Magic Love Ring

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

For the next few days, song inkstone was studying the green lotus sword code. He was sure that the holy daughter of Tianluo didn't get the green lotus sword code in the jade lotus, and even she didn't fully refine the jade lotus. After all, song inkstone also consumed 80% of the spiritual power to refine the jade lotus.

His spiritual strength has reached more than 1100 points, which is even stronger than the average cultivator at the early stage of foundation construction. His spiritual strength is 80% far more than the average innate nine fold.

After a few days of research, song Yan has a clear understanding of the green lotus sword code. This is actually the cultivation method of the sword immortal, and it is also the top one.

So song Yanzhen thinks he has found the treasure.

This sword Scripture is a top-level skill with high cultivation requirements. First of all, the cultivator must have a strong soul power, because a lot of soul power needs to be consumed in building the sword foetus. If the soul power is rare, then the sword foetus has not been cast yet, I'm afraid it will die.

But after the sword embryo is cast, it will feed back the soul

After talking with the high-level of the settlement, song Yan entered a closed state. As long as he cast a sword embryo and built a sword yuan, his strength will definitely increase several times.

But he still lamented that if the function of the system had not been abandoned, how could he practice in seclusion.

He chose a high-rise building in the center of Huahai city as the place of closing.

Because it needs absolute quietness when casting sword foetuses. If there is a little difference, it will lose the credit. It is not suitable to close in the settlement.

In order to be safe, song Yan ordered corpse one and corpse two to lead hundreds of zombie experts to be stationed around the building. Once strangers approached, they would be killed.

After some adjustment, the spirit of song inkstone has reached its peak.

"It's time to start!"

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and then he thought about the formula that would be used next several times in his mind. Then he took a deep breath and began to practice.

He saw his hands constantly pinching and printing to form a complex formula. With the introduction of the formula, song Yan began to operate in his body according to the guiding formula of sword casting in the sword code.

A week later, a sharp and violent sword formed in him.

In addition, song Yan's hands are still continuously stammering, and big drops of sweat fall from his forehead. At the moment when the sword is formed, he feels a kind of piercing pain.

Sword Qi is a sharp and tyrannical breath. Before it is cast into a sword embryo, putting sword Qi in the body is like putting a sharp knife in the body.

Bear the pain, song Yan guides the sword Qi to know the sea through the meridians.


The sword Qi just moved, ten times more painful than before. Subconsciously, song Yan's seal code had a little stagnation.


Just a few minutes ahead of him, his sword Qi suddenly shakes and penetrates his meridians directly.

He takes a deep breath, stabilizes the code, and then urges the life light to heal the damaged meridians.

The sword Qi continued to move forward, and he felt a knife constantly wandering in his body. The pain was unimaginable.

I don't know for a long time, the sword finally came to the sea of knowledge through various channels.

As if he was led by something, the sword suddenly flew into his spiritual lake, and suddenly a feeling that almost made him feel dizzy, made song Yan finally give out a tear like cry.

However, although he was tearing and roaring, the secret code on his hand did not stop at all, and the speed was faster and faster.

"The heart of the sword!"

With a light drink, the sword Qi in the sea of knowledge emits a small amount of light, and then begins to absorb his spiritual power. With the absorption, the sword Qi also begins to evolve to the entity.

In addition, song inkstone's printing formula is more and more complicated, but it has a special rhyme that can't be said.

Half an hour later, after absorbing one tenth of the spiritual force, sword Qi finally became a solid.

See, song Yan is a little relieved.

After a short rest, he began the second step, casting sword.

Although the current sword Qi has become a entity, it is not a real sword embryo. Only by laying a pattern on it can a real sword embryo be formed.

There are four grades of sword embryo.

The lowest character, the highest quality.

Only nine lines need to be engraved on a human sword embryo, 36 lines need to be engraved on a ground sword embryo, 72 lines need to be engraved on a Tianpin sword embryo, and 108 lines need to be engraved on a divine one.

There is no doubt that the sword embryo of human character is the easiest to cast.

But song Yan chose the divine sword.

At the next moment, his hands will be turned over according to the formula of the Taoist seal.


The mysterious law between heaven and earth was inspired, and then under the guidance of Yin Jue came on the solid sword Qi of song inkstone in the sea of knowledge.

With the coming of the law, the spiritual force in the spiritual Lake seems to be drawn to the physical sword.

After a while, there was a strange pattern on the solid sword Qi, and the first one became.continue!

Song inkstone takes a deep breath, and once again uses the formula to draw the laws of heaven and earth into the body.

The second, the third and the fourth lines float on the solid sword Qi one after another, and the solid sword Qi also changes with it, and there are some rudiments of the sword.

It used 10% spiritual power to gather the solid sword Qi. Now it takes about half of the spiritual power to engrave the four Taoist patterns. That is to say, his spiritual power is exhausted, and only 72 Taoist seals can be engraved.

A number of calculations, let song Yan's expression become particularly dignified.

Come again.

Under the pressure of my mind, song inkstone continued to engrave Taoist patterns.

Finally, after sixty-four lines were engraved, his mental power was only ten percent. Because of the excessive consumption of mental power, he felt extremely tired. josei

When his mind moved, he took out an evolutionary crystal.

He had long expected that his spiritual strength would not be enough to forge the divine sword. So, these days, he ordered a corpse to search for the J-type corpse recklessly, and then killed them to give him the evolutionary crystal.

They did not disappoint him. They obtained three sixth order J-type zombies, five fifth order J-type zombies, and more than ten evolutionary crystals of J-type zombies below fifth order.

Take out a sixth order J-shaped Zombie's evolutionary crystal and swallow it. Song inkstone only has 10% of the mental power growing rapidly, about half of it.

Without any hesitation, he swallowed the remaining two sixth order and five fifth order spiritual crystals, making his mental strength recover to 50%.

"Not enough!"

With a low voice, song Yan swallowed all the remaining ten evolutionary crystals below the fifth level, and his mental strength barely recovered to 70%.

Continue to refine the lines.

Spiritual strength has been supplemented, and there are more and more Dao lines on the physical sword Qi with the appearance of sword.

Finally, when the spiritual power of song inkstone was only half consumed, 108 Taoist patterns were finally engraved successfully, and the solid sword energy suddenly burst into brilliant brilliance, and began to evolve towards the direction of sword embryo


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