Magic Love Ring

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

In an hour.

Song Yan and others gathered all the people in the settlement.

There are more than 2300 people in this settlement. Except for the hundreds of subordinates of Wu LiuYe, the rest are all women under 40 years old.

According to the information of song Yan and them, the gang of Wu LiuYe entered the settlement later.

At that time, there were more than 5000 people in the settlement, which was established by a group of local police.

I didn't expect that not long after Wu LiuYe came to the settlement, he killed all the police. Then, he even threw the weak and sick old man out to feed the zombie.

After gradually mastering the settlement, Wu LiuYe began to fight against the men in the settlement.

In just over ten days, all the men in the settlement were killed by them.

The rest of the women became their playful tools.

About twenty days after the end of the world broke out, the food in this settlement was consumed.

In the Ming Dynasty, the six masters of Wu had guns and weapons, but they dare not go out to fight with the zombies to collect food.

After eating all the food, they began to eat people.

After knowing these news, Guo Zihan suddenly understood the reason why song Yan became a killer, but they were a little strange. Song Yan had not entered the settlement yet. How could he know that they were eating people?

Song Yan did not directly kill Wu LiuYe and others.

Instead, they broke their limbs and hung them on the school playground.

As for their hundreds of claws and teeth, even if song Yan was short of people, he did not leave their lives, but killed them all.

On the playground.

Song Yan stood on the stage, looking at more than 1700 women under the stage, but he felt very sympathetic to their suffering. During the time when they were ruled by the six lords of Wu, they suffered unimaginable insults.

Therefore, looking at Wu LiuYe and others who are hanged on the parallel bars, these women's eyes are full of hatred and resentment.

After a brief introduction of his identity, song Yan gave these poor women a chance to vent.

In less than an hour, all six of them became blood people, and no skin was intact.

"Cousin, how are you going to settle them?"

Looking at these crazy women, Guo Zihan went to song Yan and asked in a low voice.

"Do you have a plan in mind?" Song inkstone looked at Guo Zihan, and seemed to have a point. After the killing, the anger in Song inkstone had completely disappeared.

Guo Zihan thought for a moment and said, "I plan to build a women's combat camp with them!" Speaking of this, Guo Zihan's eyes flashed extremely firm eyes: "only when women become strong, can they not be bullied by you smelly men!"

Smell Yan, song Yan some dissatisfaction: "Hey, you can not shoot a group of people, I am a good man!"

"You're not much better. When you have guancoco, you still have a bad idea for sister Yingying!" Guo Zihan sneered.

When the hidden mind was exposed, song Yan suddenly exploded: "Guo Zihan, I warn you that although we are relatives, you slander me like this, I will sue you for slander!"

At first, when song Yan treated Liu Yingying, he only thought that Liu Yingying was a beautiful young woman. After this period of contact, he found that Liu Yingying had many advantages. First of all, her appearance was not perfect, but she was also a beautiful woman. Her temperament was mature and her body material was excellent. She should be convex and warped. Although she had had a child, she was a beautiful woman There is not a bit of fat. josei

The most important thing is that Liu Yingying is also very virtuous, a typical wife and mother. In fact, what makes song Yan's heart most is that Liu Yingying is a mutant and has a lot of room for growth.

When he grows up later, he may not be his right or left hand.

That afternoon, song Yan brought more than 1700 women back to the Yanhuang settlement.

Song Yan agreed to Guo Zihan's proposal to form a women's combat camp.

She was directly given more than 3000 second-order evolutionary crystals, which made her toss. In addition, song Yan gave orders to all the people who knew about the settlement, and could not reveal the past of these women.

Villa one.

Song Yan returned to the settlement to deal with some things before coming back, Liu Yingying directly returned to the villa.

Therefore, when song Yan and Guan coco return, Liu Yingying has already cooked the meal.

Thinking of the dialogue with Guo Zihan before, song Yan, who knows that he really has some ideas about Liu Yingying, can't help but look at Liu Yingying more.

At the moment, she is wearing a striped white T-shirt and a pair of sky blue jeans and jeans under her. The tight jeans show her round and round hips very well. On her chest, she is wearing a white waistband with red spots and a simple ponytail with black hair.

Maybe it's the reason why she became a mutant. She was nearly 30 years old, and she looked like a woman in her twenties.Feeling song Yan's fiery eyes, Liu Yingying's face turned red and coughed softly: "a Yan, cocoa, wait a moment, and there is a soup."

"Well." Song Yan nodded, "Sister Liu has been working hard."

That night.

**Fang Xiu, the naked Guan coco, lies in the arms of song inkstone. His plain white fingers circle his chest: "brother, what do you think of Yingying sister?"

Song Yan subconsciously said: "very good, very good wife and mother."

"Does that brother like it or not?" There is a shred of cunning in Guan Coco's eyes. Women are always sensitive. At dinner tonight, song Yan looks at Liu Yingying with a slightly different look.

"What nonsense the dead girl is talking about!"

Song Yan reaches for a pat on Guan Keqiao's buttocks, which leads to a burst of coquetry.

"Elder brother, otherwise, you should take away sister Yingying."

Smell speech, song Yan Leng Leng of looking at Guan coco, heart way, what does this wench detect?

Guan coco chuckled: "brother, don't doubt. Coco isn't testing you. Yingying is strong and can cook at home. If brother collects her, coco will be able to be lazy in the future!"

Song Yan sighed softly and hugged the soft body of Guan coco: "silly girl, you are encouraging brother to open the harem!"

Guan coco said quietly: "now the world is different. There is no need to abide by the rules and regulations before the end of the world. Besides, my brother is a capable person, and I'm sure to meet many girls that will make you feel moved. I can see that sister Yingying is also very fond of you. It's better to complete you and sister Yingying than to block you and make you hate me. That's how it works Yingying will be grateful to me. "

Hearing this, song Yan was very surprised. He had always thought that Guan coco was a girl with big chest and no brain. His thought was very simple. Unexpectedly, she thought so deeply. He was not dissatisfied with this, but he felt more pity for her. He kissed her gently on her forehead: "what a silly girl!"

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