Magic Love Ring

Chapter 308

Chapter 308

After imparting some simple knowledge of music theory to the four girls, song Yan made a test of them and found that they all had a good command.

Therefore, song Yan turned to teach them how to play.

The martial arts practitioners have good control over the coordination of their bodies, so in less than half an hour, all four women have learned how to play the piano, and can play a simple etude.

In contrast, the heart of the four girls' piano is the most gifted. After all, she is proficient in Guqin. Although Guqin and piano are two concepts, she can still bypass each other.

To learn the piano is not to master the playing skills, but also to practice.

However, there is only one piano, so the four women can only practice in turn.

One person practices her three people are quite bored, so song Yan takes out go and chess.

"Brother in law, what are these two kinds of chess?"

Seeing the chess and go put out by song Yan, there was a trace of curiosity in the eyes of Qin Xin.

Song Yan pointed to go and chess and explained: "this is called go. It's divided into black and white. It has a high demand for the players' computing ability. This is chess. Playing chess is like setting up a March. It tests the overall situation of the players."

Then, song Yan explained the rules of go and chess to them again.

After listening to song Yan's explanation, Qin's heart and eyes were already full of Splendor: "brother in law, you invented both go and chess?"

Song Yan shook his head: "no, I saw it from an ancient book, and then I made it by myself to pass the time."

Qin Xin looked at Song Yan with a smile and said, "Oh, I can't imagine there are two kinds of chess like this in ancient times. Can my brother-in-law show Qin Xin that ancient book?"

"I didn't care at that time. I didn't know where to put it after reading it. I'll show it to you when I find it." Song Yan is fighting.

She did not believe that song Yan saw go and chess from ancient books. She believed that it was song Yan's modest words.

"I don't know if my brother-in-law can give me some advice?"

Song Yan nodded.

Qin Xin is proficient in chess, but compared with go, war chess is too crude and simple.

Song Yan is not proficient in go and chess, but his mental strength has reached 900 points, and go is very good at calculation. Even if his chess skill is not high, it is very easy for the beginner to win the heart of the piano.

Of course, the computing power of the heart of the Qin is not bad, so the two of them are very fast.

In less than ten minutes, the white son of song Yan completely trapped the black son of Qin heart.

The second game is still song Yanying, but in this game, Qin Xin's chess skill has made obvious progress.

In the third set, after a whole hour, song Yan won, but it was not as easy as one or two games.

Song Yan won the fourth, fifth and even sixth innings. Since the third innings, he found that Qin Xin had made great progress, and then he completely immersed his mind in the chess game. Therefore, his chess skill was also making rapid progress. Besides, he had another advantage: in the real world, he had read a lot of go books about how to lay out a broken game.

Therefore, in this game, he has melted the go knowledge stored in his mind, making his level exceed the amateur level.

Just as the two were preparing for the seventh round, Qin Lingyu stopped them because it was time to have dinner.

Qin's heart flashed a color of indecision, but she knew how to move forward and backward, chuckled and said, "my brother-in-law is really learning from heaven, and my little sister can't do it."

Song Yan said with a smile, "Qin is modest. You have made rapid progress. Besides, you are a beginner, but I have the first chance. Moreover, the later I am, the harder I am. I think you will surpass me in chess in a few days."

Qin Xin looks at Song Yan and Qin Nongyu with ambiguous eyes and says, "my brother-in-law is really good at talking. No wonder sister yu'er will give you up."

In the next few days, Qin Xin often came to song Yan to play chess. As they played chess, they became more and more familiar. At the same time, Qin Xin's interest in go was much higher than that of chess.

And Chunhe that wench is infatuated with chess.

But what makes song Yan speechless is that when she plays chess, she only knows how to rush forward and act recklessly. Therefore, no matter who she plays with, she will lose more and win less, and she can win because everyone sees that she lost too much and let the water go.

What makes song Yan speechless is that the girl's chess skill is not the better, but the worse. The typical stinky basket is obsessed with chess.

At the end of the day, she was not wanted because it was too challenging.

Song Yan and others don't play with her. The girl puts her idea on the servants in the general's mansion and forces them to play chess with her.

When the players first met with chess, Chunhe could win several games, but when they mastered the game, she began to lose again.

Compared with Chunhe, Qiuxiang has a quiet temperament. She is keen on piano.

Over the past few days, her piano level has made great progress.Finally, Qin Nongyu, since she married song Yan, her heart has been completely on him, so she is not very keen on piano, go and chess.

Of course, everything is hot.

After Chunhe lost all over the general's mansion, her enthusiasm finally subsided.

Thought of his future will leave the world, so, song inkstone felt that he should invent more things to play, to pass the time for his women.

Therefore, mahjong and poker came into being.

Under this circumstance, the entertainment projects of the general's mansion have become particularly rich, and Princess Yuhu has also participated in them.

A deck of playing cards is enough for several women to spend an afternoon.

After making so many inventions, song Yan clearly felt that Qin Xin's attitude towards him had changed in a way that was unclear.

Especially when song Yan took out his own painting "five beauties playing", Qin Xin saw his eyes more hot.

The painting technique of this era is quite simple, and it is an abstract way.

Therefore, when looking at her figure leaping on the paper, the five women were shocked and surprised.

In particular, the people in the painting are all lifelike to the extreme.

Song Yan used a little bit of 3D painting skills in the painting, so the five girls in the painting seemed to be able to come out of the painting.

Who are the five beauties referring to?

The first is yu'er, the second is Princess Yu Hu, the third is spring lotus, the fourth is autumn fragrance, and the last nature is Qin Xin.

"General, can you draw a picture for me alone?" Chunhe holds song Yan's hand and looks at him with longing.

"Of course!" josei

"Great!" Spring lotus a face of exultation, is no matter still has its her person to be present, happily kissed on Song Yan face.

"Do you need me to draw one for you?" Song Yan looks at her four daughters.

All four women nodded in his eyes.

Half an hour later, song Yan unfolded the painted single portrait. All of a sudden, the five women could not help but cover their mouths.

After a while, Chunhe was a little absorbed, staring at the painting on Song Yan's hand and saying, "I How did I get into the painting? "

But this time, song Yan put the skill of 3D painting to the extreme, plus his unparalleled painting skills, so after the completion of the painting, it's almost as if spring lotus was directly put into the scenery of the painting.

[author's digression]: today's update is completed at three o'clock.

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