Magic Love Ring

Chapter 368

Chapter 368

More and more fog came into song Yan's room, and the whole room was almost occupied by this miserable green fog.


There was a knock at the door.

Song inkstone's taste color is more intense, there is no response and no voice.


A fat man in black stood there, his face dimly visible and ferocious.

"No response? It seems that I should be poisoned by my poisonous fog! "

The fat man said in secret, but out of caution, he knocked twice at the door again. After no response, he was completely sure that the people inside had been poisoned by him.

He flashed a smirk at the corner of his mouth, then stuck his palm on the palm of his hand, and suddenly a dark red mist came out of his palm.

This dark red fog has great corrosiveness. Soon, it corrodes the door lock, and he pushes the door open and goes in.

There is only one candle in the room, the light is not bright, and the fog is filled, so the fat man only sees a fuzzy figure sitting in front of his desk.

"Take it!"

The fat man stretched out his hands. Suddenly, the mist in the room rushed to his hands, and finally entered his body through the palm.

Just after the fog was removed, the fat man looked up at the direction of the desk again, and suddenly he was shocked. He thought that song Yan, poisoned by his poisonous fog, looked at him with a smile.

"You How can you be all right? " Guo Yufei asked in panic.

Yes, this fat man is Guo Yufei. He was also the one who stood on the second floor yesterday and killed song Yanxin. However, although song Yan found him, he didn't pay attention to him. Unexpectedly, this guy came to assassinate him tonight.

"Disappointed?" Song Yan smiled more: "tell me, why do you want to assassinate me?"

Guo Yufei turned his eyes and said, "brother song, you misunderstood me. I didn't want to assassinate you!"

"Do you believe what you say?" The smile on Song Yan's face suddenly disappeared and became cold: "I ask myself why I want to assassinate you because I have no grievance or hatred." josei

Guo Yufei knows that he can't fool the past tonight. He can't help flashing ferocity on his face and gnashing his teeth and saying: "no injustice, no hatred? What you said is really light. There are two things in life. The hatred of killing the father and robbing the wife. You forced me to give up Ma Qianqian. This is the biggest hatred between us? "

Smell speech, song inkstone mouth corner not from emerge a light sneer: "when did I force you? It seems that you proposed to leave Ma Qianqian. "

Guo Yufei said with a sneer: "hum! Can't you admit it by this time? You are the chief of the gathering place, and I am just a little fish. You don't force me on the surface. If I don't leave Ma Qianqian, I'm afraid I'll be killed by you long ago! "

Smell Yan, song Yan some cry and smile: "you are too dark, even if you do not give up Ma Qianqian I will not do you what? So many days, have you seen me go to Ma Qianqian? I have no feelings for Ma Qianqian for a long time. If I really want to straighten you out, why should I take care of you and let you work in the canteen? "

Guo Yufei chuckled, "Hey, hey! Take care of me? You are just pretending to be afraid of falling into the corner! "

"Ha ha!"

Song Yan couldn't help laughing: "I'm afraid to fall into the population corner? It's a joke. Song Yan killed people if he wanted to kill them. He was afraid of anyone. I killed eight people in the canteen before. Later, the captain of the armed police was killed by me. Who dares to say?

If I really want to kill you, do you think you can still stand here and talk to me at the moment? "

Smell Yan, Guo Yufei can't help but be stunned. Think about it carefully. It seems that song Yanzhen is such a person. If he wants to kill, he has no scruples at all. When he thinks about it, he can't help bursting out a wave of regret, but still some unwilling questions:

"are you really not going to kill me?"

Song Yan's eyes flashed with scorn: "who do you think you are, a little miscellaneous fish? If it wasn't for yesterday that you killed me, I'm afraid I've forgotten you! So, you're just fussing! "

"Little fish, mediocre!" Guo Yufei laughed at himself: "before the end of song Yan's life, you were just a little girl. Why do you look down on me?"

Song Yan shakes his head, but his body suddenly emerges at this moment. He comes to Guo Yufei like a ghost, and points at his eyebrow.

This kid is the only mutant at present. It's a pity to kill him.

Although Guo Yufei has become a mutant, his spiritual strength is not high, and he is completely enslaved by the puppet supernatural power without holding on for a second.

"How did you become a mutant?"

Song Yan returns to the chair in front of his desk, and looks at Guo Yufei curiously.

Guo Yufei said respectfully: "back to the master, on the Ninth Night of the end of the world, I suddenly had a high fever. When I woke up, I found that I had the ability to absorb or release the fog! At present, I have absorbed three kinds of fog, one can paralyze people's nerves, make people fall into dizziness, the other has strong corrosive effect, and the third can make people hallucinate! ""Interesting ability!"

Song Yan nodded and asked Guo Yufei to release the three kinds of fog separately for him to try.

The first fog paralyzed the nerves for only two seconds, and his body returned to normal.

As for that kind of corrosive fog, it's quite destructive, but it can't corrode his real mask.

The third kind of illusory fog was dispelled by his mental power as soon as it entered his body.

Of course, these three kinds of fog didn't have much effect on him, and it was fatal to ordinary people.

He asked Guo Yufei about the details of the variation, and waved for him to leave.

Waiting for the other party to leave, song Yan sighs.

Less than a month after the end of the world, there are zombies and mutant animals and mutant people in the world. I don't know what kind of changes will happen in the future.

A few days passed in a flash.

After several days of trial and error, song Yan finally created a set of sabre and sword techniques.

The sword technique is called "beheading sword", and the sword technique is called "beheading sword", which are all moves created to deal with zombies.

There are nine moves in sword technique and twelve moves in sword technique.

In a few days, song Yan also issued an order, that is, let all fighters take evolutionary crystals, and increase their strength to the limit of human body. Basically, all combat groups and armed police have 1800 kg of strength.

Later, song Yan personally passed this set of sword technique and sword technique to the seven Guo Zihan people. After they are proficient in it, they will teach it to other fighters.

Although the moves of these two sets of martial arts are simple, they can not be learned in three or five days.

So, while they were practicing sword technique and sword technique, song Yan decided to explore the situation in the city.

Don't forget, his third task is to build a gathering place of one million people, so sooner or later, he will attack Huahai city.


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