Magic Love Ring

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

The eight step anaconda is extremely fast, and its body size is more than 200 meters, hundreds of meters away. Hp://772e6f742e6f%6

"bang bang!"

Only its huge triangular head flew out like lightning, and the three eight step L-shaped zombies were the first to bear the brunt and were hit into the air without any resistance.


Like the huge snake tail of the shadow, it's photographed with Li Xiao.

"Poop poop!"

The three heads and eight steps of the L-type zombie were immediately beaten into a bloody rain by the snake tail, which was splashed down from the sky.


The roar of Corpse I came from the top of the building. The rest of the zombies abandoned other Python and rushed to the eight step mutant Python one after another.

"BAM bam!"

The eight step mutant python, like the deep eyes of a copper bell, has a deep radiance. The huge head swims and swims, bumping all the zombies in front of it. At the same time, the six seven step mutant Python behind it also rushes up, and the snake tail draws out as fast as a mirage, drawing the zombies into blood rain one by one.


The eight step mutant Python made an excited howling sound. Suddenly, people stood up, and the huge head hit the 16th floor wall hard.

"Get out of my way!"

When the corpse burst into the drinking room, he did not do anything to keep it. josei


Just like the spiritual force of substance, the triangular head was shot hundreds of meters away before hitting the wall.


The huge Python's body directly collapses a building. Under the building, in the dust, it buries eight mutant Python in it.


The corpse said to himself, but his body could not help shaking violently. He almost fell to the ground. Although that blow hit the mutant Python hundreds of meters, it also suffered from huge trauma, and could hardly exert any mental force.

If the mutant Python doesn't die, it will be slaughtered.


There was a loud noise from the collapsed building, and then the eight step mutant Python came out of it.

At first, he looks at the corpse with a resentful look, then makes a roar. Then, the python who is still fighting with the corpse quickly retreats and guards it.

"Back away!"

Watching the eight step mutant Python leave quickly under the support of his staff, corpse one can't believe it.

In the room.

Song Yan sits on the floor, his mind is completely immersed in the sea of knowledge and observes the changes of sword foetus. After the tempering of 108 patterns, more than 80% of sword foetus has been completed. Soon, it will gather into a real sword foetus.

Once the sword is born, it will feed back his spiritual strength, leaving only half of his spiritual strength to return to the peak.

Outside the room, the corpse reluctantly recalled the remaining 100 zombies back to the building with the last mental force. At the same time, he gave an order to an eighth order zombie to summon all his army of zombies here.

After giving the last order, the corpse could not hold on any longer, and the huge body collapsed on the ground.

At this time, a sound of footsteps came from the top of the building, and suddenly, the corpse was very nervous.

Soon, a figure with a big head appeared.

Corpse one looks a pine: "corpse two you came back, your under the corpse army all summoned to come?"

"Of course not!"

Corpse two said with a strange smile.

Smell speech, corpse one is a facial expression to change slightly: "corpse two you this is what meaning?"


Corpse 2 sends out a sneer: "believe with your intelligence should guess!"

Corpse one's face changed dramatically. Just now, he only guessed that corpse two betrayed the master. But now, he is absolutely sure that corpse two betrayed the master, which surprised him: "corpse two, how dare you betray the master? You should know that the master only needs to move his mind, and you will die!"

There was a trace of pride on the corpse's two faces, and he said slowly: "if I dare not betray any human in normal times, but now, I can feel that his spiritual power is extremely weak. Don't talk about it, even if something happens outside, I'm afraid he doesn't know!"

Hearing from corpse two, it really felt that the spiritual power of song Yan was weak, and it could not care about them. For a while, its face became more ugly.

"So you brought in the eight step mutant Python on purpose?"

Corpse 2 nodded: "yes, it's really from me. Although your blow hurt it badly, it won't scare it away. If it wasn't for me, how could it retreat!"

"If you do this, you are not afraid that the master will wake up and kill you?"

"I won't give it a chance to wake up! Well, for the sake that everyone is the same kind, I can tell you so much. Now, I will kill you and swallow your crystal. I can break through to the Ninth level. As long as I break through to the Ninth level, I can break song Yan's control over me. Then, I will give him anti slavery and make him my slave! Hahaha! "In the end, corpse two couldn't help laughing again, and quickly came to corpse one.


The claws of corpse two pierce the head of corpse one, and then take out a crystal from it.

In the room.

Song Yan is still sitting on the floor, and the sword embryo in the sea of knowledge has completed 95%. Soon, the sword embryo can be completely cast.

Outside the room, corpse two throws the crystal of corpse one into the mouth.

Then, a strong momentum burst out of its body, and the momentum is still rising rapidly.


Corpse two feels that the barrier in his body has been broken, and his momentum has also skyrocketed, which means that he has officially broken through to the Ninth level zombie.

"Song Yan, wait for me! When I break that strange symbol, I will come to you! "

The corpse two cold drinks a sound, condenses own spiritual strength into a transparent short sword mercilessly cuts to the black symbol in the understanding sea.


Under one sword, the symbol cracks.

Cut it out again.

"Click! Click! "

The crack of that symbol is bigger. Another sword will be smashed completely.

"Break it for me!"

Corpse two sends out a roar of excitement, cuts out a sword again, that black symbol breaks up instantly.

"Gaga, I'm free at last!"

Corpse two eyes twinkle the cold light, then pushed open the gate which song inkstone closed.

Inside the door, song Yan sat on the floor with a pale face. In the sea of knowledge, nine out of nine sword tires had been completed. Just one step away, the sword tires could be cast completely.

Seeing this scene, the corpse two smiled ferociously, and the huge spiritual force burst out, like an octopus, which quickly extended to song Yan, and in an instant broke into his sea of knowledge, intending to enslave his soul.

"Haha, his soul has become so weak!"

Seeing that song inkstone has only half the power of soul, corpse two has more confidence, and the huge spiritual power instantly wraps the soul of song inkstone.

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