Magic Love Ring

Chapter 443

Chapter 443

Soon, song Yan came to the Steinway piano, sat down, opened the cover and looked at the bright black-and-white keys. He subconsciously put his hands on it, with a good touch. Please search for the best! The most updated novel, a series of beautiful glides came out of his fingers.

"The master is the master. Even the glide sounds so beautiful." Standing aside, shangguanyue put his notebook in his hands on his chest.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

At the next moment, the familiar notes of blue and white porcelain floated out of song Yan's fingers. Although he hadn't touched the piano for a long time, he didn't feel strange at all.

Infecting Shentong starts quietly, bringing shangguanyue, four waitresses and several customers in the shop to the gentle and lingering Jiangnan Water Town. It seems that they see the beautiful lady in the oil paper umbrella passing by the hero's child on the stone bridge, but at the same time they look back at each other

A sad and beautiful love story blooms in their hearts. Unconsciously, tears come out of their eyes. They are not sure whether they are moved by the sound of the piano or by the story contained in the sound of the piano.

One song, but shangguanyue and others are still immersed in the music and story just now. For a while, the whole coffee shop is full of a kind of sad and beautiful silence.

Just then, a group of people pushed open the glass door and came in, breaking the rare silence.

Even if he doesn't have to look back, song Yan knows who the visitors are. Secretly, the green and red gang are worthy of being the local snakes of the devil capital. They found them in the coffee shop within half an hour.

There are not many people, only six.

One is born with seven, two are born with six, and three are born with five. It can be said that in addition to the leader of Zuo Honglin, he has sent all the experts of the green and red gang.

"Come with us, sir!" The leader, congenitally Qichong, is alert to song Yandao. His name is Zhong Tianhui, and he is also one of the vice gang leaders of the Qinghong gang.

Song Yan slowly stood up, turned around, smiled at them and said, "people of the green and red gang?"

"Yes, I hope you can cooperate." Zhong Tianhui said in a deep voice.

On the other hand, shangguanyue suddenly changed her face when she heard the name of Qinghong gang. She had more fear and hatred in her eyes. However, when she heard that the people of Qinghong Gang wanted to take song Yan, she rushed to song Yan without hesitation, stretched out her hands to protect him, and said to Zhong Tianhui, "I won't allow you to take him!" Then he said to Xiaomin not far away: "Xiaomin, call the police!"

Xiaomin hurriedly takes out her mobile phone and is about to make an alarm call. A little cold light comes and just hits the mobile phone in her hand. Suddenly, her mobile phone explodes and falls to the ground in countless pieces.


Xiaomin let out a scream and stepped back in fright. Her face turned white.

And several guests in the shop heard the name of the green and red gang, they got up and ran out of the cafe.

"I'd better not interfere with the affairs of the green and red gang. Please get out of the way, miss. Otherwise, don't blame us!" Zhong Tianhui looked at shangguanyue and said in a cold voice.

Shangguanyue was also shocked by this scene. She turned pale, but immediately she shook her head stubbornly: "no, I won't let you take him."

Seeing this, Zhong Tianhui frowned and was a little impatient. Looking at Song inkstone, he said, "do you want to hide behind a woman?"

"I don't like the way you green and red do things."

Song Yan said a light sentence, then reached out and put his hand on shangguanyue's shoulder, and said softly, "miss shangguanyue, get out of the way, it's between me and the green red gang."

Shangguanyue cried excitedly, "no, master song, don't go with them. The green and red gang are not good people. They kill people without blinking their eyes. They are villains who do no harm."

"Hum, dare to insult my green and red gang, you want to die!"

Standing behind Zhong Tianhui, an inborn six times cold hums. Stepping forward, he raises his hand and splits it towards shangguanyue. Although the strength is not strong enough, it is enough to split shangguanyue, an ordinary man, into serious injuries.

"Go back!" josei

Song Yan looks cold. The people of the green and red gang are so arrogant that they don't hesitate to attack ordinary people.


A stream of energy flew out of song inkstone's fingers, like lightning into the six fold chest, and exploded in his body.


The congenital six falls back, falls heavily to the ground, opens the mouth to spurt out a mouthful of blood, the expression also followed the upset down.

A breath of energy will hit a congenital six to serious injury.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Tianhui's face changed abruptly. After learning that Qitian pavilion was seriously injured by his move, he and Zuo Honglin suspected that this person should be an expert of the seven peaks of congenital. But this time, he can be sure that this person is not the seven peaks of congenital, but the eight peaks of congenital.

However, the guild leader has given a death order. You must take this person back.

But now, it's hard to get the five of them down. Thinking of this, he turned around and winked at the four of his men.The four subordinates understood and fired at Xiaomin's four service students. Zhong Tianhui attacked song Yan. As long as he stopped song Yan for a moment, the other four could take the four service students as hostages, which could threaten him to go back with them.

It's a pity that he missed a point, that is, song Yan is not the congenital eight fold he imagined, so it is doomed to be tragic.


Seeing that the four inborn experts rushed to Xiao Min and others, song Yan understood their plan, and his face suddenly turned cold.

"Shoo shoo shoo!"

Four points of Qi force flew out of his fingers, catching up with four inborn experts in an instant, and did not enter their bodies.

"BAM BAM bam!"

Qi energy exploded in their bodies. Then, all four fell to the ground screaming and spitting blood, but they were seriously injured.

"Die for me!"

But Zhong Tianhui fell down in front of song Yan at this moment, a sharp knife slipped out of his sleeve, and when he sent it forward, he wanted to stab into song Yan's heart.

"Go away!"

Raise your hand and clap.

The surging gas burst out, and Zhong Tianhui felt as if he had been hit by a speeding train, and then as if he had just got on the bus and flew straight out of the coffee shop door and hit the slate outside the coffee shop.

Seeing this scene, shangguanyue can't help her eyes staring round. She only saw song Yan move her fingers, lift her hands, and beat five of them to spit blood or fly to the outside of the coffee shop. It's amazing.

"Song, master song, did you do all this?"

Facing the eyes of shangguanyue, song Yan nodded: "I did it. By the way, I see your attitude towards the green and red gang. Should you have hatred with them?"

Shangguanyue hesitated and said: "my parents were killed by them, and my uncle was framed by them before he was thrown into prison. The green red gang is the murderer who killed us!"

"So it is." Song Yan nodded, and then solemnly said to shangguanyue, "I promise you, from today on, the green and red gang will no longer exist!"

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