Magic Love Ring

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

Hearing Qi Feixiong's inquiry, Xu Wuqi, the leader of the intelligence Hall of the tiger and leopard, walked out and took out his tablet computer to check the next way: "back to the leader, according to the positioning instrument installed on Wei Hu's car, the leader of our intelligence hall, there is still 9.7 kilometers to come here."

"Very good!" Qi Feixiong nodded, and his face was a little ferocious: "we dare not move that little boy in China, but it's different in heidian. We can kill him completely, and then put the responsibility on the investigation."

"The master is wise!" Xu Wuqi immediately gives a flattery.

All of a sudden, Qi Feixiong turned around and asked, "by the way, did you guess?"

"That guy's mouth is very hard. He still refuses to say anything!" Xu Wuqi said with some apprehension.

"Find a way! in any case! Ask the whereabouts of the treasure of Chunyang palace! " Qifei and Xiongshen voice.

"Yes, my subordinates will find a way!"


Twenty minutes later, a car drove straight into the manor.

In the car.

Song Yanxin read a move, and the insight magic was opened. In the manor, there are about 300 ordinary soldiers, all of whom are Chacha's subordinates. However, they have betrayed Chacha and become the running dogs of the tiger and leopard gate.

There are not many people in the tiger and leopard gate, only 60 or 70.

In addition to 34 inborn experts, the rest are those who have acquired martial arts, which is not enough for fear.

Finally, in the basement of the manor, he saw the bloody investigation of the tortured juveniles.

As soon as the car stopped, hundreds of soldiers with guns were pouring out and surrounded it.

Then, I saw Qi Feixiong, dressed in black, striding with the top of the tiger and leopard gate.

"Old elephant, let's get off!"

Facing such a big battle, song Yansi was not afraid to push the door and went on.

"Xiangshan, my son Qi Tianlong was killed by you?"

Qi Feixiong's bleak eyes fixed on Xiangshan and asked aloud.

"How is it? What if it's not? " Xiangshan light way.

"How dare a bastard talk when he's dying?" Qi Fei said angrily.

"It's not certain who will die." Song Yan's smile seems not to worry at all. He has been surrounded by many people.

"You don't want to escape today, Zhao's son. You need to pay for your blood and my son's life!" Qi Feixiong's bitter eyes turned to song Yan.

"I said the old people should not be so angry, if it is too excited, it is easy to get heart disease at your age!" Song Yan joked that it's said that Qi Feixiong has broken the shackles of the congenital eight and become a super expert of the congenital nine.

"Sect leader, it's better for subordinates to kill this kid!" The warwolf hall leader, who achieved the seven fold cultivation, volunteered.

Qi Feixiong said maliciously, "don't let this boy die too easily. First, break his hands and legs, then dig out his eyes and let him die slowly in pain!"

"Please don't worry, sect head. I have a muscle splitting and bone breaking hand. I'll use this technique for him again later. It will definitely make him want to die rather than live!" Tang Lang said with a grim smile.

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Lang strode forward and stared at Song Yandao: "are you ready, little boy?"

"Prepare your sister! You don't need to be prepared to deal with such a small role. Come on! " Song Yan scoffed his fingers at each other.


Accompanied by a cold drink, Tang Lang's figure flew out, approaching in an instant, full of inborn vigorous Qi, his two claws were as fast as lightning and clasped to song Yan's shoulders.

Song Yan slipped at his feet and retreated. With his arms extended, dozens of coins shot at Tang Lang like a shower of flowers.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Seeing Tang Lang's hands constantly fluttering, he beat dozens of coins to the ground, disdaining the way: "you dare to show off your skills!"

"Is it? Then try it again! "

The fifth move of stormy waves!

This martial art is a systematic product, and its level is far higher than the world's innate martial arts.


There was a sound of waves rolling between the two palms. At the same time, a strong pulling force appeared, which greatly affected Tang Lang's figure.


There was a flash of shock in Tang Lang's eyes, and his inborn vigorous Qi was surging. At the next moment, he encouraged his hands to meet song Yan.

There are three waves in Yangguan, but the rough waves have five forces, and one wave is higher than the other, and one wave is stronger than the other.


Four palms collide in the void. Tang Lang is surprised to find that the little boy's moves seem vigorous and exciting, but the strength is not too strong.

But in the next moment, another force is born out of nothing.

When the two forces were added together, he felt a tight breath and a shiver all over his body.

It's not over yet.

A third force came along.

The fourth.The fifth


The superposition of the five forces has far exceeded the limit of the seven forces.

Therefore, Tang Lang is distressed and urges his body to fly backward like a broken kite. In the process of flying backward, the blood in his mouth is like no money, which is also mixed with the fragments of his viscera.

"How can that little boy be so strong?"

Seeing this scene, Qi Feixiong and others were very surprised.

"This strength..."

Xiangshan was also shocked. He was born with five abilities, he could defeat seven abilities and defeat the enemy in one move. I'm afraid that his real strength is no less than eight abilities.

To beat Tang Lang with one move, song Yan is still satisfied.

Of course, it's because of his purity and the strength of the storm.

If he doesn't use the stormy waves, he can't defeat Tang Lang's seven innate skills.

"Who's going to take this baby!"

Qi Feixiong's voice sounded cold and hoarse.

"Lord, I will go!" A secondary gate main station exits.


Song Yan shouted.

"You're scared, son?" The Deputy door master sneered.

Song Yan shook his head: "I mean that I'll be very tired when you come one by one. Why don't you do it together?"



"The dead and the dead!" josei

Hearing song Yan's words, the three vice headmasters all felt extremely surprised and angry.

"Well, I won't play with you! It's better to finish early. After flying for several hours, I want to find a place to have a good sleep. "

As soon as the voice fell, song Yan had a jade bracelet on his hand.

"Is it coming again?" Seeing this jade bracelet, Xiangshan's mind can't help but flash past the scene of dozens of days ago. A golden sword Qi shoots out of the jade bracelet, killing nine inborn experts at one stroke.

Heart read a move, the original plain jade bracelet suddenly lit up.

Then, a great threat appeared, enveloping the whole scene in an instant, making everyone shudder.


Qifeixiong had an idea in his mind that he couldn't accept. In the next moment, his body suddenly turned into a virtual shadow and shot out of the manor.


Song Yan sneers and a touch of gold flies out of the jade bracelet.


In the blink of an eye, the golden light catches up with Qi Feixiong, passing through his back brain and flying out of his eyebrow.


Qi Feixiong, who was in the middle of the sky, couldn't fall down and hit the ground heavily.

"The sect leader is dead!"

For a while, all the experts of the tiger and leopard gate stared round, their eyes were full of unbelievable and frightening colors, and the whole scene became silent.

[author's extraneous remarks]: after the update of the five changes

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