Magic Love Ring

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

After a simple exchange of greetings, everyone was ready to enter the settlement, but song Yan found that Guan Coco's eyes were curious to sweep through Guan Zijie from time to time. Please search for the best! Song Yan was very skeptical about the surname of the two people, and asked, "what's the matter, coco?"

"I feel like a cousin of my grandfather's family." There is some hesitation in guancoco.

"Is it? Don't you just call and ask? "

So, song Yan beckoned and called Guan Zijie. This exchange of information, Guan Zijie is really the grandson of Guan Keo. Therefore, according to the generations, they are cousins.

Haigang settlement, conference room.

Compared with the last meeting, there are eight new people in the conference room, namely Guo Zihan, long Cambridge, Zhou Kang, Liao Yong, Zhu Hongzhi, Mao Bai, Wang Rui and Guan coco. However, Guan can act as secretary of song Yan and stand behind him.

Guo Zihan's seven people have just entered the great success of the day after tomorrow. Therefore, they all appear to be a little sharp.

That strong breath, but let Guan Zijie and other people under great pressure.

"Now, let's introduce yourself to each other." Song Yan looked around and said.

After a brief self introduction, song Yan continued: "I announced that the settlement of South China University and the settlement of Haigang survivors are officially integrated today and renamed Yanhuang settlement!"

"Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

There was a loud applause.

After the applause, song Yan continued to announce his second order, canceling the original system of leaders in the settlement of Haigang and changing it to the system of Management Committee. He was the chairman of the meeting, which was composed of logistics department, discipline supervision department and combat department.

Each of the three departments has one minister and two vice ministers.

Zhou Kang is the head of the logistics department, and Wang Chao and Zhu Hongzhi are the deputy heads.

The Minister of discipline supervision department is Guan Zijie, and the deputy ministers are long Cambridge and Mao Bai.

Guo Zihan is the Minister of the combat department, and Liao Yong and Hu Bohua are the deputy ministers.

In addition, combatants from the two assembly areas will be organized into three brigades.

The team leaders are Gao Zhixin, Wang Rui and Zhou Haiyue.

As for the appointment of song Yan, we naturally have no opinion.

The meeting continued until 9 p.m.

After the meeting, song Yan took Guan coco directly to the villa.

"Ah Yan, you are back."

Seeing song Yan, Liu Yingying smiles and greets her.


Song Yan nodded.

"Master brother."

The boy who is watching the comics on the sofa put down the comics in his hand and jumped up quickly.

Song Yan quickly opened his hand and picked her up.

And Guan coco, who came back with song Yan, saw Liu YingYing and felt a sense of crisis.

"By the way, I'll introduce you! This is sister Liu Yingying, and this is Guan coco, my girlfriend! "

Hearing song Yan's direct introduction as a girlfriend, Guan coco was very happy. He smiled and said to Liu Yingying, "Hello, sister Yingying. You can call me coco later!"

"Hello coco, you are so beautiful. You and a Yan are a perfect match!" Liu Yingying also responded with a smile, but there was so much gloom in the bottom of her eyes.

Before the end of the day, Liu Yingying was a small white-collar worker in the company, and she made a good dish.

Knowing that song Yan has come back, she has prepared meals and waited for song Yan to come back.

After supper, song Yan began to guide bao'er to practice. josei

The inborn spirit body is indeed the kind of constitution against the sky. In an hour, bao'er cultivated Zhen Yuan. Song Yan suggested that bao'er has infinite potential. Unfortunately, when he left the world, he could not bring it to the real world.

That night, Guan coco showed extra initiative, which made song Yan wonder if she was stimulated.

When he was fighting with Guan coco, Liu Yingying couldn't sleep.

Although the sound insulation effect of the room is very good, after she became a mutant, her five senses became extremely acute. Listening to the men and women's moans from the next room, she felt that her body was also hot.


On the second day, song Yan gathered all the fighting members of the settlement, and then took out more than 2000 pieces of evolutionary crystals for the fighters of the original Haigang settlement to take.

In just one hour, these fighters have made great changes, which let Zhou Haiyue and others know that the reason why song Yan's men became so powerful was that they all felt familiar with the crystal.

After absorbing the power of the crystal.

Song Yan disrupted and reorganized all the fighters.

The former fighters of South China University all took the post of middle or small team leader, and then trained the original fighters in Haigang settlement with cold weapons.Nowadays, there are millions of zombies in Huahai city. Using hot weapons will bring more zombies. Therefore, using cold weapons to kill zombies is the best choice.

Outside the settlement.

Here comes a man and a woman.

The man was dressed in a black robe, with long hair and a shawl. His features were upright and handsome, and his whole body exuded a charming temperament.

The female is wearing a green long skirt, with beautiful appearance and elegant temperament.

This man and a woman are Mo Yu and Feng Xue from the beast clan.

"Elder martial brother Mo, do we really want to enter the settlement like this The two of them were sent to Haigang settlement to find out the origin of song inkstone. According to the assumption of Fengxue, they disguised themselves as ordinary survivors to blend into the gathering place and observe song inkstone in secret.

But unexpectedly, Mo Yu plans to enter the settlement without any disguise.

Wen Yan, Mo Yu smiles at the snow and says, "sister Xueer, I thought you would never talk to me."

The action of snow frowning is a little deeper: "elder martial brother Mo, please call me snow or younger martial Sister Feng, don't call me Xueer younger martial sister."

Mo Yu smiled disapprovingly and looked up at the place where he lived: "I plan to capture that song Yan directly and then force him to find out his origin!"

"Is it a little rash?" Snow worries.

"No!" Mo Yu shook his head, but there was a confident smile on his face: "it's the so-called one-off method that often makes things more complicated. No matter who song Yan is, if he is from a foreign force, I will kill him directly, and then take over the whole settlement. If he is a secular warrior, I can take him as a slave and let him continue to help me control the settlement !”

Feng Xue continued: "according to the news from my father's staff, song Yan is very powerful and should have reached the state of Huagang, and there are thousands of armed personnel in the settlement..."

Mo Yu waves his hand and interrupts Feng Xue's words: "those so-called armed men are just a group of local dogs and Waji. They are not afraid. As for song Yan, at best, it's only the first level of Hua Gang. It's not easy for me to catch and kill him!"

Seeing that Mo Yu is so confident, it's not easy to talk about it any more, but it's just a vague feeling that Mo Yu's arrogance may suffer.

[author's aside]: Thank you for your reward yesterday

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