Magic Love Ring

Chapter 261

Chapter 261

Facing the enthusiastic students, Cui Zhixian showed a warm, sunny smile and said to them in Yellow: "Hello, students, I'm Cui Zhixian. Welcome to join the Taekwondo Club. %D7% CF% D3% C4% B8% F3 "

just a simple greeting, once again attracted the cheers of the girls.

In recent years, with the output of East Korean TV series, the young generation of young men and girls have a kind of inexplicable affection for East Korea, and cultivate a large number of brain powder.

Often a star in East Korea is only second-line and third-line, coming to Yanhuang, but more popular than the emperor of Yanhuang.

This Cui Zhi is handsome and has good Kung Fu. The most important thing is that he is still from east Korea. That's why so many young girls join the Thai boxing club.

Seeing that Cui Zhixian is so popular, most of the boys feel more delicious and jealous.

Taekwondo's moves are simple and gorgeous, mainly based on leg kungfu.

But in the eyes of real martial artists, the speed of fist is far faster than kick. Therefore, among all kinds of martial arts, there are more fist techniques and palm techniques, but less leg techniques.

After saying hello to everyone, Cui Zhixian started his class.

Because everyone is a beginner, he only taught three moves, one move premise, one move side kick and one move horizontal kick.

Cui Zhixian's movement is still relatively fast. He has a good grasp of the strength and angle of his feet. He has a clean and neat taste. It can be seen that his five black belt segments are not empty, but have some real kung fu. He should be able to deal with five or six ordinary people at the same time.

The early days of the day after tomorrow.

After several times of teaching, Cui Zhixian asked everyone to practice by himself. He and two deputy heads of the army were at the side to instruct everyone.

"Can you explain it to me? I don't quite understand the front kick

A Jiao didi girl said to Cui Zhi.

"Of course, you can come with me and I'll explain it to you alone." Cui Zhixian smiles and nods.

Wen Yan, that Jiao Didi's girl can't help but rejoice: "thank you Zhixian Xuechang."

A few minutes later, the Jiao Didi's girl came back satisfied. Another girl hurriedly greeted her: "Zhixian Xuechang, I don't understand. Can you teach me?"

Seeing this scene, countless boys are envious.

Longbo couldn't help saying, "Mom, why is this Dong Han Bonzi so popular?"

"Foreign monks are good at chanting sutras." Gan Zhipeng is also sour.

After guiding several girls individually, Cui Zhixian came back to the crowd. Suddenly, his eyes brightened and he found the four girls Chen Sisi, so he came up with a smile and said to Wu Jiaqi, who was practicing side kicking: "this girl, your movements are not standard. When the knee joint is raised, your calves and ankles should be relaxed and elastic."

"Is that so?" Wu Jiaqi asked twice according to Cui Zhixian's instructions.

"Yes, that's right. This girl is really smart. It seems that you are very suitable for taekwondo practice." Cui Zhixian praised.

"Thank you for your praise."

"By the way, what's your name, Xuemei?"

"Wu Jiaqi."

"The name of Xuemei is so nice. Come on."

Cui Zhixian made a cheering move to Wu Jiaqi and then walked away.

Seeing this scene, Longbo could not help swearing again: "this East Korean stick is really nothing!"

Song Yan shakes his head speechless. He is a big master of five innate skills, but he wants to learn something that is not considered as martial arts. It's really boring.

About half an hour later, Cui Zhixian asked everyone to stop practicing and said to them, "you've practiced for so long, is there any younger brother or sister willing to come up and perform these three moves?"

"I will."

Long Bolang said.

"Please come forward, brother." Cui Zhixian beckons to Longbo.

Long Bo strode up, his eyes fixed on Cui Zhixian with a trace of badness.

Song Yan shakes his head when he sees the situation. Long Bo should want to revenge for his own interests. However, there is a big gap between him and Cui Zhixian. I'm afraid that he will pick up the stone and hit his own feet later.

Feeling the hostility in Longbo's eyes, Cui Zhixian despised it and said with a smile: "this student, please perform the premise, side kick and cross kick to everyone."

"It's so boring to perform alone. How about we practice, sir?" Long Bo provoked.

"This fool!"

Song Yan has an impulse to cover his face. Although long Bo is tall, it's impossible to beat Cui Zhixian.

"Of course." Cui Zhixian smiles and agrees.

Soon, the two of them put out their posture, and then, long Bo gave a big drink, kicking Cui Zhixian's chin with a premise.

It's a pity that Cui Zhixian blocked his extraordinary leg when he shot down.

If you don't succeed in one move, do another two.

So he continued to play a cross kick, side kick, but were Cui Zhixian easy to resolve.This makes Longbo particularly depressed. At last, he simply gave up the Taekwondo move and greeted Cui Zhixian with the old fist of Wang ba. However, he was kicked on the ground by the other side with one move, which made other people laugh.

"Are you OK, brother?" Cui Zhixian goes to Longbo and reaches for him.


Longbo didn't accept his kindness. He got up from the ground and went back to the crowd.

"Hello, you are so impolite, brother?" Deputy commander Liu Wei frowned.

"It's just that they are willing to spare their time and learn how to pull you. If they don't accept it, it's enough. They don't even have a word to thank them. This person is so tasteless!" One of the girls in the crowd said.

"That's right. I think he's jealous of Zhixian. Taekwondo is not only about moves, but also etiquette. People who don't know any manners are not qualified to join the Taekwondo Club!" Another girl added.

"Yes, get out of the club!"

"Get out of the club!"

The girls are shouting louder and louder. Even Wu Jiaqi's eyes at Longbo are a little disappointed. This guy is so ungracious. Longbo is interested in her. She knows. Now she sees his performance. She gives him a big cross symbol in her heart.

In the face of the noisy people, Longbo's face became extremely ugly, and his heart was full of shame and anger.

But Cui Zhixian sees this scene, the corner of his mouth appears a touch of light disdain.

"What's so great about Taekwondo? I won't learn it!"

Long Bo burst out and rushed to the outside of the training hall.

But was stopped by Liu Wei: "this schoolmate, you insulted Taekwondo, must apologize to everybody!"

"Get out of the way!"

Long Bo stares at Liu Wei coldly.

"Sorry! Don't leave without apologizing! " Liu Wei is tough.

"Tell your sister! Get out of my way! "

Long Bo was completely angry and punched Liu Wei in the chest.

See, Liu Wei scorns a smile, with a front kick will long Bo kicked back and forth. josei

At this time, song Yan walked out of the crowd, helped long Bo, and said to Liu Wei, "Liu Wei, senior, long Bo is in a bad mood today. He is impulsive. I apologize for him. I'm sorry."

Gan Zhipeng also came up, pulled long Bo, and whispered, "calm down, old dragon."

Song Yan thought that after he apologized for Longbo, Liu Wei would go down the stairs too. Unexpectedly, the other side showed an indomitable attitude and stared at Longbo and said, "no, he must apologize himself, otherwise, he would not want to go out of the training hall today!"

Suddenly, Longbo's face changed, and song Yan's face sank slightly.

[author's aside]: I've been fighting for 30 days, and every inch of my body is full of one word. I'm tired

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