Magic Love Ring

Chapter 312

Chapter 312

But hesitated a little, she still put the bottle mouth to the small mouth, faintly, seemed to smell a unique breath belonging to her brother-in-law. For a while, her pale and colorless cheek was suffused with a faint blush.

However, Qin Xin didn't drink too much. He just wanted to re cap the bottle after two drinks. After all, I don't know when I can find the land. Every drop of fresh water is precious.

All of a sudden, she did an unexpected action. She unexpectedly sent the opened bottle to song Yan's mouth: "brother in law, have a drink, too."

"There won't be any saliva on it?" Song Yan joked.

"Not really." Qin Xin's cheeks are redder.

"Oh, that's a pity." Song Yan said something as if it were true or false. Then he took a drink from the water bottle and gave it back to Qin Xin: "this water, please keep it for you."

Qin Xin subconsciously takes over the water bottle and gives song Yan a white look: "brother in law, you come to tease others."

"Ha ha!"

Song Yan couldn't help laughing, with a little pride in the laughter.

Hearing song Yan's laughter, Qin Xin is ashamed and angry. However, the haze in her heart has been dispelled by her brother-in-law's laughter. For a while, she looks at Song Yan in a dazed way. Her brother-in-law is in a desperate situation and can maintain such a mentality. It's amazing.

As night fell, stars appeared overhead. josei

The tumbling waves also subsided. In addition to the sound of song Yan's drawing water and the sound of their breathing, they fell into a quiet environment.

After swimming for a while, song Yan's eyes suddenly looked in a certain direction, and his face became gloomy.

"Hold me, my heart."

Song Yan whispered.

"Brother in law, what happened?" Qin Xin's tone is a little more flustered. She doesn't think song Yan asked her to hold him tightly to take advantage of her.

"There are some sharks coming, but it's not a worry!"

Song inkstone light way, both hands stopped rowing, only with feet to keep balance.

"Whoop, whoop!"

The sound of breaking water was heard, but the three sharks had arrived less than 100 meters around the two.

Eighty meters.

Sixty meters.

Fifty meters.



Song Yan murmured, and the bronze flying sword in his hand shot out like lightning. In an instant, it pierced the heads of three sharks.

Suddenly, a lot of blood gushed out of their heads.


Put away the bronze flying sword, and song Yan poured Zhenyuan into his limbs. Suddenly, his swimming speed increased ten times.

The smell of blood will attract more sharks, so we must leave this area as soon as possible.

Looking at Song Yan, who is struggling to row water, Qin Xin feels sad for no reason and says softly, "brother-in-law, if you don't want to let me go, run away."


Song Yan clapped his palm on the hip of Qin Xin and shouted, "what kind of fool are you, brother-in-law?"

"Brother in law And take advantage of others. "


Song Yan stopped talking with a strange smile and continued to row.

Finally, half an hour later, song Yan's speed slowed down. In this half an hour, he swam at least hundreds of miles. He should be out of the range of shark hunting.

But just when song Yangang was relaxing, his skin tightened again, because he felt that there was something wrong with the current under him

When he started to see through the water, he found that a giant was less than a kilometer away from them, and it seemed that they had become the target of the monster.


He released the bronze flying sword again and went straight to the monster.

The monster was covered with black scales, but still couldn't stop the sharp bronze flying sword. With a puff, it went into its head. Song Yan worried about its immortality, and manipulated the flying sword to grind its head to pieces.

Take back the flying sword, and he continued to row.

But just then.


A roar full of great anger came from the bottom of the water, which made song Yan and Qin Xin's eardrum "buzzing".

"Brother in law, what's the sound?" Qin's heart said in horror.

"I don't know!"

Song Yan shakes his head and looks straight to the bottom of the sea.

A monster dozens of times bigger than before is coming towards him like lightning.

The monster he had killed before was a giant. It was as tall as two floors and its body was tens of meters long.

But the roaring beast is at least ten stories tall and hundreds of kilometers long.

"NIMA, what is this? No, we can't stay on the sea! "

Song Yan decided to release the bronze flying sword and enlarge it ten times. Then he jumped up with his heart on his back."Go!"

Heart read a move, the flying sword towards the sky slanted away.

"Ah, brother-in-law, how did we get up!" Qin Xin is very surprised.


At this time, a stream of water at least 10 meters thick rose to the sky, directly to song inkstone.

Song Yan's face changed abruptly. The power of the water column had surpassed the nine strikes of his nature. He was so scared that he quickly manipulated the flying sword to flash aside.

What he didn't expect was that dozens of water columns rushed up all around him, blocking his way in and out. At the same time, an extremely powerful pulling force came from the sea and forced him and Qin heart downward.

And the monster below has opened a deep and huge mouth, waiting for them to catch up.

"To your uncle!"

Song Yan secretly scolded, and urged the space to stagnate.

At the moment when the supernatural power urges, a small space is formed around, and the irresistible suction disappears.


Space stagnates for only three seconds. Song Yan dare not waste his time. He urges his flying sword to shoot into the sky.

Three seconds later.

When the space returned to normal, the giant beast found that song Yan's figure was missing, and he couldn't help but look up to the sky and make several angry growls.

Song Yanxin, who has been several kilometers high, looks at the giant beast under his eyes, and continues to urge the flying sword to turn into a cold light and go to the distance.

The strength of this giant beast has far exceeded the nine weights of nature. It should have reached the foundation period. I didn't expect that such powerful creatures could be derived from this world.

"Brother in law, is the huge sword under our feet a magic weapon?" Qin Xin asked curiously.

Shanhai temple can also refine magic weapons, but there are only two kinds of magic weapons they refine. One is used for attack and the other is used for defense, but they can't attack and fly like bronze flying swords.

Moreover, the power of Dantian cultivation in this world is not as pure as that of Zhenyuan. With such energy, the power of magic can be exerted up to two to three percent.

Song Yan nodded, "yes."

After flying for hundreds of miles, song Yan reduced the speed and altitude of the flight, and used perspective to search the island.

However, his luck is not so good. The real yuan of xiadantian has been consumed and no island has been found.

He quickly threw several Yang Yuan pills into the entrance and converted them into Zhong Dan Tian's imperial sword. Since the flying sword has been exposed, song Yan would not be reconciled if he did not find an island.

Finally, the emperor is willing to help others. When the real yuan of Dantian in Song Yanzhong is exhausted, he finally sees an island.

All of a sudden, he was in a good mood and accelerated the speed of the sword.

[author's extraneous remarks]: Thank you [rogue Lord] and [td83141167] for your great reward

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