Magic Love Ring

Chapter 467

Chapter 467

After leaving the restaurant, song Yan found that Qi ling'er, a girl, was looking at him secretly from time to time, and her eyes flashed with curiosity and doubt.

"Do you have any questions for me?" Song Yandun steps and looks at her.

Qi ling'er nodded and asked, "are you the best in the world?"

"Why do you ask?"

Qi linger thought: "because he felt that the former middle-aged constable was so powerful. If his knife was aimed at me, I could not avoid it. But you used one peanut to bounce his knife away, and then another peanut to knock his man out of the restaurant.

My strength can be compared with the top ten experts in the world, and that middle-aged Constable is more powerful than me. He must be one of the top ten experts in the world, and you are more powerful than him. What is it? You say, am I right in my analysis? "

"To fart!" Song Yan said speechless, "just your little Kung Fu, don't say the top ten in the world, even if the top ten thousand in the world, you may not be able to row in!"

Qi ling'er refuses to accept the way: "you are nonsense. My three masters say that my martial function ranks in the top ten in the world!"

Song Yan smiled: "you are a silly girl. Your three masters just make you happy. Do you know the level of martial arts?" Without waiting for her answer, song Yan continued: "the martial arts in the world are divided into four ranks, three ranks, two ranks and first-class. Your strength is only three ranks, and you are seriously lack of practical experience. Any three ranks martial arts can beat you to the ground to find teeth, let alone those second-class first-class martial arts. It's not like playing to beat you. The middle-aged Constable just now is a second-class expert. You Do you think you can stop him? "

"Ah, how weak am I?" After listening to song Yan's explanation, Qi ling'er couldn't help but look depressed. Suddenly, her eyes lit up: "what level of warrior are you? Is it a first-class warrior

"Better than the best fighters." Song inkstone.

"Then can I take you as my teacher?" Qi ling'er looks forward to it.

"It depends on your performance!"

Seeing that song Yan didn't promise directly, she said: "I can give you a lot of money, but my father has a lot of money!"

"Well, now give me ten thousand liang of silver and I will take you as an apprentice!" Song Yan stares at her thoughtfully.

"Can I do it later?"

"No way!" Song Yan simply refused, but he said: "if you do well in the village, I may not be able to accept you as an apprentice!"

They talked and walked all the way out of the city.

It's time to go back to the stronghold.

I didn't expect to see a black robed man holding a sword just out of the gate.

The man was about twenty-eight years old. He was born tall, handsome and full of confidence.

Suddenly, the man in black looked up at Song Yan and said, "Shen Shaoyan, do you know who I am?"

"I don't care who you are, as long as you don't block the way!" In fact, he has guessed the identity of the man in black robe, Du Heng, the capital of Ningwu city.

Smell speech, Du Heng not from eyebrow a pick, deep voice way: "I don't come to Heifeng mountain range to look for you this group of thief's trouble has been particularly generous, you dare to run to the county town to make trouble, disrelish oneself life is not long enough?"

"Good dogs don't stand in the way, you'd better get out of the way, otherwise, I will beat you to the ground to find teeth!" Song Yan waved his fist.

"Really arrogant!" Du Heng eyebrows once again a pick: "however, you a second rate martial arts have not in front of me arrogant qualification."

"Who said I was a second rate warrior?" Song Yan turned his white eyes, his eyes a bit cruel.

"Isn't it?" Du Heng asked.

Song Yan said with a strange smile, "haha, in fact, I'm a natural expert. If I know what I'm doing, I'll run away quickly. Otherwise, I really want to fight you!"

"Hum, bluff, I'll try your martial arts!"

As soon as the voice fell, Du Heng's right foot lightly stepped on the ground, and the whole man flew up in the air. The long sword in his hand pointed to song Yan, and the scabbard immediately shot out and came straight to him.

"Wipe, I hate you littering the most!" Song Yanjiu scolds him and grabs the scabbard with his hands. It seems that the scabbard with big strength is so grasped by him.

"As expected, I have some abilities. I can use 30% of my strength to fight!" When Du Heng saw this, he couldn't help saying. When the long sword shook in his hand, several beautiful sword flowers flashed under the sword, and then he came straight to song inkstone.

"If you don't pretend to be forced, you will die!"

Song Yan sneers at him. He breaks Du Heng's scabbard into several pieces and throws it at him.

"How dare you break my scabbard and look for death!"

Seeing this, Du Heng is very angry, but at the next moment, he finds that song Yan seems to throw out several scabbards, but they come to him through the air, with a faint whistling sound. josei

Suddenly, his face suddenly changed, and he quickly waved his sword and picked it out.

"When! When! When! "

With the sound of a series of gold and iron blows, Du Heng barely picked up several scabbards, but the strength of the scabbard made his sword holding arm numb. At the same time, his internal strength was exhausted, and he fell to the ground from the mid air. For a while, he was shocked. Was the bandit leader a natural expert.At this time, he had a flower in front of his eyes, and then a fist enlarged infinitely in his eyes.


An old punch hit him heavily on the nose. Suddenly, a strong pain hit him. Meanwhile, his tears came out.

"Tut Tut, I can't believe you can't help it. You're crying with one punch."

Song Yan has returned to the original place, said with a cruel face.

"Asshole! I killed you! "

Hearing song Yan's teasing, Du Heng was furious and killed song Yan with a long sword in his hand.

But at this time, the figure flashed and banged. Du Heng felt another fist fall on his face.

Then, the figure flashed in front of his eyes, and his face was constantly bombarded by a fist. After dozens of fists, his cheek was swollen and swollen, and the blood in his nose flowed continuously, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Tut Tut, where is the pig head from?"

Looking at his masterpiece, song Yan laughed and joked.

The long sword in Du Heng's hand was lifted, but he didn't attack song Yan at last, because he knew that the strength of the other side was much stronger than him. If the other side wanted to kill him, he would have died many times.

"Today's disgrace will be redoubled in the future!" Du Heng tried hard to open his eyes, which were almost narrowed into a slit, and stared at him severely. Then he spread out his body and ran to the city.

But in a flash, song Yan stopped him.

"What do you want to do?" Du Heng's way is a little harsh.

Song Yan sneered: "you are silly. I am a bandit and robber. Of course, I am a robber! Hurry up, take off your valuable clothes and pants! "

Du Heng was stunned, then angrily said, "I'm Duwei, do you dare to rob me?"

Song Yan proudly said, "I'm determined to rob all over the world. It's nothing to rob you as a Duwei. Don't beep, and do as I say. Otherwise, don't blame me for hitting you again!"

"I can give you money, but I can't give you clothes and pants!"

"Cao, I'm robbing, not discussing with you. Take it off quickly. If it's my turn to do it myself, I won't even keep my underwear for you!"

In the end, Du Heng didn't resist song Yan's obscene power. He obediently took out his silver money and took off his clothes and pants and handed them to him.

"Go away! Remember to bring more money with you next time! " Song Yan waves impatiently.

[author's extraneous remarks]: Thank you for your great reward

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