Magic Love Ring

Chapter 545

Chapter 545

The moon god clan is the favorite of magic. Every month, the moon god clan is a born magician. After tens of thousands of years of development, they have pushed the magic to a very high level. The division of magic realm is simple but detailed. (see the latest chapter in literature building) (..)

level 1-3 is a magic apprentice.

Level 4-6 are magic fighters.

Levels 7-9 are magic instructors.

Level 10-12 is the master of magic. josei

Level 13-15 is the magic master.

Level 16-18 is magic saint.

Level 19-21 is the demon.

Now the queen is the 21st level demon.

In addition to the characteristics of magic beloved, the moon deity also has a strong sense. In addition, they have a very long life. Even ordinary moon people have a life span of 300 years. At the same time, the higher the magic realm, the longer the life span.

For example, the queen of the moon has lived for more than 1000 years.

Nice is only a level 3 magic apprentice, but she has the blood of the queen, so her telepathy is many times stronger than that of ordinary Luna people.

That's how she sensed that the man and woman outside the ship would threaten them.

She sensed that the energy contained in the tall man's body had reached at least the level of level 9 magic tutor. The woman was slightly weak and should be able to play the strength of level 7 magic tutor.

She and her two maids are not rivals of that woman, let alone a more powerful man, so these days, the three of them can only hide in the spacecraft, and even have no chance to find the energy stone.

All of a sudden, nice looked around curiously, some uncertain way: "how do I feel, as if someone is peeping at me, Nana, Lulu do you feel it?"

Both maids shook their heads to show that there was no reaction.

"Maybe I'm too sensitive." Nice whispered.

In the sky, on the flying sword surrounded by water mist, there was a flash of surprise in Song Yan's eyes. Although he could not hear what the fairy girl was saying, from her expression, song Yan could infer that she should have sensed that he would see through the gods to see them.

Mingming is very weak, but his sensitivity is so strong, which makes him curious.

"I can't control that much. I'll take the ship away first!"

When song Yan was about to start, thousands of meters away, there were dozens of bloody bats flying towards this side. At the same time, more than 50 strong men wearing black iron and armor carrying various weapons, all over two meters in height, broke into the blockade area of the mi * * team.

To intruder, mi * * team has no superfluous nonsense, direct shooting.


Fire spray, as dense as rain bullets crazy to the more than 50 wrapped in the battle armor of the strong man pouring.

"Do it!"

But to the surprise of the MI people, their bullets could not penetrate the armor of the strong men.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

It's the sound of a sniper gun.

In terms of penetration and attack power, sniper guns are much more powerful than ordinary guns.

What's more, the three sniper guns are still shot with armour piercing bullets.

But to the despair of the American soldiers, the armour breaker could not break the armor of the strong men.

"Assholes, it's a good fight, isn't it? It's our turn!"

The roar came from within the armor.

Then, I saw the group of strong men flying out, and rushed to the front of the soldiers of the United States in an instant, waving their weapons and smashing them out.

It was a massacre.

The bullets can't wear the armor of these strong men. Moreover, the strength of these strong men is amazing. They can sweep several American soldiers to more than ten meters with a sweep of weapons.

In less than a minute, hundreds of US soldiers were killed or seriously injured by the group.

U.S. soldiers around are rapidly increasing their aid to this side. However, the end of the battle is too fast.

This group of seemingly clumsy strong men is also very fast. After solving this group of American soldiers, they run like a group of mad cows. They can reach the place where the spaceship is in five minutes at most.

In addition to this group of strong men, in the northwest direction of the blockade area, there are more than 30 mysterious people enveloped in black robes.

Facing the bullets of the soldiers of the United States, they waved their magic wands at will, and they had an all-round black cover.

The bullet hit the black cover and only caused a slight ripple.

Moreover, they were not beaten passively. In the flying of the staff, dozens of black Qi flew to those soldiers. In less than a minute, more than 500 soldiers died miserably. Their faces were full of terror. Obviously, before they died, they encountered extremely terrible things.

In the East, a group of monk A-San came wearing yellow cassocks and showing one arm.

These three monks did not wear battle armor or magic mask. However, when facing the bullets of the soldiers of the United States, their bodies seemed to be constantly wriggling like noodles, and the bullets could not hit them at all.In the south of the blockade area, a group of red robed men with golden Bible came, followed by 22 Golden Knights. Their armor was shining, powerful and holy.

In the face of these people, the U.S. soldiers did not immediately shoot.

Because they recognize that these people are from the Illuminati, and most of them believe in the Illuminati.

When the two red robed mages at the head turned the golden Bible in their hands, countless light spots flew out of the Bible. Suddenly, hundreds of American soldiers who stopped them fell unconscious.

"There are intruders!"

Said Raytheon Bowen in a cold voice.

"And more than one!" Medusa added with a sneer.


Song Yan, who was just about to start, changed his mind because he found another group of people.

The first group to come is the red bats.

After dozens of bloody bats landed, they turned into forty-two middle-aged and old men dressed appropriately, with elegant posture and noble demeanor.

"Is this the legendary blood clan?"

Blood clan is also called undead clan. They have a long life, like to suck human blood and fear light.

But now these 42 blood clans have reached the point of not afraid of light, and not afraid of the sun to walk in the daytime, at least to reach the Marquis level.

The rank of blood clan is divided by the title of nobility, from low to high are blood slave, Baron, viscount, count, marquis, Duke, Prince and Emperor.

The blood race of more than forty-two Marquises is absolutely an extremely powerful force. For a while, the faces of Raytheon and medusa were dignified.

Just then, the sand rolled.

A pair of strong men in black armor arrived.

This is a wolf from Siberia.

After that, dozens of dark magicians and dozens of Illuminati almost followed.

Then, the three monks came slowly.

Blood clan, werewolf, dark mage, Illuminati, and A-San monk, these five beings are similar to the burning immortal. They all have a long history and strong power, and are not subject to the country at all.

If the immortal cultivator tries to plug in again, I'm afraid all the mysterious forces on the water blue star have arrived at Qi, song Yanxin said.

However, his idea has not completely fallen. Dozens of sword lights come from afar, blink and land near the alien spacecraft.

[author's extras]: thanks for the reward of [season less]

second change

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