Magic Love Ring

Chapter 464

Chapter 464

"Stop it all, who dares to run, who dies!"

Song Yan's voice clearly fell into the ears of more than 20 bandits in the black tiger stronghold. Suddenly, they felt like pouring lead under their feet, and could not step forward any more. At the next moment, all the people turn around and fall on their knees, kowtow and beg, "spare your life when you are in charge!"

"You bastards are blind or deaf. This is the current leader of our Qingfeng stronghold!" Old Bangzi went up and kicked several bandits of black tiger stronghold kneeling in front of him to the ground, a typical fox pretending to be a tiger.

Several bandits who were kicked down didn't care. They shouted again, "big boss, spare your life!"

This group of bandits have never read a book. Even if they shout "spare my life", they can't shout anything. They can only recite the words "spare my life".

Song Yan glanced at the bandits kneeling on the ground and said, "Wu Sandao, Lao Bangzi, do you think we should deal with these bastards? Do you want to kill it all? "

At his words, the bandits could not help shivering.

"You can't be in charge." Old Bonzi persuades.

"Why not?" Song Yan asked.

Laobangzi explained: "you don't know something about being in charge. There's a private rule in our 108 stronghold in Heifeng mountain. There's no killing between the two strongholds. If one of them surrenders, either cut off one of their fingers and let them go, or let them join their own stronghold."

"And who made the rules?" Song Yan asked curiously.

"I don't know," thought the old Bonzi. "Anyway, this rule has existed for a long time. If you change this rule, you will be attacked by other shanzhais!"

Song Yan suddenly understood that this was the hidden rule between bandits.

So he looked at the group of kowtow bandits and said lazily, "you choose to cut off a finger and go away? Or stay and join our Qingfeng stronghold? "

"Little Wang Er Niu is willing to join Qingfeng stronghold."

"Little leprosy three is willing to join the Qingfeng stronghold, please take it in!"

"Little Zhou Xiaobao is willing to join Qingfeng stronghold!"


At that time, twenty-three bandits expressed their willingness to join Qingfeng stronghold.

Lao Bangzi and Wu Sandao all look happy. They say that Qingfeng stronghold is the rhythm of great prosperity.

Song Yandao: "in this case, you can stay here, but I have to act according to my rules when I come to Qingfeng stronghold. If you break the rules, don't blame my ruthless people! Old Bonzi told them about the rules of our Qingfeng stronghold! "

Old Bonzi's face was embarrassed: "I don't know the rules of our Qingfeng stronghold, when we are in charge!"

Song Yan can't help patting his head. His cheap father is totally in charge of the mountain stronghold. He doesn't set any rules at all. His task is to build the best mountain stronghold in the world in three years. Otherwise, there's nothing wrong with fewer people. Once there are more people, there will be chaos.

Then, he said to himself, "it's just that no rules can make a circle. Before, we had no rules in Qingfeng stronghold, but I decided to set some rules first. First, we are a family when we enter the stronghold, so we can't bully the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled."

"Second, we should not rob ordinary people or harass villages at the foot of the mountain."

"Third, you can't rape - * * female. OK, for the time being, Wu Sandao, take these people down and settle down. Go down the mountain and buy food, old Bonzi. By the way, take that horse." josei

That afternoon, Lao Bangzi returned to the stronghold with two thousand jin of rice, some vegetables and fruits, and only spent more than ten liang of silver.

In this world, one or two silver can buy 200 Jin of rice.

Now, there are 38 people in Qingfeng Village. Even if each person eats two Jin of rice every day, it will be enough for everyone to eat for more than 20 days.

Black tiger stronghold.

Liu Heizi, who took a nap, called a minion and asked, "hasn't my eldest brother come back yet?"

"Go back to the second leader's house, but the big leader hasn't come back." The minion said truthfully.

Liu Heizi's head is not very bright, but he also feels bad. Heihu stronghold is close to each other, and it's only half an hour back and forth. Qingfeng stronghold is also a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people. It won't take much time to receive them. Now it's almost three hours away, and it's long overdue.

Thinking of this, he said to the minion, "take two of you to Qingfeng stronghold to inquire about the news and see what's going on?"

Half an hour later.

The minion who went to inquire about the news came back in a hurry: "it's not good to be the second leader. Something may happen to the big leader!"

"What's the matter?" Liu Heizi suddenly grabbed the minion's arm and asked aloud.

"I went to Qingfeng stronghold as you asked me," said the minion. "I kept my mind and hid myself. I found that the bastards who were taken by the leader surrendered to Qingfeng stronghold!""Did you see the big boss?"


"Grass reas;!" Liu Heizi scolded and rushed out, shouting: "all brothers bring me guys, go to Qingfeng stronghold with me!"

Soon, Liu Heizi gathered the bandits of Heihu stronghold, a total of 58 people.

"Follow me!"

At one command, Liu Heizi led 58 armed bandits to kill Qingfeng stronghold.

"In charge of the family, Liu Heizi has come up the mountain with people!"

A bandit who had just surrendered came to report to song Yan. Although the group had just surrendered, song Yan did not suspect them. He sent four people to hide on the mountain road to be secret sentries. All the others were practicing.

The spy sent by Liu Heizi didn't escape the eyes of the secret sentry. However, song Yan deliberately let the spy get some information, which is to attract Liu Heizi.

I didn't expect Liu Heizi to cooperate like this and kill him so soon.

"Don't panic, get the brothers together."

Soon, song Yan stood in front of the gate of the stronghold with a group of people from Qingfeng stronghold and waited for Liu Heizi to arrive.

Liu Heizi didn't let him wait for a long time. In less than five minutes, he came with 58 bandits.

At the sight of song Yan, Liu Heizi shouted at him loudly, "what do you do to my eldest brother, little rabbit? Please come out as soon as you can, or I will kill a chicken and a dog in Qingfeng stronghold! "

"The role of the Dragon suit dare to shout at me and lead the lunch box!" Song Yan smiles at Liu Heizi, and then bends his fingers to pop up a momentum.


A light sound of Qi force easily pierced his brow, and then, Liu Heizi's voice GA however, fell to the ground without a sound.

The second leader is dead!

Seeing this scene, all the 58 bandits who followed Liu Heizi to Qingfeng stronghold were weak and had more fear in their eyes.

[author's extras]: sanguine

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