Magic Love Ring

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

When song Yan and others heard the news, they all changed their faces. They immediately stood up and chased Gan Zhipeng who had already run out of the box.

In the other big box of the welcome building, there are nine men sitting on a table.

Different from ordinary people, these nine people all exude a strong atmosphere.

Chen Sisi was held in her arms by a scarred face man. What's more, her rough hands were caressed on her belly, which made her ashamed and angry. Unfortunately, her arm was so powerful that she drank too much. She couldn't get rid of it.

"Brother Dao, have a toast!" One of them held up the cup and said to scabby man.

"OK, let's go!" Scar face big man grinned, exposed a big yellow tooth, picked up the cup and touched each other, one shot killed the two liang white wine in the cup, slapped two thick lips, shouted: "cool, really fucking cool!"

"Brother Dao, do you know how much we will be divided this time?"

The man went on, he asked, which made the other seven people prick up their ears. You should know that this time it was extremely dangerous. It can be said that the goods could be successfully transported back to Yandu. All of them came back with their lives. At the beginning, there were 28 people who went to Taiwan to transport the goods, but only nine of them came back. As for the others, they were either caught by the drug police or killed Under the gun of the drug police and in the face of the encirclement and suppression of the anti drug police, they can still bring back a lot of goods worth 500 million yuan. On this alone, they should be rewarded.

Scar face big man discontented stare that person one eye: "I say soldier son, you are also too anxious, can the eldest brother still owe us not to become?"

"Brother Dao said that I was in a hurry. I'll punish myself!" Bingzi poured himself a mouthful of wine, and without frowning, he drank it up.

To this end, Scarface can't help being very satisfied: "for your understanding, I'll let you know something. The boss said that he's very satisfied with our performance this time. The previously agreed 2000 in case points will not be less, but 20 million is not a small amount, and it's still cash, so I can get the money tomorrow night."

At the words of 20 million yuan, the knife was very excited. Even if Togo took one, each of them could get 2 million yuan.

After other people secretly calculated, all faces were smiling.

It is scar face big man quite calm, the eyes sweep over the crowd, disdain way: "look at your that point of success, this money is excited."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes are bright. Is there any more.

After all the people's appetites were lifted, Scarface went on: "the boss also said that he thought the goods had been folded, but we brought the goods back to recover the loss for him, so he wanted to reward us five million each!"

"What? Five million! "

When they heard this, they all showed an unbelievable color, followed by ecstasy.

"Ha ha, that's great. When I get the money, I must find ten girls to do it!" One of the youths said with a bald head.

"I said bald, ten girls, can you bear it?" Another joked, saying, but his eyes fell on Chen Sisi: "brother Dao is lucky. He went out to pee and picked up a beautiful woman!"

Hearing the flattery from the other side, the Scarface man could not help smiling smugly: "I'm here to enjoy myself. Come, girl, have a drink! As long as you follow me in the future, keep your spicy food! "

When he spoke, the scarred man picked up a glass of white wine and sent it to Chen Sisi.

But Chen Sisi did not open his mouth with his lips tightly closed.

"Fuck! Nima, open your mouth to me! " Seeing that she refused to open her mouth, the scarred face man could not help shouting angrily.

This group of people are not good people at first sight, so Chen Sisi is determined not to drink.

"A shameless thing!"

Seeing that Chen Sisi still refused to open his mouth, the scarred face man could not help being angry. He raised his hand and slapped Chen Sisi. Suddenly, five bright red finger marks appeared on one cheek.


At this time, the box door was kicked open, but Gan Zhipeng broke in.

But seeing Chen Sisi, who was hugged by the Scarface man and had five red finger prints on his face, Gan Zhipeng was furious and stared at the Scarface man and said, "let go of her for me!" josei

"Where do you come from? Dare to go wild on the men's territory!"

Bingzi grabs an empty wine bottle and goes to Gan Zhipeng, but with a smile on his face, he points it at him and scolds: "if you are clever, kowtow to brother Dao immediately and apologize, otherwise, I will make a hole in your head!"

"Knock your uncle!" Gan Zhipeng kicked out.

However, Bingzi is not an ordinary gangster, but a drug dealer who wanders on the death line and often deals with the anti drug police of the armed police. Therefore, he has some real skills. Seeing Gan Zhipeng's kick, he subconsciously kicks it up, and the bottle in his hand also flies out and throws it to Gan Zhipeng's cheek.

Gan Zhipeng's head deviated from the bottle, and his feet collided in the air."Bang!"

Bingzi snorted and quickly backed away. His face became a little ugly, because he felt that he had just kicked on the iron pillar, which made his right leg numb.

However, Gan Zhipeng got the upper hand and didn't spare others. He rushed out in a tiger's step and hit the soldier's belly.

His fist was angry, so the soldier who ate it directly covered his belly and squatted down.

Scar face big man sees soldier son so useless, not from dissatisfied scold way: "lie trough!"! This kid has two times! Baldheaded, kuizu, you guys go and clean him up! "

Four people heard the sound and went straight to Gan Zhipeng.

Seeing four of them, Gan Zhipeng was a little alarmed, but thinking of Chen Sisi, his blood began to boil. Before the four approached, he ran out of the room with a little inner strength.

With internal strength, Gan Zhipeng's speed and strength have increased a lot.

In a few breaths, all four of them were knocked to the ground by him. Chen Sisi, who was still held in his arms by the Scarface man, saw this scene with a flash of light in his eyes.

At this time, song Yan and others also entered the box.

Gan Zhipeng can't help seeing the four men with bald heads going out. The man with scarred face has a heavy face. He glances at the other three people and says in a gloomy voice, "move the guy, solve the group of guys as fast as possible, and then leave!"

"Yes, brother Dao!"

These people are ruthless people. Although they know that it's not appropriate to move people here, they are all bold people, so they don't have much scruples in mind.

"Let her go!"

Gan Zhipeng once again shouted to the Scarface man.

"Boy, what are you? It's a little tender to rob women with me!" "Scar face big man sneers a way.

"I count three times. If you don't let her go again, I want you to regret all your life!" Gan Zhipeng's vicious way.

"Little boy, look what it is!"

Suddenly, the other three stood up, with a black pistol in their hands. One pointed to Gan Zhipeng, while the other two pointed at Song Yan and others!


Seeing the things on those three hands, Gan Zhipeng's body was stiff and suddenly changed.

And the faces of Longbo, wujiaqi, zhangxixi and others also turned pale, except for song Yan.

[author's aside]: Er Geng, let's guess what kind of world song Yan will enter next time? There's a prize. What the prize is is first kept secret.

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