Magic Love Ring

Chapter 406

Chapter 406

In the end, song Yan and six people in early summer reached an agreement to buy vegetables and rice, and even his household chores were all covered by them. Song Yan only made vegetables, which can be said to be very happy. josei

That afternoon, the other two of the stormtroopers finally arrived.

One is that the captain is lonely and flat. He is twenty-eight years old. His accomplishments have reached the third level of Huagang, and he is also the only master of Huagang.

Another person is Lin Chuan. He is the second level of the cultivation gang. He is the deputy leader of the storm Hunter team, and also an iron confidant of loneping.

"Brother Shi, welcome to join our storm hunters!"

He said to song Yan with a smile on his face, but there was something cold in his eyes. Before Song Yan joined the team, he was the team leader, and the only third level of Huagang. He could say that he was the best in the team leader.

However, song Yan, such a member of the three levels of Huagang, will certainly affect his prestige. Moreover, as soon as he joined, he was completely in a league with the six of them in early summer, which made him even more worried. However, he was a man with deep insight and didn't show it.

"Thank you." Song Yan replied with a smile.

"Well, let's have a meeting first." All of a sudden, the color of the lonely plane sank, quite serious way.

Hearing this, all the people put away their smiling faces and sat in a state of crisis.

"Let's talk about the task. Yesterday, I took on the task of looking for the crystal nucleus of the sixth order mutant beast. In these two days, Lin Chuan and I collected a lot of information and finally found the trace of a sixth order mutant snake in a valley more than 100 miles away from the city.

In addition, there are nine other hunter teams taking over this task. In order not to let out the news, I decided that we should start now to kill the six step mutant snake. Do you have any objection? "

At the beginning of summer, snow thought for a moment and asked, "is there a direct bus to the valley?"

"No, up to fifty miles from that valley!" Lonely Ping shakes his head.

Wen Yan said that at the beginning of summer, snow thought: "that is to say, we just need nearly two hours on the road, and after 50 miles, we still need some time to rest. If everything goes well, we should be able to kill the six step mutant snake in an hour, but in this way, when we return, it is already after 7 p.m.

Most mutant animals like to go out at night. Once attacked by some strange mutant animals, our team is likely to suffer heavy losses! " When it comes to this, there is already a little more sadness on the snow face at the beginning of summer.

Other people listened to her analysis, all secretly nodded and agreed with her.

Lonely nodded his head and said: "the first snow is well analyzed, so I didn't plan to go on the road at night, but camped in that valley for one night!"

"It's not necessarily safe to camp in the valley because there are many different animals in the mountains and forests." Snow in early summer is not reassuring.


Lin Chuan suddenly gave a sneer: "if you want to do a task, you have to take risks. The leader of the team took a lot of effort to find the six level beast. If other hunter teams took the lead, they would not give up all their previous achievements. Moreover, the reward given by the sect is quite high. As long as you get crystal core, you will get 200000 yuan. Besides, snake meat, blood, gall and even snake gall You can buy at least 80000 yuan for tendons. "

Lonely nodded: "yes, the price of the sixth level crystal core is 120000-160000. This time, the price of 200000 given by zongmen is really a rare opportunity. Once it is successful, the money sold by crystal core will be divided by credit, and the rest will be divided equally!"

Hearing this distribution, Meng Ni and other four first-order Gang show their heart color.

That is to say, as long as they finish the task, they can get at least 10000 yuan, which is equivalent to two months' subsidy from the clan.

Loneping saw all the people's emotional expressions and said, "in this way, let's vote on a show of hands. If you are willing to start at once, please raise your hands!"

With a little hesitation, Meng Ni, Xie min and Hong ran all raised their hands to express their agreement. At the beginning of summer, Xue also raised his hands with a little hesitation. As for song Yan, it doesn't matter. Seeing that most people agree, he also raised his hands.

"OK, all the tickets are passed. We'll go back and get ready right away. In ten minutes, we'll gather at the gate!"

Because of the urgent time, everyone went home in succession.

Ten minutes later.

Song Yan and others all arrived at the gate of the city. Loneping and Linchuan each drove an SUV and waited there.

After they got on in two teams, they went straight to the valley.

The roads in the city have been cleaned up simply. Although they can be driven, they can't get up fast. They can drive 80 horses at most.

Song Yan's car was Lin Chuan's, and he was accompanied by Xia chuxue, Xie min and Meng Ni. As for Hong Ran's car, they were alone and flat.

"We're being followed!"

Song Yan, sitting on the copilot, said suddenly.

Smell speech, Lin Chuan subconsciously looked at the reflector, as expected, after seeing 100 meters, there are three off-road vehicles.

"Since we left the city, these three cars have been hanging behind us!" Song Yan continued."Why didn't you say it earlier?" Asked Lin chuanleng.

Song Yan didn't get angry with each other's questions, but explained: "at first I wasn't sure they were following us. Until we changed several ways, they were still hanging behind, I was not sure!"

Lin Chuan picked up the intercom in the car and reported to the lonely Pinghui ahead: "Captain, we are being followed!"

"Are you sure?" A lonely, low voice came from the talker.

"Shi Jian said that they had been hanging behind us since they left the city. What should we do?"

"Cross the road and stop them to ask!"


Lin Chuan put down the talker, slowed down the car speed, then moved the steering wheel, the car body swing room, the car body across the road, lonely flat also reversed the car back, the same car across the road, completely blocked the way.

Soon, the three cars in the back drove up and stopped a few meters away.

Then eleven people got out of three cars.

"It's from the Dragon hunters!"

At the beginning of summer, the snow looks gloomy.

"Let's get off, too!"

Lin Chuan said with a cold face, and pushed the door open and went down.

Soon, the two sides were separated by several meters.

"Brother Wang, what do you mean by following us?"

Lonely Ping stared at a tall but handsome young man led by the other side and asked. In his arms, he also held a woman in red leather, but with a hot figure. This woman was Nie shuangshuangshuang, who had been in Tianluo city and had a great influence on the snow at the beginning of summer.

The first man is Wang Teng, the leader of the Tianlong hunters, and also the elite disciple of Tianluo sect. He has the cultivation of the fourth level of Huagang.

When he heard lonely Ping's voice, his face showed some pondering color: "lonely younger martial brother, you said something wrong, obviously you stopped our Tianlong team, how can you blame me for following you?"

Nie Shuangshuang's voice immediately sounded: "that is, the road is half way to the sky, lonely flat why do you say we follow you!"

: thanks for the great reward


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