Magic Love Ring

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

After a short stop, the Stormwind hunters continued to go on the road, but their loneliness was not so good, especially when they heard the praise of song Yan from the first team members, his heart was even worse, because he felt that the position of his team leader had been shaken. Please search (product% book ¥ net) to see the most complete! If song Yan knew what he thought, he would surely say, boy, you think more!

An hour later, two off-road vehicles from the National Road into the country trail, and finally stopped in front of a steep hillside.

Lonely flat to all humanity: "next is the mountain road, we try to be careful on the road, after all, there are many beasts in the mountains."

People nodded, and then spread out their body methods to run with loneliness.

It's hard to walk on the mountain road. In addition, it's necessary to guard against the attack of other animals. Therefore, the speed of moving forward is not fast. I'm afraid it will be after six o'clock when I reach the mission site. josei

During that time, they were attacked by some low-level monsters. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Finally, at a quarter past six, we came to the valley where the six step mutant snake was located.

"Everyone rest for a quarter of an hour, Lin Chuan. You protect the Dharma for everyone. I'll explore the valley first," he said in a low voice

"Let me protect the Dharma for you!" Song Yan said.

"Then trouble brother Shi!" Loneping looks at the inkstone of Song Dynasty, and then goes to the valley carefully.

The cultivation of the sixth level mutant snake is equivalent to the second level of Huagang. In addition, the mutant beast has abilities to attack. Therefore, we dare not neglect it. We quickly sit down and regulate ourselves.

After a while, lonely Ping came back, but his face was a little ugly.

"What's the matter, things have changed?" Song Yan asked deliberately, in fact, he has used perspective to check the valley. There are six step mutated snakes in the valley, but not one, but two.

In loneping's opinion, it's hard to say how to deal with a six step mutation snake, but the storm team still has a big grasp, but it's hard to say two.

Hesitated, lonely flat low voice way: "there are two six step mutation snake, a female and a male, I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with!"

"I have a way." Song yanruo's way of thinking.

"What can I do?" Asked lonely Ping hurriedly.

"Take one first, and then kill the other!"

Lonely flat eyes a bright: "this is a good way, but the task of leading snakes is more dangerous, who should do it?"

"I've just joined the team, but I haven't got familiar with your fighting style. I'm sure it will be worse to cooperate with you. I'll take the task of leading snakes." Song Yan volunteered.

"Let's wait for the rest of us to finish the adjustment!" Lonely and peaceful.

"That will do!" Song Yan nodded, but in his heart he felt that this loneliness was quite hypocritical.

A quarter of an hour later, the rest of the people were finished. When loneping told them that there were two six step mutated snakes in the valley, everyone looked a little ugly.

"Captain, what shall we do?" Hongran's unwilling way.

Loneping looked at the inkstone of Song Dynasty and said, "just now Brother Shi put forward a suggestion. I think it's feasible. Brother Shi, please tell me about your plan!"

Song Yan nodded: "we can send a man to lead away a snake. The rest of us can kill one together first, then the second one!"

Hong ran said, "ha, this is a good way!"

Meng Ni said, "yes, this method is feasible. Elder martial brother Shi is smart!"

Loneping continued: "brother Shi also proposed that he should lead away one of the mutant snakes. What do you think?"

Hearing this, all of them were thoughtful. Among the Stormwind team, song Yan and lonely Ping had the highest cultivation level. The sixth level mutant snake was equivalent to the second level warrior of Huagang. If they were able to use their abilities, they would be more comparable to the third level warrior of Huagang. Therefore, only song Yan and lonely Ping could be competent for the task of leading snakes.

Loneping is the team leader. He wants to command everyone to fight, so the only real candidate is song Yan.

At this level, no one is against it.

"Well, let's hide. I'll go to the valley and lead away a mutant snake!"

When everyone was hidden, song Yan walked to the valley.

The valley is strip-shaped, with one mutant snake deep in the valley and the other in a cave in the middle of the valley.

Song Yan is going to lead the one in the cave.

When he stepped on the ground with his right foot in the middle of the valley, the whole man rose and fell on the edge of the cave on the cliff of the valley.

The sixth order mutant snake is very large, at least 70-80 meters long.

In fact, with the strength of song Yan, you can kill the mutant snake with one sword. However, he doesn't want to expose his real strength yet.

He picked up a fist sized stone, poured it with Zhenyuan, and then threw it into the cave.


The stone hit the dormant mutant snake head heavily. Suddenly, the other party was awakened. The strong pain made it very angry. A pair of blood red eyes with a copper bell saw song Yan standing on the edge of the cave."Bang!"

Song Yan throws a stone again and hits the mutated snake heavily.

This time, the mutant snake was completely enraged.

However, after throwing the stone, song Yan flew down the valley and spread out his body method to run away from the valley.


There was a sound of air in the cave, and then a huge thing came out of the cave. Looking at the little thing that had escaped to tens of meters away, the mutant snake roared and chased him.

Although the mutant snake is huge, its speed is very fast.

As a result, one person, one snake, one chasing and one running, soon came to the mouth of the valley.

However, when it came to the mouth of the valley, the mutant snake stopped, as if it didn't want to leave the valley.


Song Yan saw this, threw out a stone again, and smashed it hard on the mutated snake.

It hurts! And angry.

So, the mutant snake darted out of the valley, opened its mouth and bit song Yan.

However, it bit an empty space.


Song Yan, who ran to more than 20 meters away, threw a stone and hit the mutant snake.

"NIMA, it's very deceiving!"

The mutant snake roared angrily, swearing secretly that if you don't swallow the little one, you won't go back to the nest.

Seeing song Yan lead a variation snake to the distance.

Lonely flat eyes flash a little admire color, but immediately low shout: "action."

Between the body shaking, a line of eight people flashed out from both sides of the valley mouth, and then flew to the valley.

A few minutes later, song Yan had led the mutant snake seven or eight miles away.

All of a sudden, he was in shape.

The mutant snake, who is eager to follow, opens its mouth and bites at him.

It's a pity that it's empty again.

In the next moment, song Yan appeared on the head of the mutant snake and hit dozens of fists in a row. For a while, the mutant snake was hit dizzy and couldn't help it.

After playing with the mutant snake for a while, song Yan punches it back to the West.

After thinking about it, he carried the snake corpse to the direction of the valley. However, just a few steps away, several figures came to him, seemingly playing the game of hunting.

However, when song Yan saw the man being hunted, he could not help showing a trace of surprise. Secretly, the world is really small. When he came out to do a task, he actually met her being hunted.

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