Magic Love Ring

Chapter 223

Chapter 223

Although song Yanhua paid a higher price for the original stone No. 17 and No. 29 because of Xu Zifan's malicious bidding, Xu Zifan also paid a price of 1 billion. Ziyou Pavilion w.ziyouge.

this also made song Yan's name spread among these businessmen, but when he left, he received more than 100 business cards.

"Song Shao, can I talk to you?"

Just as song Yanzheng was about to leave, Jiang Waner stopped him.

Song Yan hesitated slightly, nodded and said, "OK."

Seeing song Yan's consent, Jiang Wan'er was not happy. She said shyly, "how about going to my room?"


Song Yan nodded again, but in his heart he said, does Jiang Waner want to use a beauty trick on me? When he thought of it, he could not help smiling.

Soon, song Yan followed Jiang Waner to her room.

Maybe it's because she lived here for a while, and the room was full of her body fragrance.

Jiang Waner opened a bottle of red wine, poured two crystal glasses into it, smiled and handed him a glass: "Song Shao, there is nothing to entertain you here. Would you like a glass?"

"Thank you."

Song Yan takes over the wine glass.

"That time in the bar, if it wasn't for song Shao's help, I might have been insulted by that big man. This wine is respectful to you, thank you for your help!"

"You're welcome!"


Two crystal cups collided in the middle of the air, making a clear crash.

Seeing that Jiang Waner has drunk half of the glass of red wine, song Yan is not easy to sip it lightly, and he has also drunk up the red wine in the glass.

Jiang Wan'er's face was a little red when she drank half a cup of wine. She took the glass and poured it into the glasses of the two men. She continued to look at Song Yan and said, "later, if you didn't drive Song Fei away for me, I'm afraid I don't know how to face him. So I'd like to offer you this second glass of wine!"


Song Yan raised his glass and touched each other lightly. He wanted to see what kind of tricks Jiang Waner wanted to play.

After two drinks, Jiang Waner's cheeks were redder. She added wine to their glasses again. "The third drink is my apology to song Shao. You rescued me twice, but I think you have something else to do with me. It's because I envy the gentleman's belly with villain's heart. I'll do it first."

Even after drinking three glasses, Jiang Waner's face is full of rosy clouds. It seems that she is not much stronger than wine. Only three glasses of red wine make her body shake.

Song Yan also drank the wine in the glass, put the glass aside, and looked at Jiang Waner, who was thoughtful, and said, "Miss Jiang, now you can say the right thing!"

"No hurry, let's have another drink." While talking, Jiang Waner bends over to take the wine cup beside song Yan to mix wine for him. Today, Jiang Waner is wearing a younger and sexy dress instead of an ol dress. Therefore, her bent body, round and cocky hips wrapped in a skirt, falls into song Yan's sight.

I don't know why, song Yan feels that his mouth and tongue are dry, even his stomach is slightly hot.

He looked down uncontrollably, but a pair of slender thighs wrapped under black stockings.

At this time, Jiang Wan'er had mixed good wine for song Yan's empty cup and stood up with a cup in one hand.

But unexpectedly, there was a shake under his feet, and then the whole man rushed to song Yan.


A scream, in the scream, Jiang Wan'er's soft body fell into song Yan's arms, even two glasses of wine in the red wine also spilled on Song Yan's body, his chest and crotch were wet.

In a hurry, song Yan subconsciously hugged Jiang Waner, but soon he found that the place where he put his hands was wrong. It seemed that the place he hugged was Jiang Waner's cocky buttocks.

He quickly picked up Jiang Waner and asked, "Miss Jiang, are you ok?"

Jiang Waner's red face flashed a hint of shame and shook her head: "I'm ok."

Suddenly, she noticed the wine stains on Song Yan's chest. She could not help showing guilt. She quickly put down her glass and pulled out a paper towel to wipe song Yan: "I'm sorry song Shao, I've got your clothes wet!"

"It doesn't matter, you don't care!" josei

"Oh, it's wet here, and I'll wipe it for you!"

All of a sudden, Jiang Waner found that there was a pool of wine stains on Song Yan's pants, and subconsciously reached there with a tissue.

"No! no need! I'll do it myself! "

But before Song Yan could stop it, Jiang Waner had wiped his crotch twice with a paper towel.

In a moment, Jiang Waner felt that her hand seemed to touch something warm. She immediately understood that this place of a man cannot be touched casually.

Song Yan, however, felt that after being wiped twice by Jiang Waner, the flame in his body suddenly rose, and he had an impulse to crush her into his arms.

But at this time, he was shocked and realized that his situation was not right."Did Jiang Waner mix something else in the wine?"

So, he opened the perspective magic, and looked closely at the wine bottle to analyze the ingredients of the red wine. Strangely, the red wine was not mixed with other things.

Suddenly, his eyes noticed that in the corner of the room, there was a light yellow incense burning.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed through his heart and he understood what was going on.

There's no problem with incense or red wine.

But the combination of the two is problematic.

The incense is called longguixiang. The smell after burning has the effect of calming and refreshing. But if it is combined with alcohol, it can give out another effect - arousal.

Think of here, song Yan's face can not help but cold, did not expect this Jiang Wan'er heart so deep, although he has been careful again and again, did not expect to still win her move.

Obviously, he guessed well that the other side wanted to use a beauty trick on him.

Looking at Jiang Wan'er, who blushed and his eyes were a little shy and confused, song Yan could not help sketching out a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, "since you dare to use a beauty trick on me, don't blame me for eating clean and wiping my mouth!"

The state of mind changed, song Yan's eyes also changed. He looked at Jiang Waner and said softly, "Miss Jiang, you are so beautiful."


Jiang Waner also looked at Song inkstone, a pair of eyes more than a trace of emotion.

"Of course it is!"

Song Yan takes a step forward and reaches out his hands to hold Jiang Waner's waist like a water snake. When he holds her waist, song Yan obviously feels that his body is stiff for a moment, but it soon becomes soft.

"Song Shao, what do you want to do?"

"What do you say?"

Song Yan smiled coldly. With a little effort, he put Jiang Wan'er's body in his arms. Suddenly, the two men's bodies were completely seamless.

"Don't..." Jiang Wan'er whispers, but falls in Song Yan'er as if he is coming soon.


A cold hum, song yanmeng bowed, overbearing and rude kiss on the lips of Jiang Waner.

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