Magic Love Ring

Chapter 523

Chapter 523

Although song Yan thinks that his strength is still far from enough, he still wants to try "the spirit of the temple, does the third level and the first level have a chance to revive?"

"You have five chances of resurrection."

"Then I can't pass the first challenge and won't be wiped out?" Song Yan asked again.


"Then let me in!"

Less than five minutes.

Song Yan withdrew from the third and first level challenge, and his strength was so different that even if he did all he could, he could hardly hurt the puppet in the early days of Jindan.

On the contrary, it is the other side who can kill him only by raising his hand.

Soon, song Yan left the matter behind and asked, "the spirit of the temple, now, have I got the primary use right?"


The scene changes. Song Yan appears directly in an empty metal room.

In a glance, song Yan found that the whole training room was empty and there was nothing left. For a while, song Yan was disappointed.

But he soon realized that the training room should not be so simple, so he asked: "the spirit of the temple, what is the role of the training room?" josei

As soon as his voice fell, a golden "color" light group appeared in front of him, but there were a large number of mysterious symbols flying in the light group.

"What is this?" Song Yan asked curiously.

"This is the body of dark gold." The spirit of the temple replied: "the body of dark gold is a powerful way to refine the body. Even in the divine world, it is extremely precious. The body of dark gold has nine parts. You only need to refine it into the first part. At the beginning of the golden pill, you can't break your defense."

"Such a cow?" Song Yan's eyes were suddenly brilliant.

"You only need to touch the light ball with your hand, and the runes in it will enter your body. There are 36000 runes in total. You only need to light 360 to make the first weight!"

"How to light up."

"Just pour in energy. When you light up 360 runes, the runes can release energy together and help you refine your body. Then you will become the most important body of dark gold."

"Ha ha, this skill is simple!"

Song Yan's probe grabs the light regiment. Suddenly, the runes in it rush into its body crazily.


When his clothes broke, he became completely naked in an instant. Looking down, he found that every inch of his body was covered with mysterious dark gold 'color' runes. He was shocked and said: "these runes will not always appear on my skin?"

"Don't worry, in an hour, these runes will be able to fully integrate with your body reals;!" The spirit of the temple comforts.

Sure enough, after an hour, the 36000 runes disappeared completely and were integrated into his body. Moreover, song Yan established a deep connection with these runes and could clearly sense where they were.

When his mind moved, he urged Jianyuan in Dantian to fill one of the runes.

Ten percent.

Twenty percent.



When song Yan poured ten percent of the sword yuan of a Dantian into it, but failed to light the rune, he took out a top-grade Lingjing to supplement the sword yuan, and urged the second Dantian sword yuan to pour in.

As a result, after the second Dantian's sword yuan is filled in, it still fails to light the rune.

"The spirit of the temple, this rune is too hard to light!" Song Yan could not help complaining.

"You can really appreciate the beauty of the dark gold body." Said the spirit of the temple.


Song Yan nodded his head, and after meditating, he immediately understood that only energy can be absorbed by the rune in his body, instead of pouring in with the sword yuan.

Therefore, song Yan holds a piece of top-grade Lingjing in both hands, crazily absorbs the spirit in it, and at the same time, communicates with that rune.

Sure enough, as soon as the spirit gas in the top Spirit Crystal enters the body, it is inhaled by the rune.

After continuous absorption for a day, the energy of the two elite crystal is exhausted, and the brilliance is dimmed.

However, the best crystal can absorb the spirit and recover itself. However, it is difficult to recover to the peak within a few years.

Put away two of the best Lingjing whose spirit is exhausted. Song Yan takes out two more and continues to absorb them. However, in his heart, he feels that this rune is a bottomless' hole '. I don't know how much spirit it needs to absorb to fill it.

Finally, the first Rune finally lights up after consuming the aura of the best Lingjing.

See, song Yan is a little relieved.

In the ruins of the doomsday world, he obtained a huge storage ring, which contains 100000 top-grade Lingjing and 500000 top-grade Lingjing.

According to the calculation that a rune needs four or more top-notch Lingjing, 360 runes only need more than one thousand top-notch Lingjing. For more than half a million top-notch Lingjing, it can only be said to be nine cattle and one hair.

So, in the following days, song inkstone is doing the thing of lighting up the rune in the cultivation room.More than 20 days later, only 13 runes were lit.

Song Yan asked the spirit of the temple about other people's challenges.

As a result, only two of the 48 people passed the first and third level challenges, one was Qi linger, the other was from the great Zhou empire.

The remaining 46 got through the first and second floor.

The first tier has only one reward, the second tier has two rewards, and you can get five rewards if you get through the third tier.

An hour later.

Forty nine people, including song Yan, were sent out of the temple, and the temple turned into a light and shadow disappeared, but no one knew that the disappeared temple had been rooted in his sea of knowledge.

He has two hundred years.

In these two hundred years, if he still can't pass the third level of challenge, then the temple will cancel his primary right of use, leave his sea of knowledge, and find new inheritors in the universe.

Forty challengers were taken away as treasure by the people of the black sky demon sect of the three empires. Song Yan believed that the martial arts of the world would usher in a new development with their gains from the temple.

It's night.

Qingfeng Village held a grand banquet.

After the banquet, song Yan returned to the room with Su Niang's soft body in his arms.

After a while, Su Niang fell asleep, while song Yan considered the next plan.

He has been channeled through the spirit of the temple.

When he leaves the world, he can send Su Niang to the shrine and bring him back to the real world.

But he has some scruples. After all, Su Niang is the native of the world. If she goes to the real world and everything changes, can she adapt?

After some thinking, he decided to ask for Su Niang's advice before leaving. If she would like to go with him, he would take her away. If not, he would stay in the world for a long time.

A month passed in a flash.

There are 32 dark gold runes in Song Yan's body, and it will take nearly two years to light 360 runes.

The author's aside: second, thanks for the reward in this life

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