan to gongpan site again.

Compared with yesterday, today's venue is more popular.

As soon as he glanced at it, he found that there were many new stones coming in.

"It's time to start buying mode!"

Let Xiangshan go to the rest area for tea. Song Yan comes to the service desk quickly.

"Good morning, Mr. Song." Ruan Yuxiang, standing at the service desk, immediately greeted song Yan with respect.

Song Yan replied with a smile, "good morning, Miss Ruan."

Suddenly, he said: "by the way, I still need to buy a lot of raw stones today. I wonder if Miss Ruan is free. Can you help me to buy them?"

After looking at Zhongyuan stone, you need to input a code to check whether the stone has been ordered by others. Therefore, this process is quite a waste of time. If someone can help him to check, it will save a lot of time.

"Glad to serve you!" Ruan Yuxiang said.

So song Yan and Ruan Yuxiang each picked up a tablet computer and went straight to the third-class raw stone area."Miss Ruan, I refer to the original stone. If no one orders after entering the number, you can order it directly. Do you know?"

"I understand Mr. Song." Ruan Yuxiang nodded.

"Well, let's start now!"

When his mind moved, song Yan turned on the power of perspective and quickly swept a piece of third-class raw stone. Then he pointed to several raw stones and said, "Miss Ruan, this one, this one, and this one!"

Ruan Yuxiang did not dare to neglect, and began to check the number of the original stone, and song Yan also picked up the tablet to input the number of other original stones.

An hour later.

Song Yan bought 2800 pieces of raw stones in the third class raw stone area, with a total price of 5.83 million yuan, twice as fast as yesterday.

"Miss Ruan, do you need a rest?" Song Yan asked Ruan Yuxiang.

"No, Mr. Song." Ruan Yuxiang shook her head.

"Well, let's go to the second-class quarry!" Song Yan waved.

When he came to the second-class original stone area, song Yan swept through it with his perspective and found that the quality of the original stone here today is much higher than that of yesterday.

So, keep buying.

Forty minutes later, song Yan ordered 1449 raw stones in the second-class raw stone area, which cost 12.78 million yuan.

Then, he took Ruan Yuxiang to the first-class raw stone area. josei

He was not disappointed by the first-class raw stone area. In the end, he bought 970 first-class raw stones for 236 million yuan.

Today, he spent a total of $254.6 million.

After checking out at the service counter, song Yan directly gives 50000 cash to Ruan Yuxiang.

"Mr. Song, that's too much." Looking at the 50000 cash, Ruan Yuxiang was a little worried.

"You deserve it. I can't buy so many raw stones without your help!" Song Yan said with a smile, just like yesterday, because he started slowly, many of the raw stones he liked were ordered by others, which made him unable to buy any more.

What's more, the value of the thousands of raw stones he bought today is higher than that he bought yesterday. It's really nothing to give Ruan Yuxiang 50000 yuan.

"But it's still too much!"

"Miss Ruan, since it was Mr. Song who called and rewarded you, please accept it!" At this time, Wu Yutai, the manager of the service desk, came up.

"Well then!" Ruan Yuxiang hesitated.

"Mr. Song is really a big hand. He bought so many raw stones in two days!" Wu Yu Tai said with a smile.

"Manager Wu is flattering me. I also buy it at will!"

"By the way, Mr. Song, our boss wants to see you. Are you free?" Wu Yutai continued, in fact, yesterday, song Yan's crazy purchase of raw stones attracted the attention of the organizers. However, after studying his behavior, it was found that song Yan's purchase of raw stones was totally irregular, so the organizers did not pay much attention to it.

Today, however, he bought more than 200 million raw stones, which attracted the attention of the organizers and sent Wu Yutai to invite him.

"Who is your boss, manager Wu?" Song Yan looks at Wu Yutai.

"General Chacha."

[author's aside]: Thank you [Haoye] for your great reward.

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