Magic Love Ring

Chapter 221

Chapter 221

Jiang Waner is also chatting with people in the crowd, but after careful observation, she can see that her eyes occasionally sweep through the entrance of the conference hall with a trace of anxiety. Today is her last chance.

If we can't see general Chacha and persuade him today, Jiang's jewelry will lose the chance to cooperate with him forever.

As time approaches seven o'clock.

Jiang Wan'er's heart is also more and more anxious, and her guess hasn't appeared yet.

Just three minutes before seven o'clock, a pair of soldiers with live ammunition rushed into the meeting hall and stood in two rows at the door, as if to meet some big people.

"Is Chacha the general coming?"

Jiang can't help but take two steps forward and stare at the entrance of the conference hall.

Of course, in addition to Jiang Waner, the people in the conference hall couldn't help but look at the entrance of the conference hall. The conference hall, which was a little noisy, also became quiet.

Finally, a sound of footsteps came.

Then he saw a young man and a general in military uniform walking into the meeting hall side by side.

"Who is that young man?"

At this moment, everyone has a question. Even Han Zhenhai can't help wondering when song Yan and Chacha came together.

"I'm afraid this young man's background is extraordinary. He should be the son of a great man in China."

"It's him!"

Seeing song Yan who walked in with Chacha, Jiang Waner's eyes suddenly shrank, and there was an inexplicable regret in her heart. If she had not suspected that song Yan was deliberately approaching her that night, and had made friends with him, would it be so difficult for her to see one side of Chacha?

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, no regret medicine, but it can still be remedied.

After drinking the red wine, she strode to song Yan and Chacha.

But before they got close, they were stopped by soldiers with guns.

"Mr. Song, I don't think we'll meet again!" Jiang Waner looks at Song Yandao with a smile and a nightmare.

Hearing that Jiang Waner knew song Yan, chaguai waved and signaled to the soldiers to let him go.

Soon, Jiang Waner came to the two: "how do you do, Mr. Song? How do you do, general Chacha?"

"How about you, Miss Jiang!" Song Yan nodded lightly.

He guessed that the general didn't speak. However, with the appearance of song Yan as the master, Jiang Waner was more shocked when he saw this scene. How terrible was the origin of this man? Or life experience?

Although shocked, Jiang Wan'er's face was still full of laughter, and her eyes were watery, staring at Song Yan: "Mr. Song, do you have a chance to talk with you in detail?"

"Let's talk about it when we have a chance!" Song Yan has some perfunctory ways.

"Well, let's make a decision!" Jiang Waner didn't seem to hear the perfunctory taste of song Yan's words, and went away satisfied.

"Young master, this woman is Jiang Waner, the president of Jiang's jewelry. I exchanged some interests with the Song family in Southwest China, so I cancelled the original stone contract with Jiang's jewelry. This woman is quite persevering. She tried to see me. Even a few days ago, she found Han Zhenhai to introduce her, but I haven't seen her."

When we say that, we will stop talking when we are guessing. That's all.

And the words of Chacha also formed a clear vein in Song Yan's heart, shaking his head secretly. Jiang Waner really refused to let go of any chance, so he admired her a little.

It's a big guy. Of course, he can't stand in the meeting room with a glass like other people, but he enters a box.

During this period, some people came to visit and only some people were interviewed.

To song Yan's surprise, there was no Jiang Waner among the visitors.

An hour later, the auction of high-quality raw stones began, and 30 high-quality raw stones were moved to the auction platform.

Song inkstone used perspective to check, and found that these 30 pieces of raw stones are worthy of being called excellent, and there are jadeite in each piece, and the quality is not low.

Of course, there are also two pieces of Imperial Green.

As for the common jadeite, song Yan was not very moved, but had an idea about the two pieces of Imperial Green.

The two original stones containing emerald are No. 17 and No. 29 respectively.

Soon, the auction of fine original stone officially began.

The initial price of No. 1 raw stone is 10 million yuan, and the final price is 22 million yuan.

Song Yan knows that the first original stone is a piece of high-quality jadeite, 2200 photos, absolutely big money.

And it was Han Zhenhai who bought the stone.

The dust of No. 1 original stone is settled, and No. 2 original stone is on the stage.

The starting price is 5 million yuan, and each price increase is no less than 500000 yuan.

In less than two minutes, the price of No. 2 raw stone has exceeded 10 million yuan, and the final price is 18 million yuan.


Came to the auction on the 17th.

After the auctioneer briefly introduced the original stone, the auctioneer announced: "the starting price of the original stone No. 17 is 15 million, and the price increase each time shall not be less than 1 million!""16 million!"

"17 million!"

"19 million!"

"20 million!"

The price soared all the way, quickly breaking through the 20 million mark, but song Yan didn't ask for a price. The value of the raw stone cut out is not less than 200 million, so even if it costs 100 million, it is also a big profit, so he won't be anxious.

At 30 million, however, only three people were left to bid.

One is Han Zhenhai, one is Jiang Waner, and the other is a young childe.

"32 million!" Han Zhenhai made another offer.

"It seems that Mr. Han is sure to get the original stone No. 17. I will quit!" Jiang Wan'er said in a long voice.

Han Zhenhai nods to Jiang Waner.

It was the young man who was rather disdainful: "40 million."

"42 million." Han Zhenhai is not in a hurry.

"50 million!" The young man made another offer.

"52 million!" Han Zhenhai still only adds two million.

"100 million!"

Just then, a sudden and young voice came from the box.

Hearing this, Han Zhenhai said with all his heart: "since Song Shao also saw this stone, the old man would quit!"

Han Zhenhai is a famous gambling master in the gambling world. Even he has to call him song Shao. Besides, the other side still appears together with the guessing. Therefore, people are all awe struck, and they think that song Yan's identity is not simple.

In principle, song Yan's awe inspiring offer should make the young man retreat. josei

But he sneered and shouted, "one hundred and one million!"

Provocation, the other side is to song Yan's provocation!

"200 million!"

Song Yan also saw that the other side was challenging him, so he didn't bother to grind with the other side. He quoted the highest price in his heart. Although the Imperial Green is only worth 200 million yuan, it can be used as the treasure of the town and shop to improve his reputation. Therefore, 200 million yuan will not suffer any loss.

Hearing song Yan's offer, the young man said thoughtfully: "fool, I just play with you. I really want to buy it. If you want 200 million yuan, take it!"

In the box, he suddenly changed his face, showing a trace of killing chance, looking at Song Yandao: "young master, do you want to?" When he was talking, he made a gesture of wiping his neck. He was so arrogant that he dared to scold song Yan for being stupid. That's why he died.

[author's extras]: after the five chapters are updated

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