Magic Love Ring

Chapter 431

Chapter 431

Seeing the common saying that he fell to the ground, not only the people on the yellow side were shocked, but also the people on the immortal side were shocked. Please search (product% book ¥ net) to see the most complete! If song Yan killed Xuanxin before, it's just a steal.

But this time, as the saying goes, you have used magic weapons to protect your body. How can you still be killed easily by the other side.

"Who else will die?"

In the field, song Yan stands proudly, and his eyes are full of provocation, sweeping to the last one on the side of the cultivator, congenitally Jiuchong.

That nine born heavy fan, on the strength and death of Xuanxin, as the saying goes.

Therefore, feeling song Yan's provocative eyes, his heart could not help but produce a color of fear, subconsciously turned his eyes to one side, dare not look at it.

Seeing this scene, Yanhuang feels very happy.

But the nine foundation building masters on the side of the immortals are deeply ashamed.

Song Yan found that the other side actually retreated, but Longsheng said with a smile: "ha ha, aren't you a high spirited cultivator? How can I still be afraid of being a secular warrior? " josei

For song Yan's ridicule, although the immortals were angry and humiliated, no one took the initiative to stand out.

Even four people were beheaded, two of them were born with nine weights. They all knew the power of song Yan, a common martial artist. Everyone was not a fool. Who would like to die.

"Fan Chong, you go up and kill this kid!"

He was a middle-aged man in a white robe. He was one of the nine major sects in the world of immortality, the qingyuzi of qinglingzong.

Hearing this, fan Chong's eyes could not help flashing the color of fear and muttering: "master, I, I had a mistake in my practice last night, so I can't move Zhenyuan for the time being, so..."

The so-called practice of Kung Fu goes wrong is just a word of prevarication. How can Qingyu not understand that his apprentice is afraid of the ordinary martial artist? However, he thought that his apprentice's qualification is excellent. If he was really cut off by song Yan, it would be a huge loss for the clan. So he drank lightly:

"bastard, when you return to the clan, you will be punished for facing the wall for a year!"

"Thank you, master!"

Hearing that master didn't have to call him to fight again, he was relieved. As for facing the wall for a year, it's nothing compared to losing his life!

Seeing that the other side has become a turtle with a shrunken head, song Yan is unwilling to let go of the group of immortals and sneers: "how? Do you agree? Otherwise, I will allow you two to go together! "

"Amitabha!" Among the nine foundations, a middle-aged monk announced a Buddha's name: "since the small benefactor has such a request, this seat will complete you, wisdom and courage, intelligence. You can go up and ask him for advice."

This middle-aged monk, named Shangren Jin Guang, is one of the nine sects in the world of immortality and the leader of the Buddha sect Jin Guang.

"Yes, master!"

Two young monks in white robes came out from the crowd. Compared with the monk who was killed for the first time by song Yan, these two monks are more handsome. At the same time, both of them have eight innate accomplishments.

"I have seen the benefactor with wisdom and courage."

"I have seen benefactor intellectually."

Two monks saluted song Yan politely.

Just as the two monks were so polite, song Yan decided in his heart not to kill them and hurt them, so he replied with a smile: "two masters are polite, I am..."

But song Yan's words have not been completely exported. Zhiyong suddenly throws a string of Buddhist beads.

When the Buddha bead flew to the top of song Yan's head, the golden light suddenly bloomed, from which nine figures of Buddha appeared. The figures of nine figures of Buddha stabilized the emptiness, uttered the true words of Buddhism, and song Yan, who was under the Buddha's image, suddenly felt stupefied. However, when his spiritual lake was shaken, he recovered his consciousness and understood that he had been calculated by these two monks.

However, in the moment when he woke up, a fist thick and thin Vajra pestle had come to his head, with a bad wind, and hit him hard on the forehead.

"Hey, I wanted to spare you two lives, but I dare to sneak on you! "

in a sneer, song Yan raised his hand and hit the diamond pestle directly.

"Click! Click! "

The Vajra pestle, which is a treasure of three kinds, was hit with several cracks by his fist.


At the moment when the diamond pestle was hit out of the crack, the intelligence opened its mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood.


The figure shakes like a ghost. Song Yan is deceiving himself.

"Bang bang!"

He raised his hand and clapped two palms. He hit two monks directly on the chest. They broke their talismans. They were like broken kites flying out of the sky, falling to the ground without any sound.


For a moment, there was no sound.

After a while, the Ares team erupted into a series of shouts, while the cultivators were horrified.

"I want to fight three. Who will come up and die?"

Song Yan, who killed two monks, once again looked down at the disciples of the cultivation of immortals and shouted in a provocative tone."What an arrogant boy!"

See this scene, nine big build a base to move really angry.

"Jianshan, Jianyun, Jianfeng, you three go up and kill this boy!" The middle-aged Taoist in the green robe is also the leader of the school. He is also the pure and empty real person of the nine immortal schools in the world of immortality.

"Yes, master!"

Three young men in strong clothes stepped out. Different from the other disciples, each of them carried a simple sword.

"Do it!"

Wheezing! Wheezing! Wheezing!

With the sound of three swords coming out of their scabbard, the three youths drew their swords from behind and flashed around Song Yan to form a trinity sword array.


At the same time, the three men wielded their swords. Suddenly, their swords rolled and they hanged song Yan.

"How interesting!"

Song Yanqing drinks a smile, an alloy long sword appears in his hand, and quickly cuts several swords around.

His "green lotus sword code" is an extremely brilliant method of sword cultivation. Although the three men formed the Trinity sword array, it seems that song Yan was sealed in the sword array, but in fact, there are many flaws in Song Yan's "sword cultivation" eyes.

The swords he cut out did not use much power, but they were cut in the weakness of the Sancai sword array, so

"Poop poop!"

The Qi force bursts, and the sword Qi pours back. Suddenly, the Sancai sword array is broken. When the array is broken, the three people are backfired and spit out blood one after another.


The figure shakes, song Yan flies out with a sword, and then three heads fly up to the sky.

"Poop! Putong! Poop

Three headless corpses fell to the sky, while song Yan retreated. He picked up the alloy sword in his hand and pointed it at the disciples of cultivating immortals. He sneered: "the immortals are just like this, so I will fight ten this time. You bastards dare not come up to die!"

As soon as this words came out, Yan Huang was shocked by song Yan's arrogance, but strangely, the blood in their bodies was constantly stirred up by the words. They wished they could incarnate in Song Yan and say these words to the high disciples of cultivating immortals.

"This son should be punished, otherwise it will become a serious trouble for me to cultivate the immortal world!" Wu Yangzi's face is exposed.

"It's true. I'm uneasy if this son doesn't die!" Nodded.

The remaining seven people who built the foundation expressed their opinions one after another, saying that song Yan, a common and martial artist, could not stay.

"I have a plan to kill this!" It's said that immortal Qingxu's face is showing a sinister color.

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