Magic Love Ring

Chapter 426

Chapter 426

The head of state and Qige had been prepared for this group's virtues of eating alone for a long time, but they were still uncomfortable to hear the words of the middle-aged female Ni, which implied a threat.

"What do you call this abbess?" Asked the Fuehrer calmly.

"The poor nun's law has sounded."

The middle-aged female Ni Leng face continued: "we won't recover what we got from the secret environment before, but later, the secret environment has nothing to do with us. Do you have any opinion?"

Even if the Fuehrer and the Qige elder had better self-discipline, they could not help being angry when they heard the words like bandits.

Therefore, the Fuehrer sneered and said, "abbess eyin is so generous. The secret land is owned by Yanhuang country. What we get from it belongs to Yanhuang country naturally. How can we recover it?"

"Yes, it is an undeniable fact that the secret territory belongs to the Yellow kingdom. Even if you can't take it away, you can take it away!" Qige is also dignified.

"What? Are you willing to surrender the secret land? " Sitting beside Wu Yangzi, a small Taoist opened his eyes with contempt.

Another said, "we can see that the secret place is a fairyland. It's just like a child swaggering across the market with gold and jade in his hand. We'll take away the secret place for our consideration. Otherwise, we'll bring disaster sooner or later!"

The Fuehrer did not laugh from rage: "so, you take away the secret territory for the sake of my Yanhuang country?"


All nine nodded.

Seeing these nine people all show a natural color, and they speak so grandly about seizing the secret land, they can't help being angry.


Qi Ge old clapped the case and glared at Wu Yangzi and nine other people: "you are more robbers than robbers!"

Wu Yangzi smiled disapprovingly and said, "well, little friend, we've given enough face to negotiate with you. Otherwise, with our strength, we will seize the secret territory. Can you keep it? In this way, we will give you ten longevity pills. One longevity pill can extend your life span!"

Slap a sweet date.

They usually use these methods on others, but now they are used on themselves.

For a while, the Fuehrer and Qige old people showed a wry smile. As for the longevity pill, although it is precious, they believe that the branch will develop such a pill sooner or later.

At the next moment, the Fuehrer's face calmed down. Looking at Wu Yangzi, he said lightly, "you want to seize the secret territory. We can't stop it, but we can destroy the secret territory passage!"

As soon as this remark came out, the nine people who had won the lottery suddenly changed.

"You dare!" he said coldly

"Why not?"

The head sneered: "the passage to the secret territory needs to be maintained by nuclear energy. Before you come, we have delivered two thirds of our nuclear bombs to that side. Every half an hour, I will contact that side. If I don't contact that side, they will directly blow up the passage!"

"Unbridled, you dare to threaten us!" A slap and a slap, the Fuehrer is fanned.

"Stop it!"

Wu Yangzi quickly said.

Qi Ge, however, stared at Yin in surprise and anger. He never thought that these people were so lawless that they dared to fight against the head of state.

The Fuehrer stood up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, but there was no angry color on his face. He looked at Yin and smiled, "I can't imagine that abbess Yin, who was born a monk, would be so angry?"

The Yin test said: "believe it or not, I killed you? Let your soul go! "

"No! You kill me, you get nothing! " The Fuehrer shook his head calmly.

"You want to die!"

After the sound, he was furious. With a flick of his hand, a fireball shot at the Fuehrer. However, Wu Yangzi was in front of the Fuehrer and suddenly lit a finger, turning the fireball into a little bit of Mars.

"Don't be impatient when you are at ease!" Wu Yangzi said in a deep voice.

"Hum! For the sake of friends, I will spare you this time! " A faint look at the Fuehrer.

"Thank you for your voice." Wu Yangzi said a sentence to Yin, pinched a formula, and beat a cool breath to the injured cheek of the Fuehrer. For half a minute, the fiery stabbing pain on the Fuehrer's face disappeared.

"Thank you very much, Taoist priest wuyangzi!" The Fuehrer said gratefully, but he sneered at himself, a red face, a white face. I really can't see it?

Everyone is seated again.

Wu Yangzi looked at Yuan Shou and said, "how are you doing, little friend?"

The Fuehrer slowly opened his mouth and said, "we can give up one third of the income of the secret land. Secondly, we can cancel the annual worship! Third, if our country is in trouble and needs your help, please help us! "

Hearing the first condition of the Fuehrer, Wu Yangzi can still smile. Hearing the second condition, his smile disappears. Hearing the third condition, his face becomes gloomy.As for the other eight, their faces were very ugly, and their eyes were sharp and murderous.

"Little friend, your condition is too much!" Wu Yangzi said in a cold voice.

"Taoist priest wuyangzi may wish to talk about your intention!" The calm way of the Fuehrer.

"Well, let's discuss it first!" Wu Yangzi nodded and then communicated with eight other people.

After some exchanges, Wu Yangzi said: "first of all, in terms of the secret environment, you can get one tenth of the income from it. Secondly, your worship has doubled every year. As for letting me wait, but you need to give a certain reward every time you do it!"

The Fuehrer shook his head: "we don't accept it!"

"Don't be unknowable!" Voice again angry.

"So what? Kill me? " The Fuehrer said without a sneer. josei

"Do you really think I dare not kill you?" There was a flash of cold light in his eyes.

"The Fuehrer, please listen to me!" Qige said suddenly.

"Tell me, little friend! Wu Yangzi nodded, gesturing to Qi Ge to continue.

Qige continued: "we may divide the harvest of each secret place into ten parts. We will get one part in hot weather, you will get two parts, and the remaining seven parts will be distributed by our two sides through competition."

"How to compete?" Wu Yangzi asked calmly. He could see that the other side was ready for their door.

Qi Ge old man smiled and swept over Wu Yangzi and others: "nine elders are of great accomplishments, so they can't participate in the competition. We each give 200 martial artists under 30 to compete in the challenge arena. The winner can get one point, and then what about the remaining 70% according to the score?"

"No, there are too many 200 people. We can accept the competition of 100 people on both sides!" Wu Yangzi said in a deep voice.

"Well, then a hundred!" Qige old man smiled and nodded, and the Fuehrer also showed a light color.

Next, after discussion between the two sides, the test time is set to be three days later.


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