Magic Love Ring

Chapter 353

Chapter 353

Smell speech, song inkstone tiny one Leng, after fast search predecessor memory, know the identity of this female.

Her name is Guo Zihan. She is a distant cousin of her predecessor. Both primary school and junior high school are in the same school.

The most profound memory of the predecessor is the picture of the distant cousin bullying him.

Later, when I was in high school, my family moved to another city because of the job transfer of Guo Zihan's father.

There is less connection between the two.

Unexpectedly, they came to the same university again.

Maybe it's because my predecessor was bullied by this cousin when I was a child, and he deliberately avoided her. Therefore, in two years of college, they met only a few times.

After straightening out their relationship, song Yan smiled at her and said, "Guo Zihan is you."

Smell speech, Guo Zihan is eyebrow a pick: "Song inkstone your courage is really more and more fat, even cousin did not call." During the conversation, she also pinched her fist.

Suddenly, song Yan's face turned black, and he vaguely remembered that the girl was smaller than him, only that her predecessor couldn't beat her hours later and was forced to call her cousin.

Then he said, "I remember you are younger than me. Should I have a cousin to listen to you?"

"If you want me to call you cousin, you'll have to beat me. Let's see how!" As soon as the voice fell, Guo Zihan raised his sword and drew his backhand to song Yan's chest.

However, in addition to her quick speed, she didn't exert much force. She probably just wanted to give song Yan a little bit of pain.

But where does she know that this song inkstone is not another song inkstone.


I saw song Yan bend his fingers and hit the body of the sword. Suddenly, the green steel sword bounced back. To Guo Zihan's surprise, there was a force on the body of the sword, almost making the long sword in her hand come off.

"30 years of Hedong, 30 years of Hexi, Fengshui turns in turn, now you are not my opponent, or call me cousin honestly!" Song Yan looked at Guo Zihan with interest. He had the posture of turning over into a serf and singing.

Hearing song Yan's words, Guo Zihan was greatly stimulated. He sneered and said, "I didn't even use three parts of my strength in that move just now. What are you proud of? Try another move!"


With a flash of sword light, she quickly drew her sword to song Yan's chest. Just now, song Yan rebounded her sword body with her finger. She knew that song Yan's strength was not low, so she used at least eight points of strength this time.

In the same way, song Yan still bent his fingers and hit the sword body. He once again bounced back Guo Zihan's sword.

"Here How could it be? "

Guo Zihan is not surprised to stare at Song Yan. His move is fast and powerful. Don't say that those who are in the same realm with her, even those who are in a higher realm can't easily hit the sword. josei

"With all your strength, see if I can play your sword back!" Song Yan says with a smile.


Guo Zihan drinks cold and turns his waist. His sword turns into a white light that stabs song Yan on the right shoulder.


With a muffled sound, Guo Zihan felt the big shock of hukou. Then, he took the long sword in his hand and let it fly out. It fell on the ground several meters away and shook constantly.

"How is it? Are you convinced? " Song Yan looked at her and said.

"You big head!" Guo Zihan has no good way.

Suddenly, song Yan's face sank, and he said coldly, "be ready to fight!"

But the movement here attracted the dormitory building and the surrounding wandering zombies, at least hundreds of them.

"The lions kill the zombies with me!" Liao yongleng had a drink, and led his team to rush to the corpse on the left.

"I'll kill the brothers of the Fat Dragon team!" Zhu Hongzhi also killed the right zombie with a cold drink and waving a steel pipe.

"The brothers of the strong wind Team rush with me!"

Before that, Liao Yong and Zhu Hongzhi robbed the limelight. This time, Wang Rui was unwilling to fall behind, leading the team to kill back.

There are more than 50 zombies gushing out of the dormitory. Naturally, they are handed over to song Yan and long Cambridge for settlement.

"Cousin, take a rest here first! Let's go back to the past when the zombie is solved! " Song Yan smiled at Guo Zihan and turned into a mirage.

"Poop poop!"

Like the wind rolling leaves, all the zombies under the steel pipe of the song inkstone are just like tofu dregs. In an instant, five or six of them were smashed.

Longcambridge also rushed up with him, but he shouted: "boss, leave me some!"

Standing in situ, Guo Zihan stared at this scene, and found that the strength of these people is particularly fierce, often three or two moves can solve a zombie.

However, when her eyes fell on Song Yan, her mouth was full of shock and accident.

Because she felt that song Yan was not killing zombies at all, but playing a game of playing hamster. In less than ten seconds, more than 20 zombies died under his steel pipe. Then, she noticed longcambridge.

The speed of killing zombies in longcambridge is not as fast as that of song Yan, but five or six zombies were killed in an instant."How can there be so many fierce people in the school? How could I not know before?"

She has been learning martial arts and practicing swords with her grandfather since she was a child, and now she has reached the late stage of Mingjin. She is confident that she can break through the dark Jin in three years.

After her observation, song Yan's strength must be much stronger than her, and longcambridge, who killed the zombie with him, is also better than her. As for Liao Yong and Zhu Hongzhi, they don't seem to know martial arts, but their strength is much better than ordinary people, at least not worse than her.

You know, she is the head of the school's Martial Arts Association. She's invincible in South China University. But now it seems that she's too arrogant. There are too many people in the world.

Less than a minute.

Song Yan and long Cambridge killed more than 50 zombies together.

As for Liao Yong's three, it's the end of the day.

Looking at Song Yan who came to her, Guo Zihan took a deep breath and stared at him: "when did you start to learn martial arts?"

"High school." Song inkstone language with a joking way.

"You started practicing martial arts in high school?" Guo Zihan asked doubtfully, but he was very surprised. From high school to sophomore year, it's only five years. In just five years, it's at least reached the level of Hua Jin, which is too rebellious.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Song Yan winked at her.

"You're a pervert. You've reached this level in five years!" Speaking of this, Guo Zihan can't help but show the color of envy.

Suddenly, song Yan's heart moved: a mysterious face to Guo Zihan: "do you want to become strong in a short time?"

"You have a way? What level can I reach? " Smell words, Guo Zihan eyes a bright, not from big heart.

"Of course, there is a way, and let you reach the end of dark energy in a day!" Song Yan said confidently.

"Impossible!" Guo Zihan said decidedly.

"Bruce Lee, come here." Song Yan called longcambridge over with a wave: "tell her how much time you spent from the early stage of Mingjin to the early stage of darkjin."

"Less than an hour!" Longcambridge said solemnly.

Guo Zihan's head was dizzy. It took only one hour from the early stage of Ming Jin to the early stage of dark Jin. Is that possible?

Although she thought it was ridiculous, she felt that song Yan and long Cambridge did not cheat her.

[author's extras]: thanks for the reward from the boss.

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