Magic Love Ring

Chapter 542

Chapter 542

Looking at the combination of men and women, Antonio Lear looks a little complicated. IA, the CIA, is the most powerful intelligence agency on the surface of the United States.

But it's far less than the power of the super game.

In particular, this pair of men and women are members of the A-level of the Super Energy Bureau, not to mention a director of the bureau who can offend them.

"Mr. mark, Miss Clarissa, welcome!"

Clarissa glanced at Antonio Lear lightly and said stiffly, "Mr. Lear, are all the video materials I need ready?"

"All ready!" Antonio Lear said politely, "come with me, gentlemen."

An hour later, Clarissa, after browsing a lot of video materials, drew a circle on the map of Los Angeles, which was the urban location of Los Angeles.

"Director Lear, send someone to block this area and check every house!" Clarissa ordered.

Hearing this, Antonio Lear frowned a little: "Miss Clarissa, it's too much to complain about."

"If you don't want to catch the real mastermind of this huge arson, you can refuse!"


Antonio Lear's face was a little more joyful: "did you find the mastermind of the great arson?"

"The investigation efficiency of our super energy bureau is not comparable to that of your ia organization, and Clarissa is the master of strategic analysis of our Super Energy Bureau. She said that if you find the mastermind, it must be. So, director Lear, what you have to do is not doubt, but obey orders."

Hearing Mark's words of reprimand and contempt, Antonio Lear flashed an embarrassed look on his face, but there was a little more dissatisfaction in his eyes. However, instead of refuting, he chose to execute the order, sent out all the only agents under his hand, contacted the city special police, and asked them to help block the area.

In any case, the mastermind of the arson case has his credit from director Lear, so I have to bear it.

Ia's action was fast, blocking the whole area in just 20 minutes, and all Skynets and cameras on the street were integrated into the temporary command room.

On the surface, Antonio Lear is the commander of the operation, but in fact, Clarissa is the leader.

"Miss Clarissa, as you ordered, the whole area is closed."

Clarissa stroked her golden hair with her fingers. "Mr. Lear, let the agent at the bottom of your hand move and start to check."


Antonio Lear flies away. Mark, standing behind Clarissa, is worried. "Clarissa, aren't you afraid to scare the snake?"

"All I have to do is scare the snake." Clarissa smiled confidently: "by mark, you have to be ready. I have a hunch that that guy is not only A-class hypnotist, but also has other abilities. If those fools can't catch him, you have to do it."

"Don't worry, if that bastard dares to show up, I'll blow him up!" Mark made a fist.

"What a rude fellow you are!" Clarissa said with a smile, "but I like it."

On the living room sofa.

Song Yan suddenly opened his eyes, opened his clairvoyance, and found a large number of special police around him, and those ia agents were gradually checking the nearby residents.

Although he and Shangguan Gaofei and Murong Xinyue came to this area after dressing up.

But they can't stand the examination, because their identities are all fictitious. Once they are examined, they will be exposed immediately. josei

"It seems that IA has some skills!"

In a low voice, song Yan got up and knocked on the door of Shangguan Gaofei and Murong Xinyue.


Gao Fei's voice came from inside.

"Yes, get up quickly. The people of IA have arrived nearby!" Song Yan whispered.

All of a sudden, there was chaos in the room.

Five minutes later, Gaofei and Murong Xinyue, the well-dressed Shangguan, walked out of the room.

"What shall we do now?" Gao Fei asked, with a deep worry in her eyes.

Murong Xinyue didn't speak, but the expression on her face had written what she thought.

If song Yan doesn't want to reveal his secret, he has many ways to escape, so that ia can't even trace his hair.

"In this way, I'll make a costume for you first."

Three minutes later, song Yan turned the two women into two white women.

And he himself made up to be a black man about one meter nine.

After eight minutes of delay, the people of IA have arrived outside the house.


There was a knock at the door.

Through the perspective of Shentong, song Yan saw that there was an IA agent outside the door, and two city special policemen in full armed force. At the same time, all three of them had pinhole cameras, which could return all their tasks to the command room."Are they here?"

Hearing the knock on the door, Gao Fei and Murong Xinyue are both worried.

"Don't worry, I have a way!"

Song Yan went to the door and opened it.

When the three people outside saw song Yan's face, they were stunned, but their faces changed immediately. The house recorded in the data was a white couple, but now it was a black man who opened the door.

The IA agent is the fastest. After a short shock, he reaches out and pulls out his gun. The two special police officers react slowly. However, their guns are all in their hands. When they want to lift the muzzle, song Yan moves faster.

"Poop poop!"

Three soft sounds, Qi force directly pierced their eyebrows and hearts. When they fell, song Yan raised a middle finger towards the pinhole camera on them.

Temporary command room.

Clarissa suddenly magnified the monitoring window No.72 and played back the video three times, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "mark, I think we have found the target. He lives at 392 XX street, but you have to be careful. This guy is not only A-level hypnotist, but also seems to have a very good camouflage skill. At the same time, he should be a Air power, at least B level. "

After killing the three, song Yan took his second daughter downstairs and drove away a Ford car owned by the owner.


Song Yan suddenly found a strange scene. All the special police and IA agents around were evacuating. Did they know that no matter how many people came, they were delivering vegetables and chose to retreat?

But song Yan thought it was impossible. Suddenly, he felt something in his mind. It seemed that there were some powerful figures in the United States about to come out.

Just then.

A person's shadow fell from the sky, "boom" hit the road, blocking the way of Ford.

Song Yan looked up and saw that he was stopped by a young black man, who was only a meter and eight tall, but his arms were particularly thick. Yes, this black man was Mark, a member of the super power bureau.

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