Magic Love Ring

Chapter 242

Chapter 242

Also five minutes later, song Yan called out the system interface again to check the number of mental strength, which increased by 40 points and reached 641 points in total. %D7% CF% D3% C4% B8% F3

the first nourishing pill increased mental strength by 56 points.

Taking the second nourishing pill increased mental strength by 45 points.

As for the third one, it's only up 40 points.

Although the more up less, but the song inkstone or more satisfied.

"Meow, I'm going to draw!"

The drawing interface is enlarged, and song inkstone points on the big "award" character.

The lottery pointer turns, and finally stops on the orange grid. Then four golden fonts of "makeup master" emerge.

Then, the font melted into gold and fell into his brow.

"Well, I'm not a woman who wants to make up!" Song Yan was speechless. However, after the skill was integrated with him, he found that the makeup master was not the pure makeup he understood.

As long as he wants, he can change himself into anyone by making up.

"Maybe it's a good skill!"

Put away the system interface, and song Yan flies down. Now it's more than five hours before dark. You have to use this time to collect more miraculous medicines.

Ten minutes later, song Yan entered a valley.

Looking at the purple flowers all over the mountains, he picked them up quickly. This kind of flower is called beauty flower. It's a kind of elixir. It's the main material for refining and formulating the beauty pill.

In the world of immortality, beauty flower is a kind of magic medicine.

Because anyone who has reached a certain level of cultivation can always keep young appearance.

Therefore, the only function of beauty flower is to refine and formulate the beauty pill. After taking the beauty pill, the ordinary people will keep the appearance of 20 years old until they die.

Therefore, for those who practice immortality, dingyandan is very popular with women in the world.

There are at least ten thousand beauty flowers in this valley. With some common herbs, at least twenty thousand Dingyan pills can be made.

Think about it. It's always 20 years old. What does it mean for those women who love beauty?

Even if you sell 100 pieces, the buyer will become a vulture.

It took song Yan nearly two hours to pick all the beauty flowers in the valley.

Just as he was about to leave the valley, he found a pool under the cliff.

By a kind of inexplicable traction, song inkstone came to the pool.

The pool is not deep, only about one meter, clear to the bottom.

As far as his eyes could see, song Yan found three jewels with the size of his thumbs and a deep blue luster at the bottom of the pool.

Gems are common people's names. In the term of the cultivator, these three gems are spiritual crystals with water attribute.

Without hesitation, song Yan jumped out of the pool and fished up the three water attribute Lingjing.

Feeling the pure aura from Lingjing, song Yan thought of Tiandao tree, could he get three Tiandao fruits?

Lingjing can also be divided into four grades: inferior, medium, superior and best.

The last time I got the Fire Spirit Crystal and the three water spirit crystals at the auction were inferior spirit crystals.

After playing with it, song Yan throws three inferior Lingjing with water attribute into the storage Lingjie.

But as he turned around, he found a group of people walking into the valley.

When one of them saw him, there was an uncontrollable hatred in his eyes.

"Song inkstone!"

Li shouted, gnashing his teeth.

"Yo, who should I be? It's you! " Song Yan's playful smile.

Smell speech, Li frenzy did not speak, but quickly swept around the people.

In his team, four of them were from his Li family. The remaining three were Wang's children who had made friends with the Li family, and the other two were disciples of Kunshan sword sect.

After a little hesitation, Li madman made a decision in his heart. He said to the four masters of Li's family, "four of you show me this boy. Don't let him run away!"

Then, he said to the Wang family and the three people in Jianmen, Kunshan, "let's take a step to talk!"

The three men followed madman Li to one side with puzzled eyes.

"Three brothers, I have a request!" Li said in a deep voice.

"Brother Li, please tell me!" Wang Kun and nodded.

"That's right, brother Li. Let's see what we can do!" Both of them also said.

"I want to ask three people to kill song Yan for me!" he said

Smell speech, three people are facial expression a change.

Wang Kunhe said: "brother Li, don't be confused. Even if you have a personal feud with song Yan, you can't kill him here. Otherwise, the three vice commanders know that we will definitely be punished and maybe expelled from the Ares team!"

"Not bad! Not bad! " Both of them nodded subconsciously: "once this matter is exposed, we have no good fruit to eat!"Li fanren had expected that they would oppose, and when their voice fell, he continued: "after that, I will give you a hundred yuan Dan each, and when we get back to shuilanxing, we will give half of our merit to you!"

Yang Yuan Dan is a cultivation resource, which can increase the skill after taking it, but it can't be bought with money. Hearing the number of 100, the three people are already moved. Moreover, Li Ruiren is willing to give half of their merit to them, which makes them even more moved.

However, human nature is greedy. Seeing Li Kuang Ren's hands are so vast and excellent, they all show their deep thoughts and don't agree immediately.

Seeing this, Li went on: "I have 40 billion assets. If you agree, how about I give them to the three of you?"

"Well, since brother Li is so straightforward, I can't help being righteous. I agreed!" Wang Kunhe said with a smile.

Two disciples of Kunshan sword sect also showed a satisfied smile: "yes, we are willing to follow brother Li's orders, but before we start, we have to test the boy and ask where his team members have gone."

"Give this to me!" Wang Kun and Dao, he is the team leader.

At the next moment, Wang Kun and his two steps up looked at Song Yan and said, "brother song, why are you here alone?"

"Before our team met with a class a monster, our team fled for their lives, and I happened to break into the valley!" Song Yan patted her chest with some palpitations.

"Oh, it turns out that if you encounter the A-level beast alone, it's hard to escape. It's better to go with our team and take care of it." Wang Kunhe pretended to be warm-hearted.

"Ah! That's great. Thank you very much, brother Wang! " Song Yan's gratitude.

"Well, come to us, brother song." Wang Kun and Xiaomi said that when they talked, they made a look at Li Kuang Ren on purpose.

Crazy Li nodded softly and looked at the four masters of the Li family.

All four understood. josei

[author's aside]: Thank you [Haoye] for your great reward.

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