Magic Love Ring

Chapter 459

Chapter 459

After his separation from Li Muyang, song Yan started to move towards the Wulan River, which is the river under the Shenshan mountain. As for the Shenshan mountain, song Yan doubted that it was a huge mountain range of magical artifacts. (see the latest chapter, please go to the literature building)

when he arrives at the riverside, he will not have any scruples, summon the flying sword to step on it, and the next moment, a blue sword rises in the sky

Over the Shenshan mountain, song Yan takes off his sword and changes it into a silver boat. His expression becomes dignified.

He controls the silver light boat to keep the speed of 80 Li and flies. When he comes, he doesn't meet the big demon in the Yuanying period. Who knows if he will encounter it back? So, he has been carefully watching around.

In a valley somewhere in the primeval forest, a huge and beautiful tiger is lying on a flat Boulder, squinting and basking in the sun, with a very leisurely look.

All of a sudden, it seemed to feel something and suddenly opened its eyes.

The powerful eyes flashed thick humanized color. At the next moment, it even spits out words, which seems to be a little annoyed: "last time I didn't care about you, I dared to fly over my head."

In the sky, song Yan is still wary of flying in the silver boat. Suddenly, he has a big warning sign in his heart.


He murmured, intending to speed up the silver boat.

But just then, a huge tiger claw appeared in the sky, covering the sky.

With the appearance of this tiger claw, the whole space is in a state of stagnation, even the silver boat is forced to stop. josei

"Last time I didn't care about you, I dare to fly over my head and die!"

The powerful voice reverberated in the sky, which almost made song Yan deaf.


When the tiger claw falls, song Yan hears the sound of his bone breaking. He is sure that without the tiger claw falling completely, he will be squeezed into meat sauce by this pressure.

"Motherfucker! It must be a big monster of Yuanying level! " Song Yan scolds at the bottom of his heart, and at the same time urges the spirit of space stagnation.

In the next moment, a small world appeared which was almost stagnant, covering song inkstone.

"Meow, meow, I'm going to cross into the unreal world!" Song Yan panicked and shouted that he didn't know whether the small world created by space stagnation could block the tiger's claw, and the only chance to live was to cross into the unreal world.

The light door appeared in front of him, and he rushed inside without hesitation.


There was a cry of surprise in his ear. Song Yan looked back and found that there was a huge and beautiful tiger in the sky, which was at least ten stories tall.


In less than three seconds, the small world created by the space stagnant magic suddenly broke, and the pressure reappeared. Fortunately, song Yan has entered the guangmen.

The light gate shrinks rapidly, turning into the light point disappearing, and the tiger claw beats in the void.


A large space collapses.

Through the gate, song Yan spits out a mouthful of turbid Qi, and begins to investigate his own injury.

At this moment, he has become a man of blood. A lot of blood is pouring out of his body. As for the body, the bones are all broken, and the viscera are almost shattered.

"Motherfucker! Is this the beast of the first baby? It's terrible! "

The heart read a move, he activated the life God light to cure the wound on the body.

Usually, even if the most serious injury is cured by the light of life, it will take three or five seconds. But this time, it took fifteen seconds to recover.

He took out a suit of clothes from the storage ring and changed it into a bloodstained shirt. Song Yan's eyes fell on the seven doors.

I don't know what kind of world it will be across the past?

There is no hesitation, song Yan pushed open a door and walked in.

As soon as he opened his eyes again, song Yan found that he was lying on a hard wooden bed, turning over and sitting up. He was surprised to find that his right arm and right leg had a thick layer of plaster.

"What's the matter? It's not going to replace someone in the world, is it? "

Song Yan murmured to himself that as soon as his voice fell, a strange memory came into his mind.

Fortunately, he had a strong mental power and felt a little uncomfortable, so he accepted the memory completely.

"Well, let me see what's in these memories?"

It took two hours for song Yan to read the 20-year-old memory and sum up the identity information.

The character he replaced is Shen Shaoyan. Both of them have the word "inkstone" in their names. No wonder he will cross over to replace him.

Shen Shaoyan is 20 years old. He is the leader of Qingfeng stronghold in Heifeng mountain. In short, he is the son of the bandit leader. His father is Shen Tianxiong, but he was killed seven days ago. Song Yan is a little relieved. Otherwise, he would not like to have more than one father.

There are 108 shanzhais in Heifeng mountain, Qingfeng Village. Among these 108 shanzhais, the strength is one of the worst. It can be said that the whole Shanzhai is supported by his Laozi Shen Tianxiong alone.Now, Shen Tianxiong hangs up. The bandits who think they have the ability have all gone to other villages, and there are more than ten old, weak and disabled people left. It's not that they don't want to go to other villages, but that they have no one to go to.

Therefore, the current Qingfeng stronghold has reached the point of survival.

In addition, the stronghold leader of Heihu stronghold is interested in the mountain of Qingfeng stronghold. Shen Shaoyan's leg and hand are interrupted by the bandits of Heihu stronghold, because everyone is bandits. Liu Feihu, the leader of Heihu stronghold, didn't let him move away from the mountain immediately, so he was given three days.

Coincidentally, today is the third day. Tomorrow, Liu Feihu will send someone to receive this mountain.

At this time, the voice of the system rings in Song Yan's ear:

"task one, become the first bandit in the world in three years. After completion, the reward fame value is 1 billion, and the failure deduct 1.5 billion fame value."

Hearing this task, song Yan felt some pain in the egg. This system is really a pit. He actually had such a task. What's more, song Yan didn't know how to become the first bandit in the world.

"In task 2, in three years, Qingfeng stronghold will be developed into the world's first bandit stronghold, and 1 billion fame value will be rewarded for completing the task. If it fails, 1.5 billion fame value will be deducted."

"In task three, in three years, two hundred robberies of different types have been completed, and two billion fame values have been obtained after completing the task, and three billion fame values have been deducted for failure."

"NIMA, what a wonderful task!"

After listening to these three tasks, song Yan felt quite speechless.

Just then, the door of the house was smashed open, and a huge thing came in.

"Little Less Less Stronghold leader! No No way Yes, someone Fight It's a mountain stronghold! "

Looking at the man who is nearly two meters tall, song Yan is speechless. His name is Niu bold. He is the flag bearer of Qingfeng stronghold. Every time Shen Tianxiong goes out to rob, he carries the flag.

But this guy is a timid man, blind by his bold name. Besides, once he is nervous, he will stutter.

"Who is Niu boldly from the black tiger stronghold Song Yan asked.

"No No No, it's one A girl! "

"A girl?" Song Yan is stunned and ready to go out to have a look.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the outside of the stronghold: "listen to the bandits inside. I'm here to get rid of the harm for the people. If I don't know the face, I'll ask the bandits inside to taste my sword skill!"

: Thank you for the reward


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