Magic Love Ring

Chapter 389

Chapter 389

Hearing song Yan's reply, the saint daughter of Tianluo forced herself to resist the impulse to split the guy in front of her, showing a compassionate expression: "when the end came, the country collapsed and the people couldn't live, the president of Song Dynasty was able to support a piece of sky with her own strength and protect 70000 people, and the little girl admired it very much."

"Ha ha, your holiness is flattered." Song Yan's self satisfied way made Bilian despise him.

"I don't know what is the future plan of President song?" Tianluo continues to ask.

Hearing the second inquiry from the saint daughter of Tianluo, song Yan sneers at herself. This woman has a deep mind. First, she is guided by the situation in the world, and then by her ideal of life. I'm afraid that a man will fall into her language trap.

I feel that I have to show myself well in front of the beautiful women, and then I will talk about it, boast about it, and boast about my dream.

But song Yan is not an ordinary man. First of all, he has long been wary of the holy lady of Tianluo. Second, his spiritual strength has exceeded 1100 points, and his intelligence is like a demon. Therefore, in the opening of the holy lady of Tianluo, he has penetrated her heart.

So, he pretended to be silly and filled with stupefaction and said: "I'm going to have any plans. Now I'm satisfied with my food, clothes and sleeping beauty. That's what contentment is all about!"


Green lotus can't help but drink softly.

Tianluo Saint girl Xiumei slightly wrinkled, secretly, this song inkstone is really deliberately hidden, or really ambitious. Slightly pondered, she continued: "didn't president song ever think of contributing to the people of the world and reestablishing a new order?"

Song Yan asked, "why should I work for all the people in the world? As for the establishment of a new order, it is the government's business. What can I do? "

The brow of Tianluo's Saint daughter was wrinkled again, and she continued to advise: "now that the evil is rampant, human beings are in danger of extinction at any time. President song has a strong ability, shouldn't he contribute to human beings?"

Song Yan said with a smile, "ha ha, the saint said it's right. She should do something for all the people in the world. However, I have self-knowledge, how big my belly is, and how much I eat. I can protect 70000 people. I'm very satisfied!"

"If there is a chance for president song to save more human beings?" said Tianluo

"You may as well tell me." Song Yan seems to be talked about.

So the saint daughter of Tianluo decided to increase the fire and said in a loud voice: "as the first clan in China, our clan's purpose is to get rid of the demons in the world and save human beings. As long as the president of Song Dynasty joins in Tianluo clan, he can not only save more human beings, but also make achievements and become a hero of human beings. When the government is newly established, the president of Song Dynasty's ability may not be the height of the new government Layer! "

It's just a waste of talent if the women don't pass on their ideas first and then lure them by name.

Song yanmur murmured in his heart, "it seems that what the saint said is nothing. I'm short-sighted. It's not impossible to join tianluozong, but at least I need to give some benefits."

"Bold! My holy daughter invites you to join tianluozong. You look up to me. You dare to ask for benefits. It's just ungrateful! " Bilian finally can't bear it. She starts to yell again.

In the face of Bilian's scolding, song Yan's face was full of sarcasm: "your servant girl is more powerful than your saint, saint, it seems that you are not good at teaching people?"

"Did Bilian apologize to President song?" Heaven Luo Saint daughter deep voice way.

Hearing that the saint made herself apologize to song Yan, Bilian felt extremely depressed: "saint, i...!"

"Forget it! I have a large number of grown-ups, and will not care about a servant girl. " Song Yan waved his hand.

Bilian: " You...! "

"Bilian, wait outside first!"

Light way of Tianluo Saint daughter.


Bilian glared at Song Yan, then turned around and walked out of the office.

After Bilian left, the conversation continued.

The saint daughter of Tianluo said: "president Song forgives me for saying that you are in a bad situation."

"Is it?" Song Yan smiled: "I hope you can give me some advice."

"In the previous war, although President song won the victory and annexed the settlement of beast clan in Huahai City, I don't think you have the real strength to compete with beast clan!"

"Then what shall I do?"

"Join tianluozong. With tianluozong's protection, the beast clan dare not do anything to the president of Song Dynasty."

"What if I still refuse?"

"Tianluozong will join hands with wanshouzong to eliminate your unstable factor!"

"Ha ha!" josei

Song inkstone once again smiled, inducement does not achieve to bully.

"By the way, question of affront, what is the status of your holiness in tianluozong?"

"Both the son of God and the virgin are entitled to the throne of the patriarch." The saint daughter of Tianluo said proudly.

"Isn't that to say that you have a high status in tianluozong?" Speaking of this, song Yan's eyes brightened: "you say, if I catch the saint, and then use it to blackmail tianluozong, what do you think of this idea?"Wen Yan said that even if the psychological quality of Tianluo saint was good, she could not help being stunned. The four guards behind her put their hands on the hilt and were ready to protect the saint at any time.

Seeing this, song Yan couldn't help laughing and said: "ha ha! I don't need to be nervous. I'm just joking. After all, business is not a matter of benevolence and righteousness. "

At that time, the saint daughter of Tianluo was a little annoyed: "President song, you should be a smart man. There are many benefits to join Tianluo sect. Why are you stubborn?"

Suddenly, song Yan's eyes fell straight on the face of Tianluo Saint daughter.

Feeling song Yan's unbridled eyes, the saint daughter of Tianluo felt completely seen through by him. She could not help snorting: "please respect yourself, President song!"

"Haha, if your holiness is willing to be my woman! I might consider joining tianluozong! " Song Yan said with a smile, just now he looked at each other's looks with perspective, but the looks under the veil were extremely beautiful.

"Bastard, dare to insult the saint, you want to die!"

The four guards abruptly drew their swords and stared at Song Yan. It seemed that as long as the saint daughter of Tianluo ordered them, they would rush up and kill song Yan.

"Put them away!"

There is also a trace of anger in the eyes of Tianluo Saint daughter: "President song, I'll ask you again. Do you really want to join Tianluo sect?"

Song Yan also said, "I'll answer you again. If you want to be my woman, I can think about it!"

"Hum! Farewell! "

The face of Tianluo is cold. She gets up and walks out.

"Don't give me a walk!"

Song Yan shouted at her back.

Standing at the window, seeing Tianluo Saint daughter and other people leave the settlement by car, song Yan's lips could not help but show a cold smile and murmur: "since you have come, how can I let you go easily!"

In a refitted bulletproof car, Bilian said angrily, "the saint's daughter, song Yanshi, is so unintelligent. What should we do next?"

"To the beast clan!"

The saint daughter of Tianluo said coldly. Obviously, she was also angry by song Yan.

Ten minutes later.

The body of the car suddenly stopped. The guard of the car said: "saint, there are a large number of corpses in front!"

: Thank you for your great reward


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