Magic Love Ring

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

As a domestic first-line director, Zhang Dasha is extremely proud, but he can't be proud in front of Zhao Changming and song Yan, and his posture is very low.

If in the past, Zheng Yan only heard about the power of the ten families, but now she has a personal experience. Don't you see that Zhang Dasha, who is high in the entertainment circle, has a fourth master on the left and song Shao on the right after seeing Zhao Changming and song Yan.

Seeing this scene, her heart suddenly became hot. If song Shao or the fourth master helped her, it would not be difficult for her to return to the entertainment circle. Thinking of this, she decided to fully cooperate with song Shao's arrangement.

Originally, song Yan was only going to shoot a video of Zheng Yan before and after taking the beauty pill.

But now, Zhao Changming has found Zhang Dasha, so he plans to make a documentary of the whole process.

After a simple exchange, Zhang understood song Yan's idea and began to let the staff decorate in the next room.

Taking advantage of the setting, Zhang Dabiao took the initiative to show song Yan: "by the way, song Shao, I know a makeup artist. If he does it, I can definitely draw Miss Zheng younger than 20 years old."

Hearing this, song Yan immediately knew that Zhang Dasha had not understood his idea.

"Zhang Dao, this pill is not a gimmick, but it can really restore people's looks to 20 years old. Therefore, during the shooting, no makeup is needed, and the whole process is plain."

"Is there such a magic pill in the world?" Doubts flashed in Zhang's eyes.

"No matter how eloquent I am, I am not as shocked as the facts." Song Yan smiles.

Half an hour later, the set is finished.

Song Yan looked at Xiao Qing and asked, "has Miss Zheng finished removing her makeup?"

"It's ready to shoot at any time!"

Xiao Qing said that in the entertainment circle, although many female stars shine brilliantly on the screen, they are gorgeous, but after removing makeup, the plain face really can't be seen. Of course, there are exceptions. Murong Xinyue, the most popular star at present, never painted heavy makeup, often appeared in light makeup and plain face.

"Well, let's start shooting!" Song Yan nodded.

Zheng Yan has not changed much since she removed her make-up. However, there are many wrinkles and crow's feet on her face, which are not as radiant as the jade style.

Zhang Dabiao was born as a cameraman. He has a strong sense of camera lens. Several short shots depict an old and angry actress.

"Well, Miss Zheng, take this pill!"

Song Yan takes out a brocade box from the storage ring.

Xiao Qing takes the brocade box and walks to Zheng Yan. This scene is also recorded in the camera faithfully.

As soon as the brocade box was opened, a thumb sized, light green but natural pill appeared. Suddenly, a refreshing fragrance was released, and everyone felt refreshed.

Stretch out two fingers to pick up the beauty pill, Zheng Yan put it into her mouth without hesitation.

At the entrance of the pill, it turned into a pool of fragrant liquid and slid into her esophagus. Then it turned into a stream of air and flowed all over her body instantly.


Zheng Yan can't help but make a comfortable moan. Then, her face began to change under the camera, and the wrinkles on her face became much lighter in just two minutes.

Five minutes later, the wrinkles on her face were no longer visible.

Ten minutes later, all the wrinkles on her face disappeared, followed by the crow's feet.

Half an hour, her dry skin slightly waxy yellow skin also began to change, there was a silk luster.

During this half-hour, whether it's a big beard, a staff member or Xiao Qing, they all stare at Zheng Yan's cheek, and dare not breathe.

It's a miracle, a miracle.

An hour later, Zheng Yan has absorbed all the power of the beauty pill. Instead of being old, she returns to the radiant jade lattice on the screen more than ten years ago. No, it should be said that she is a little younger and more beautiful than then.

"Song Do you still have this pill? Can I have one! " After witnessing this miracle, Xiao Qing felt that her world outlook had been completely subverted.

Song inkstone shows the color of meditation.

There is no woman in the world who doesn't love beauty and who doesn't want to be young forever.

"Good! I can sell you one! " Song Yan nodded.

At this time, a staff member sent a mirror to Zheng Yan. When she saw the young face in the mirror, Zheng Yan was shocked First, then surprised, and then she could not help but cover her face and cry. josei

After crying, Zheng Yan came to song Yan and bowed to him deeply. "Song Shao thank you for giving me this opportunity."

"No, everyone is mutually beneficial!"

When the documentary is finished, the broadcast is left to Zhao Changming.

Zhao Changming has a wide relationship in Yandu. With just a phone call, state TV said it would like to broadcast the documentary.

In this regard, he didn't think it was enough. He simply asked state TV stations in several states under Zhao's control to broadcast the documentary.After filming the documentary, Zhao Changming arranged the next thing, so he went to lie down at Zhao's home and met Zhao Changsheng, and he went directly back to Xiangcheng.

At 8:00 p.m. that day, the documentary "back to twenty", which was shot by Zhang Dabiao, was broadcasted on national radio, with commentaries interspersed.

The ratings of national one are absolutely the strongest.

Therefore, as soon as the documentary was played, it caused a great stir in China. At the same time, Zheng Yan caught fire.

After seeing the documentary, the tourist who was going to work out the contract with her would not want to cancel the contract. He immediately ordered his staff to contact Zheng Yan and ask her to shoot a new advertisement. The endorsement fee rose directly from 100000 yuan to 2 million yuan.

After learning the news, Zheng Yan could not help weeping with joy, and her gratitude to song Yan increased.

The next day.

Six state TV stations also broadcast the documentary. After that, major online video websites launched the video one after another, and gave the biggest recommendation.

So in just two days, at least hundreds of millions of people in Yanhuang have seen the documentary.

Of course, some people were shocked by the magic pill, some people expressed doubts and doubts, even some professors and experts jumped out to brush the sense of existence and threatened that the documentary was just a hoax.

If in the past, these experts and professors will not be bothered by relevant departments even if they are too noisy, but this time, just when they are noisy, relevant departments find them and scare them to shut up.

Even in the end, they began to boast about the magic pill.

Therefore, this magical pill became popular, and even some people began to ask about it. When it can make people return to the 20-year-old pill, a national TV station gave a notice that% 2C will launch the second episode of the documentary "return to the 20-year-old" tomorrow night, and the main character of this discipline film is also an angry actress, and it is 62 years old.

[author's extras]: Si Geng

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