Magic Love Ring

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

When the team just passed through the gate passage, the two gates closed.

In the dark, Meng Bozhao also felt a bit ominous. His right hand was unconsciously placed on the hilt.

Just as the team drove out of the city gate passage, thousands of soldiers swarmed out of the surrounding area, and the whole team was surrounded by three layers of soldiers.

At once, Meng Bozhao's face changed greatly, and he shouted to Shen Du outside the encirclement: "Shen Du, what are you doing? Do you want to offend me? "

In the face of Meng Bozhao's scolding, Shen Du dare not look at him, and a trace of shame flashed on his face. Tu Xiu's voice rang in his ear at the right time: "brother Shen, the opportunity to make great contributions is in front of him. What are you still hesitating about?"

Wen Yan said that there was a hint of cold in the eyes of Meng Bozhao, and no longer afraid of the eyes of Meng Bozhao. He said, "how dare you, Meng Bozhao, despite the royal highness of the prince and his royal highness, all the officers and men listened to me, so that they could get me Bo Zhao!"

Meng Bozhao nonsense, then fly into a rage: "Meng Bozhao, you talk nonsense, this general is the king's life, escort Prince's royal highness and Princess Royal Highness to come here, how to hold it?"

Shendu's face was cold: "I dare to argue even when I am dying! I advise you to get off your horse and surrender, or you will be killed on the spot! "

At that time, Meng Bozhao was trembling with rage. He took out his sword with a sound of Chi Yin and pointed to Shendu and said, "I'm going to kill you today

As soon as the words fell, Meng Bozhao rushed out with his horse and sword. More than ten of the 52 soldiers left their chariots to protect them, and the rest rushed after him.

Meng Bozhao is worthy of being a fierce general. He wields his sword constantly and comes out. His moves are simple and fierce. Killing is more like cutting vegetables and melons. In a moment, seven or eight people have died under his sword.

It's a pity that this place is not open, which affects horse speed. There are too many people and horses on the side of Shendu. Therefore, his speed quickly slowed down and he fell into a quagmire. Fortunately, Meng Bozhao is powerful and brave. For a while and a half, these soldiers can't help him.

However, the soldiers who rushed out with him were not so lucky. More than 30 people, seven or eight of them had been stabbed to death and fell off their horses.

Seeing this scene, song Yancai felt the cruelty of the world.

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