Magic Love Ring

Chapter 310

Chapter 310

In the study.

Qin Xin continued: "originally, the palace Lord intended to be completely against you. However, sister yu'er is his favorite apprentice. Now, sister yu'er has married you, so the palace Lord wants to invite you to Penglai Island for a detailed discussion."

As for Qin Xin, song Yan didn't believe it. Cutting off people's wealth was like killing their parents. He cut off the wealth of Shanhai temple. Donghuang, as the palace leader, would tolerate this because of an apprentice?

He didn't believe it.

Therefore, he believed that the other side wanted to take him to Penglai Island to kill him.

Of course, even if Donghuang didn't lead him to Shanhai temple, he would go there before he left the world.

For the state of Qi, the existence of the Shanhai temple is a time bomb. If it is not removed or subdued, he will not be relieved to leave.

"Well, I promised. When will we start?" Song Yan said with a smile.

Qin Xin is stunned, but song Yan promises so cheerfully. She has prepared many speeches, but now she has no use. At the same time, there is a worry in her heart.

After a long silence, Qin Xin said with complex expression: "brother in law, you will not consider it anymore?"

"What do you think about this? After all, the master of Donghuang palace is yu'er's master. Now, I have married yu'er to the door. In any case, I will go to see him and thank him." Song Yan said with a smile.

"You really think so? Not afraid of the danger of going there? " Qin Xin continued.

"I'm sure you won't hurt me, will you?"

In the face of song Yan's bright eyes, Qin Xin dare not look at him. He dodged: "well, since my brother-in-law has made a decision, let's start tomorrow."

Because tomorrow will be the temple of mountains and seas, so song Yan will spring lotus autumn incense and even the jade son all spoil once.

The three girls also knew the news that he was going to leave, and they all tried their best to cater to him. Therefore, even if song Yanxiu was strong and tall, she felt some pain in her waist when she set out the next morning.

He waved to yu'er and Princess Yu Hu: "go back, I will come soon!"

In the evening of that day, song Yan and Qin Xin rode to a wharf in Linhai county. Qin Xin had been ready for it, so there was a medium-sized sea boat on the wharf.

There was already a boatman on standby, so as soon as they boarded the ship, the ship set sail for Penglai Island.

These boatman are not ordinary people, but martial artists with accomplishments. They should be the factotum disciples of Shanhai temple.

Song Yan didn't mind. After talking with Qin Xin for a while, he went back to the room arranged for him to have a rest.

Whether it is the real world or the world, song Yan is the first time to go to sea. josei

So, in the morning of the second day, he walked out of the cabin early and came to the deck to watch the sunrise at sea.

Only let him down is that today's sky is particularly gloomy, there is no meaning of the sun.

After staying on the deck for half an hour, he returned to the cabin.

Life on the sea is quite boring. Therefore, after breakfast, song Yan looks for Qin Xin to play chess. Now, his cultivation has reached the point where there is no need to cultivate deliberately, and the true yuan in the body will flow automatically.

Therefore, it only takes one hour to practice every day.

However, during the game, song Yan found that Qin Xin lost his former calm and was a little anxious.

See, song Yan is a secret way. Is she worried about me?

By noon, the weather on the sea was even worse and more gloomy, as if it was a sign of a storm.


The thunders rolled into their ears. Song Yan and Qin Xin didn't have the mind to play chess. They came to the deck together and found that the clouds are thick and low now. I'm afraid that the storm will come soon.

"Lower the sail, lower the speed!"

Qin Xin is decisive and gives orders.

Under the sea storm, the visibility is very low, almost equivalent to the blind driving a boat, so the risk factor is also very high.

But it can't stop because it's very dangerous to be in the center of a thunderstorm.

When the sails landed and the speed of the boat slowed down, Qin Xin's face was still a little gloomy. She went to the bow and looked up for a while. She said to a group of boatman, "cheer me up, don't slack off, do you know?"

"I know elder martial sister Qin."

Replied the boatman in unison.


There were a few more lightning and thunder. Soon, it was bigger than beans, but the heavy rain was extremely dense.

At the same time, the waves also accelerated to roll, making the whole ship shake violently, which made song Yan very doubtful whether the ship would break up.

With the development of cultivation, song Yan always thought that although the world was big, there was no place he could not go.

But at this moment, in the rolling sea, he felt that he was so small, and compared with nature, he was too small.

At this time, song Yan felt a strong uneasiness.Mind read a move, he opened perspective, eyes through heavy rain to look around.

At the next moment, his face suddenly changed, because he found that a huge hurricane almost connected with the sky was coming in the direction of the sea boat. Although the hurricane was five kilometers away, it was too late to turn the boat at once.

What's more, this sea boat is controlled by man, not by machine. It's almost impossible to move an inch when the waves are so rough. How can we turn the direction!

So the only way to avoid a hurricane is to jump into the sea and dive into the water.

"In my heart, I found a huge hurricane coming towards us. Order everyone to jump into the sea!" Song Yan looks serious to Qin Xindao.

Qin Xin was stunned, and immediately issued an order to all the people on board to jump into the sea and lurk in the water.

"Elder martial sister Qin, what happened?"

The leader of the boatman was puzzled by Qin Xin's order.

"No, the hurricane is two kilometers away. It's too late to jump!" Song Yan warns loudly, and as the hurricane approaches, the extent of the wave rolling becomes more and more intense.


Song Yan knew that every second he stayed on the boat was a minute dangerous, so he flew into the rolling sea with his hand holding the heart of the piano, and the waves were quickly engulfed by their figures.

Song Yan didn't know if the hurricane would affect the bottom of the sea, so after falling into the sea, he took the heart of the piano and quickly dived down.

At the same time, he used perspective to focus on the sea.

Seeing that song Yan and Qin Xin have jumped into the sea, several boatmen have also jumped with them, but there are still three boatmen left on the ship with a fluke mentality.

At this time, the hurricane came, just like a fierce beast, which immediately pulled the sea boat into it and crushed it. Naturally, the three boatmen who stayed on the boat were not spared.

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