Magic Love Ring

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

Outside the cave, all the experts of tianluozong stood still. Seeing song Yan go out, they bowed to salute one after another.

Song Yan waved, and silver boat appeared in the air. In a moment, it became a boat with a length of five meters and a width of half meters.

"Come on up!"

Song Yan should jump on the silver boat first.


They jumped into the silver boat one after another. Although it was crowded, they could barely sit down twenty-four people.

"Get up!"

A light drink, a mask will cover the whole silver boat, then, into a silver straight into the sky.

This place is more than 1200 miles away from Tianluo city. The silver boat with a speed of 50 miles per second can arrive in less than a minute.

Dozens of seconds later, song Yan lowered the silver boat and landed in a remote corner of Chengdu.

"This is Chengdu?"

When they saw the buildings around them, they were all shocked. In just a few seconds, they leaped more than a thousand li. This is just the means of immortals.

Shocked and shocked, the saint daughter of Tianluo deeply looked at Song inkstone and made a decision in her heart.

In half an hour.

Tianluozong, the residence of the patriarch.

Eight first elders came together.

But when they came into the patriarch's yard and fell behind, they found that a handsome young man with dark skin was sitting at a stone table and drinking tea leisurely. As the patriarch, Wan Tianqiu stood behind him as respectfully as his descendants.

Suddenly, the eight first elders were shocked. Tianluo sect was the first sect in the hidden world sect. As the leader of the sect, Wan Tianqiu might not be the most powerful martial artist, but he was absolutely the most noble. How could he stand behind a young man like a younger generation.

"See the Lord!"

However, these eight first elders are all old and sophisticated people. After a little shock, they bent over to salute Wan Tianqiu.

"First elders, please!" Wan Tianqiu light way.

"I don't know what the Lord has ordered us to do." Asked one of the first elders.

"Not that I am looking for you, but that my master wants to see you!" Wan Tianqiu's way is still salt and water.

"What? Master! "

The eight first elders were all stunned, almost doubting that there was something wrong with their ears.

Then, the eight first elders all stared at Song Yan with fierce eyes, and one said coldly, "did you do anything to the patriarch?"

"You're quick, but it's all the same!" Song Yan smiled and raised his hand to point out eight fingers.

Eight black light flew out of his fingers, and in a moment, it didn't enter the eyes of eight people.

Only a second later, eight people were all enslaved by the puppet gods he played. Now his spiritual power has exceeded the general foundation period. It is not easy to enslave several Gang nine levels.

"See the master!"

"Subordinates see Master!"


Next moment, eight people all prostrate on the ground, respectfully kowtow to song Yan.

In a moment, a month later, the top officials and experts of tianluozong were all controlled by song Yan.

The bright moon is in the sky.

Song Yan sits in an elegant courtyard and drinks alone to the moon. Tomorrow, he will return to the Yanhuang settlement. When he returns to the Yanhuang settlement, he will officially launch an attack on the Yinyang sect. Once he wins the Yinyang sect, his task of creating a million survivors' settlement will be completed.

"Song Huichang is so elegant!"

A clear and sweet but with a soft voice sounded, and then, saw a woman in a white long skirt came to the moonlight.

"What's the matter with your holiness?"

Song Yan looked up and asked with a smile.

"The little girl came to cheer the president of Song Dynasty when she learned that he was drinking here?" Tianluo saint's daughter said with a smile and a nightmare. Today, she didn't have a veil to cover her face, revealing all her cheeks.

"Oh, how do you want to help?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"The little girl used to dance for Song Dynasty president!" A layer of shyness loomed over the beautiful face.

"Good." Song Yan claps his hands.

No music, no dancing, only the moon.

In the cold moonlight, Tianluo's saint is like an elf dancing on the moon.

The dancing is moving, but what is more moving is the dancer. Gradually, song Yan's eyes are a little more obsessed with the beauty. He has always loved the beauty, but he will not demand it. Tonight, the holy daughter of Tianluo picked the veil and came here, suggesting that she had prepared for her sacrifice.

The saint daughter of Tianluo has a strong sense of utilitarianism, and some of her goals are not satisfied. Therefore, song Yan has some scruples. He is not a ruthless bird plucker. If she does take the saint daughter of Tianluo, she may use her name to disguise herself. After he leaves, the world may change a little.


At this moment, the saint daughter of Tianluo just danced to song Yan's side. Suddenly, she let out a exclamation, which seemed like a twist at her feet, and the whole person poured directly into song Yan's bosom.It's obvious that song Yan is speechless for a while. How can you be a master of level 9? It's obvious that you can play the fake wrestle. It seems that every time you attend some award ceremony in the entertainment industry, those famous third-class female stars like to play the fake wrestle.

However, people play fake wrestling for eyeballs, for fame, Tianluo Saint daughter fake wrestling is to hook - lead him.

Song Yan is not a leisurely Liu Xiahui. Since you have to send him to the door, why should I be serious? So he put his soft and sweet body in his arms.

"Your Majesty, how wonderful you are Song Yan is laughing and joking.

"Giggle, at a glance, president Song saw through!" The saint daughter of Tianluo did not expose her consciousness, but she smiled more brightly.

"Are you insulting my intelligence?"

Song Yan speechless turn white eyes, wave a move, a white jade wine cup fly to the mouth of Tianluo saint.

"Your holiness, please have a drink."

The saint daughter of Tianluo picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "why does president song have such a share? It's better to call me Feier."


Song Yan raised his glass with a smile. Two glasses collided in the air, making a clear sound.

After drinking a glass of wine, the saint daughter of Tianluo suddenly stroked her forehead and rubbed it. She breathed in Song Yan's ear like a orchid, and the smell was fragrant with wine: "President song, what kind of wine is this? Only one cup of fei'er is drunk. Can you hold me in to have a rest?"

"So anxious?"

Song Yan was stunned, and then he strode to the room with Tianluo Saint daughter in his arms.

The next morning, song Yan left Tianluo city in a silver boat.

This time, he left the settlement for more than 50 days, so when he learned that he was back, all the senior officials came to meet him.

Therefore, song Yan simply called the senior management together for a meeting.

After the meeting, the senior executives were more or less worried.

"Brother, do you really want to incorporate the settlement into tianluozong?" After the meeting, Guan asked with concern.

Song Yan said confidently, "don't worry, I've arranged for tianluozong. In a word, after being incorporated into tianluozong, everyone will still stay in Huahai city. Now, it will still be like that. However, tianluozong will send ten experts of Huagang ninth level to guard, and those ten Huagang ninth level experts will directly follow your and Yingying's orders."

Hearing this, Guan coco was overjoyed, and his worry was swept away. He then attached his soft body to song Yan's neck. His hands were naturally wrapped around Song Yan's neck. He said in a charming way: "brother, you have been away for so long, and people miss you!"

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