Magic Love Ring

Chapter 236

Chapter 236

Han Song's eyes swept through the crowd with kindness and said: "you can stand here through layers of assessment, which is enough to show your excellence. However, there are people outside, and there are days outside. The secret environment is not only a treasure land, but also a place of death. Because there are endless strange animals, so I hope you are entering After that, we must work together, or we may lose our lives. Well, that's all I have to say. How many people want to enter the secret area and how many people will come back. Deputy commander long, would you like to introduce our treatment and tasks to you

Han Song smiled and retreated to the back. Long Jian stepped forward to face the people: "I will not describe the general treatment of the Ares team in detail. I think you will know it before you come to participate in the assessment. Now, I want to tell you something you don't know.

After years of exploration and research, we have not only opened wormholes, but also established a base at the end of wormholes.

At the same time, we have also captured many animals and collected many precious medicines. After research, we found that the blood, flesh and bones of the animals have magical effects. Therefore, our scientists have extracted two kinds of drugs from the blood, flesh and bones of the animals.

One is called Qi and blood pill, the other is called congealing bone pill.

Taking Qi and blood pill can greatly improve the body's Qi and blood. Qi and blood are the basis of the body. The stronger the Qi and blood is, the stronger the body's constitution will be.

The function of congealing bone pill is to make the bones of the whole body more flexible and denser. We have done experiments, and those who have taken one Qi blood pill and one congealing bone pill are about 10% stronger than those who have not taken one.

In addition to the two kinds of pills extracted from the bones and blood of different animals, our scientists also extracted and developed other drugs from the treasure medicine.

For example, the Qi Nourishing pill that can enhance our warrior's genuine Qi, the yuan returning pill that can quickly recover our genuine Qi, the Jin and bone pill that can strengthen the meridians, the snow ginseng pill that can quickly treat injuries, etc. "

Hearing the introduction of Longjian, everyone felt quite moved except song Yan.

"So how can we get all kinds of pills and pills extracted by our scientists?"

In the face of everyone's eager eyes, Longjian continued: "exchange for merit? So where does the merit come from? In secret environment, first of all, you can get a little merit by killing a d-level beast, 50 points by killing a C-level beast, 500 points by killing a B-level beast, 10000 points by killing a a A-level beast. A s for the S-level beast, don't think about it. If you encounter it, you'd better run for your life immediately.

Of course, after killing these monsters, you need to transport their bodies back to the base to obtain corresponding merit points.

In addition, collecting treasure medicine can also obtain meritorious service. We divide treasure medicine into three levels: human level, prefecture level and heaven level. A human level treasure medicine has 50 meritorious service points, a prefecture level treasure medicine has 500 meritorious service points, and a heaven level treasure medicine has 5000 meritorious service points.

As for the price of all kinds of pills and pills, you can go to the treasure house to inquire after you get merit points. "

"Well, before entering the secret area, I have to take you to pick some equipment!"

Under the leadership of dragon sword, everyone came to a weapons warehouse.

There are two types of weapons in the arsenal: cold weapons and hot weapons.

Dragon Sword picked up a silver metal pistol and said, "this is a laser gun. It's very penetrating. As long as it's not a class C beast with strong defense, it can penetrate their bodies. With this weapon, they can carry it. I suggest everyone take one.

Of course, the weapons here are not for free.

The price of this laser gun is 10 points of merit. There are only 10 launch opportunities. After the launch, you need to take it back to charge. Each time you charge, you need to receive a point of merit.

Of course, you have no merit now, but we can advance 100 points to you. If you go out of secret territory in a month and your merit is still negative, you will be expelled from the Ares team! "

The laser gun that can pierce Level C beast is a good weapon indeed.

Although we are all inborn martial artists, the real Qi is also limited. Once the real Qi is exhausted, the laser gun is a life-saving thing.

After the introduction of the laser gun, Longjian picked up another set of soft armor: "this set of soft armor is made of the fur of some kind of beast, which can eliminate the power of the ordinary six times and 80%, and the price is 50 points. I suggest you buy one! "

"And these cold weapons are all made of the bones or claws and other hard parts of monsters. Each of them costs 20 points of merit. You can buy a suitable weapon. These weapons are quite good, which can be compared with the so-called magic weapons!"

At last, Longjian took everyone to the drug area and pointed to a kind of powder and liquid medicine: "this is clotting powder, which can make the wound heal quickly. Each bottle has 5 points of merit. This is the gold sore medicine for treating internal injury. After taking it, you can quickly treat internal injury. Each bottle has 10 points of merit!

Well, I won't introduce the others, because no matter how many introductions you have, you can't afford them except for your greedy eyes. Now, you can choose what you want to buy. Remember, you can't exceed 100 merit points. After the selection, we will register outside the treasure house. "Song Yan didn't choose the laser gun and soft armor, because he felt that the power of the laser gun was too weak. He could reach the power of the laser gun by shooting a coin casually. As for the soft armor, his * * defense was even better than the inborn six heavy armor of bugang, which was even more unnecessary.

After a selection, he chose a pair of white silk gloves.

According to the introduction of silk gloves, these gloves have excellent air permeability and a certain increase in real Qi. All the attacking skills that song Yan mastered are hands-on, so silk gloves are his best choice.

Silk gloves cost 20 points of merit, the remaining 80 points song Yan bought 12 bottles of clotting powder and 2 bottles of gold sore medicine.

After the selection, song Yan went out of the treasure house and made a registration. After that, the staff gave him an identity card.


Song Yan in the magnetic card sensor a brush, the computer shows his identity information, as well as merit points.

Seeing that the number of merit points is negative 100, he has some toothache.

Two hours later, everyone was registered.

Then Dragon Sword led everyone to a metal gate.

He pointed at the gate with a dignified face and said: "this is the wormhole leading to the dense environment. Every time you open it, you need to spend a huge amount of energy. All of them, you have to stay on the other side for a month to transmit you back!"


As soon as the Dragon Sword voice fell, the metal gate opened, and then a deep tunnel of time and space appeared in front of everyone. josei

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