Magic Love Ring

Chapter 347

Chapter 347

In the face of song Yan's cold eyes, many people lowered their heads to yield, but there are still three people who are not afraid to look at Song Yan.

"Why, are you not convinced?"

Song Yan's eyes fell on the three people. He didn't regard himself as a savior. He came to the world with only one purpose, task and fame.

In Song Yan's eyes, two of the three felt overwhelmed and lowered their heads.

The last one walked out of the crowd and looked at Song Yandao: "Hello, this student. I'm wang Yatao, President of the student union. I think we can talk about it."

"What do you want to talk about?" Song inkstone has a little more fun.

"I think we should help ourselves." Wang Yatao said in a deep voice, "not by force."

"Yes, chairman Wang is right!"

"I also support President Wang."

The last two bowed their heads again and again.

Song Yan ignores them and stares at Wang Yatao with interest. "Go on."

Seeing that song Yan didn't object, his expression couldn't help shaking, and his voice also increased a lot: "although I don't know how the outside world is? But up to now, there are no police, so I speculate that there may be monsters outside, so what we need to do now is to unite all the forces that can be united, integrate resources, perform their duties, and save more students. "

"How do you plan?" Song Yan looked at him and asked.

It seems that song Yan has the trend of being convinced by himself, and his heart is a little proud, and his voice is even higher: "I think we can set up a college student self rescue association and choose an experienced, appealing and management level person to be the president.

Only in this way can our strength be twisted into a rope to save more students. If possible, we should accept the whole school and solve the problems for the government! We are all college students. We are the pillars of the future of our country. As college students, we should not only think about ourselves, nor have the idea of mountains... "

Wang Yatao deserves to be the president of the student union. With his increasingly high voice, most of the people on the scene were aroused by him. His dim eyes had a little more expression and brilliance, and his eyes had more hope.

"Who do you think should be the chairman of this self rescue association?"

Song Yan asked with a smile.

"It's also said that, of course, chairman Wang has taken the post! He is the president of the student union, experienced and capable, and we all like to listen to him! "

"Yes, I only believe in Chairman Wang. I'm not convinced that other people will serve as chairman besides him!"

The two men who were attached to Wang Yatao said in a loud voice.

With these two leaders, other people also followed suit and expressed their willingness to elect Wang Yatao as the president of the self rescue association.


Wang Yatao coughed twice, raised his hand, motioned for everyone to be quiet, and continued: "if I was in normal times, I would not accept the post of president, but now is an extraordinary period. Although Wang is not talented, I am confident to lead you to save more students.

However, Wang's ability is limited. I propose to elect two more vice presidents. " Speaking of this, his eyes fell on Chu Ziming: "this Chu classmate is the son of the mayor. With him, it will be easier to contact the government. So, I propose that he be the vice president. What do you think?"

"Good! I agree with you! "

" I agree! "

"I agree to elect Chu as vice president!"


Just after the end of the world, many people still have expectations for the government, many ideas have not been reversed, not everyone can be like song Yan, not take Chu Ziming seriously.

Therefore, no one is willing to offend Chu Ziming and agree one after another.

Wang Yatao raised his hand again. When everyone was quiet, he looked at Song Yan and asked, "what do you call this student?"

"Song inkstone." Song Yan said with a smile. He wanted to see how the other side wanted to play.

Wang Yatao smiled mildly: "it was song Yan. As far as I know, song Yan is very good at killing monsters outside. So, I suggest to set up a hunting team with song Yan as the team leader. By the way, some of your roommates are good at killing monsters. You are leading them to set up a hunting team, and then the task of hunting monsters will be given to song captain ! Of course, hunting monsters is a very dangerous thing, so I propose that Captain song be another vice president. Do you have any comments? "

The people on the scene have a deep understanding of the terror of zombies, so they all know that it is a very dangerous thing to hunt and kill the brigade. Moreover, they may lose their lives at any time. As long as they don't let themselves die, there is no denying.

Therefore, as soon as Wang Yatao's voice fell, Chu Ziming said in a loud voice, "I agree!"

"I agree, too!"

"I agree, too!"

"I agree!"

See no one against, Wang Yatao more proud, looking at Song inkstone: "Captain song, you see, everyone has no objection, what do you think?""And what is your duty?"

Song Yan asked with a smile.

"We are mainly responsible for setting up personnel and adjusting animal resources, and then you hunt monsters with captain Hesong!" Wang Yatao said with a straight face. josei

"Ha ha!"

Song Yan smiles.

Hearing song Yan's laughter, Wang Yatao was slightly dissatisfied: "is this a promise or...?"

Song Yan looks at Wang Yatao with a wry face: "do you think I'm stupid?"

"How!" In seclusion, Wang Yatao felt a trace of unhappiness.

"Then why do you treat me as a fool!" Song Yan's irony is even stronger: "I went out to kill the zombie, and your grandchildren are here to play the devil. Let's change it. I'll be the president, and you'll be the leader of the hunting brigade!"

Wang Yatao's face turned white, and his heart flashed a trace of hatred, but he soon squeezed out a smile: "Song Yan, I want to have your ability to kill monsters. I will definitely go out to hunt monsters, but I'm not good at it. Moreover, although everyone has different division of labor, they are all for a common purpose to save more students and solve problems for the country! Do you think so? "

"Do you think so?" Song Yan's eyes swept through the crowd.

Suddenly, Chu Ziming's voice rang out: "listen to me, I think this situation is only temporary now. One day, the state will regain control of the situation. For those who have merit, the state will surely reward them. For those who want to take advantage of the opportunity to do evil, the state will definitely settle accounts after autumn.

The self rescue association we set up is in the process of solving problems for the country, and it will surely be praised by the country in the future. Therefore, everyone should not disobey president Wang's order and obey it, otherwise, it is against the country! "

Speaking of this, Chu Ziming could not help staring at Song Yan with cold eyes: "Song Yan, either you will obey president Wang's arrangement, or you will leave here! Otherwise, you are against the state and against the government! "

[author's aside]: Thank you for the great rewards from [l little sword], [td87115199] and [ring - Ye Xingchen].

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