Magic Love Ring

Chapter 438

Chapter 438

When Mo Jiansheng hurried to the intensive care room of Mordor hospital, his wife Yang Jiahui had arrived first. Different from ordinary women, she looked at her lying on the bed, her face was destroyed, her limbs were like a collapsed daughter. She did not cry or make a scene, or even her face was not a little sad, but there was only an unspeakable calm. Please search (product% book ¥ net) to see the most complete! Mo Jiansheng is afraid of this calm.

He can't get to this step without the help of his wife's family. It can even be said that he can sit in this position, one percent of which is his efforts, and nine Chengdu is the help of his wife's family.

"Linlin, don't worry, dad will find the best doctor to cure you." Seeing his daughter's miserable appearance, Mo Jiansheng could not help gnashing his teeth.

"Mom and Dad, what I want most now is to see that pair of dog men and women die! I want revenge! "

Even though her face was destroyed and her limbs were paralyzed, she could not eliminate the violence in her heart, instead, she became hysterical and crazy.

Mo Jiansheng nodded: "don't worry, Dad assured you that he would catch them for three hours at most and let you handle them!"

Mo Qiulin's eyes brightened and she complained: "OK, I will kill them myself!"

After a while, Mo Jiansheng and his wife came out of the ward.

"Jiahui, have you informed your father-in-law about this?" Mo Jiansheng asked with some trepidation.

"What do you say?"

Yang Jiahui looked at him coldly and said, "don't blame me for not reminding you. Linlin is his favorite granddaughter, but now she is made like this. The old man is very angry. If you haven't caught the murderer before he arrives, you should wait to bear the anger of the old man!"

Mo Jiansheng's slightly fat body can't help shivering. Even now, as a deputy state official, he will be scared when he hears the old man's anger. He even says: "don't worry, I've called Zuo Honglin. The demons are all green and red gang's territory, all over the eyes and ears. If you have him, you should be able to catch the murderer soon!"

"Hum, you'd better pray that Zuo Honglin catches people before the old man arrives. Otherwise, you can bear the old man's anger alone!"


University of Mordor.

After getting the information he wanted, song Yan left sun Renmin's office and came back to the girls' dormitory.

After about 20 minutes, I saw song Xue walk down in the presence of four girls, all of whom belong to her dormitory. I was very happy to see her come back intact. But when I knew that song Xue was going to leave Mordor University, I was reluctant to give up.

"Huihui, Xiaoyu, Qingqing, Ayan, I'm gone. I'll come back to see you later!"

At the time of parting, song Xue did not reveal her true feelings, her eyes were dim and moist.

"Wuwu, Xiaoxue people are reluctant to let you go, don't go, OK?"

Xiaoyu suddenly hugs song Xue passionately. After Song Xue is forced to jump from the building, the four of them are very nervous for her. When they see that the school wants to deliberately press down on this matter, they feel very much that he Lu should tell the media about it.

It's a pity that their arms can't twist their thighs. Before they met the reporters, they were blocked back by the school authorities, and each of them was given a punishment. They were threatened. If they dare to make a fool of themselves again, they will be expelled from school.

However, they can only be silent.

Later, they wanted to visit Song Xue in the hospital, but they couldn't see her because of the resistance of Mo's bodyguards. Therefore, they have been worried about song Xue's situation these days.

Song Yan can see that the feelings of these four girls for song Xue are sincere. In this era, it is really rare for students to have such sincere friendship.

Therefore, song Yan did not urge them, but stood on one side and let them talk for a while. After all, for a quite long time, they would hardly see each other again.

About two minutes later.

A group of people dressed in black suits came to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory, headed by a middle-aged man with sharp eyes. He glanced at Song Yan and song Xue, waved to the people behind him, pointed to them, and said, "catch them!"

These people in black are not ordinary people, but martial artists, and they are also inborn martial artists.

In a flash, song Yan fell in front of song Xue's five daughters.

At the same time, there are five inborn warriors flying out one after another, four of them are throwing their fists at Song Yan, and the other is circling behind him, obviously his goal is song Xue.

It's obvious that Mo's family has a different influence in the city of demons. No wonder Mo Qiulin dare to be so arrogant and domineering.

"Get back to me!"

Song Yanqing drinks. He raises his hand and blows five punches.

"BAM BAM bam!"

Five figures fly backward and fall more than ten meters away.

See this scene, the head of the middle-aged people's eyes from a fierce shrink, can fight five congenital heavy, at least the other is the congenital triple warrior.

"You go together!"

He waved again, and seven inborn duets standing behind him flew out at the same time. This time, all of them were song inkstones."Hum!"

Cold hum, song Yan again, seven consecutive bombardment.

"BAM BAM bam!"

Seven people fell back at an extremely fast speed, also falling more than ten meters away.

This time, the middle-aged leader couldn't help but show his surprise. He stepped forward and stared at Song Yan coldly. He said in a deep voice: "I'm in Qitian Pavilion, and I'm the deputy leader of Qinghong gang. I hope you can follow me next time!"

Song Yan said lightly: "the green and red gang have never heard of it, and I have never heard of you, the deputy leader of the gang. I asked you, are you Mo's dog?"

There is a flash of anger in Qitian pavilion's eyes: "the leader of our sect has some friendship with Mo's family. I was entrusted by Mr. Mo to take you back. I hope you will follow me in the face of the green red sect. Otherwise, you will not only offend Mo's family, but also our green red sect!"

Song Yan shook his head: "I just want to target the Mo family this time. Since you are not the running dog of the Mo family, you'd better not get involved in this matter, and take your people away at once. I won't involve you, the Qing Hong Gang. Otherwise, there is no need for the existence of the Qing Hong Gang!"

"Your Excellency, I have been in the devil for a hundred years. Can you threaten me? Since you don't know what's interesting, I have to take you personally!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qi Tian pavilion's momentum burst out. When he probed his hands, his hands came to song Yan's neck. The Qi between his fingers was sharp and sharp, which could easily penetrate the steel plate.

"Go back, too!"

For the neck of the palm song inkstone ignored, the right hand into a phantom flying out.


With a muffled sound, Qitian pavilion's body directly fell more than 20 meters away like a broken kite, fainting directly in the past. josei

Then, song Yan pops up twelve Qi strengths, which are not in the Dantian of the green and red gang expert who was just hit by him.

As soon as Qi entered the Dantian, it exploded. In an instant, all the Dantian of the twelve people exploded, but their accomplishments were wasted.

"Now, what's going on?"

Things happen too fast and end too fast. Until now, four roommates of song Xue, standing behind song Yan, have responded. They stare at Song Yan with incredible eyes, and they can hit people more than ten meters away with one punch. Is this really a martial arts TV play?

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