Magic Love Ring

Chapter 530

Chapter 530

Because there are plenty of jadeite resources, and the quality of these Jadeites are all of the best. HP: / / 772e6f742e6f% 6

therefore, the current Shayan jade decoration shop has made a unique brand in Xiangcheng, so everything is on the right track.

After taking a bath, Hansha sat on the sofa in the living room and watched TV in a silk nightgown. When she was working, she didn't feel that once she was free, the figure of the little villain would flash in her mind.

Calculate carefully, that bad guy hasn't come to see her for a month, think of here, her eyes can't help but a little more grudge.


There was a knock at the door.

Han shaxiu eyebrows slightly wrinkled, so late, who will come to find her.

"Who is it!"

"It's me."

As soon as she heard the voice, Hansha couldn't help looking happy, but she said coldly, "who are you?"

"Hey, can't you even hear the voice of your own man?"

"Well, I don't have a man. Go on, I'm sleeping." Hansha continued to say coldly that this guy dared not contact her for a month, so he had to show him a little bit. josei

"Do you really want me to go?"

"How far is it? How far is it? You'd better never come to me."

"Well, since you don't want to see me, I'll go!"

Under Hansha's listening, I really heard footsteps going away. Suddenly, she looked flustered. Would that guy really go?

Subconsciously, she would run to open the door to stop him, but immediately thought that the guy had such a thick skin, how could he leave so easily, the guy must be playing a hard to get trick.

Thinking of it, she calmed down a lot.

Sit back on the sofa.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.

There is still no voice outside. Hansha can't sit any longer. Is that guy really gone?

Thinking of it, she walked quickly to the door and opened it.

The door was empty, not even a ghost could be seen.

"Son of a bitch, I really left!" Hansha could not help stamping her feet and scolding angrily.

"It's not good swearing at the back."

Suddenly, a cruel voice came from behind, and Hansha suddenly turned around. A disgusting face suddenly came into sight. Suddenly, she understood that she had been teased again.

"You bastard, how dare you tease me!"

After a while, Hansha found that song Yan didn't respond. She looked up and saw that the other side's eyes were staring at her chest. She looked down and found that the button of her pajamas had burst at some time

"It's so clean. Do you know I'm coming back?"

In his hands, song Yan hugged Hansha into his arms, smelled the fragrance of shampoo mixed in her hair, and could not help showing the color of infatuation, murmuring: "Sasha, I miss you so much."

Han Sha, who thought that song Yan hadn't contacted her for a month and had a deep grudge, was hearing this sentence. The deep grudge was like melting ice and snow, and even the whole person was completely soft in her arms.

Without too much language, the lips of the two people are combined, greedily swallowing each other's saliva.

Song Yan has never been an honest person, so when kissing, he reached under his pajamas and grasped the delicate and warped pair. He felt that in January, the pair of rabbits grew up a little.


Under the touch of song Yan, Hansha became more and more unbearable, and there was a sound of "calling" between her mouth and nose.

Song Yan can't bear it any longer. He tore Hansha's robe with some rudeness, and then directly pressed her under the sofa.


The next day.

A wisp of sunlight fell through the screen window on the room.

Looking at Han Sha, who is still sleeping, song Yan kisses her on the forehead, gets out of bed, puts on clothes and heads for the kitchen.

Not seen in January, Hansha broke out with unprecedented combat effectiveness.

But it also aroused song Yan's belligerence. So, from the living room to the battle kitchen, from the kitchen to the bathroom, from the bathroom to the balcony, the bedroom, all left traces of the two. They were tossed to four o'clock in the morning, and the war ended.

Even though Hansha's physique has been many times stronger than that of ordinary people due to her cultivation, she is still suffering from a lot of troubles.

After simply cleaning up the traces left by the two people's absurdity last night, song Yan came to the kitchen to make breakfast.

After a while, breakfast was ready. He came to the bedroom and found Hansha was still sleeping.

After thinking about it, he simply took off his clothes and went to bed with her.

This sleep was enough to two o'clock in the afternoon.

Hansha opened her sleepy eyes and asked, "what time is it?"

"Two o'clock!" Song inkstone.

Hansha's face suddenly changed. She cried out badly and quickly turned over to sit up."What's the matter?"

"Go to work. There is an activity in the shop today." Hansha looked at Song Yan reproachfully.

"It's OK, isn't it just an activity? Besides, there's sister Su in town. It's OK. " Song Yan comforted.

Hansha thought for a moment and said, "well, I'll call sister Su and talk to her. I won't go to the shop today."

"Is that right? Be nice to yourself. Your man has too much money to spend. Don't work so hard! "


Han Sha takes a look at Song Yan, picks up her mobile phone and turns it on, then dials up Su Huiyun's phone. Before going to bed last night, song Yan turns Han Sha's mobile phone off.

Sure enough, after passing the speech, everything in the store was normal, and the activity was held successfully under the chairmanship of Su Huiyun.


As soon as she hung up, Hansha heard a voice of rebellion in her stomach. Suddenly, her face turned red and she was a little shy.

"Let's go. Let's eat out."

In the next three days, song Yan stayed in Xiangcheng to accompany Hansha, which was also a holiday for her.

Before leaving, song Yan went to see uncle and aunt again.

Today's eldest uncle can be said to be a successful official, can be said to be full of energy, and the one who has been promoted to the top of Xiangcheng city has disclosed to the mayor that he has proposed to the above, and promoted him to be the executive vice mayor.

After having a meal at uncle's house, song Yan directly drove the silver boat back to Yandu.

That night, he invited Gan Zhipeng, long Bo, Zhang Xixi and his female apprentice out for a night snack.

After supper, he didn't go back to the dormitory, but came to the rental house, and let out Su Niang and murongke.

"Grandpa, is this your world?"

Both Su Niang and Murong Ke looked curiously at the furnishings in the room. The lights, computers and various household appliances made them feel novel.

Song Yan patiently told them about the use of various household appliances, and then took out several sets of clothes from the storage ring to give them a try.

Song Yan bought it for them. They have all kinds of underwear and underpants.

However, both women first came into contact with bra and really didn't know how to wear it.

As a result, song Yan had to give full play to the spirit of doing a good job without asking for a return, pointing out how to wear the two girls with his hands.

[author's extras]: sanguine

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