Magic Love Ring

Chapter 547

Chapter 547

When they saw this scene, they were shocked. It was thunderobot and medusa who had a clear look.

After the transformation, the strength of Chekov has been infinitely close to SS level.

But he was defeated by Sergei who didn't change. It's said that Sergei's strength is half weaker than Raytheon's, while Raytheon's strength is the S-level peak. Now it seems that it's a rumor that there is a mistake. Sergei, the wolf God, has reached the SS level. Maybe there is a mistake in Raytheon's strength. He is also a SS level expert, so he can press Sergei.

Chekov stood up awkwardly from the bunker, his face very gloomy, but he did not continue to rush up, but returned to normal.

Seeing that Chekov retreated in spite of difficulties, people in other camps felt some regret. If Sergei could kill Chekov, then the strength of the werewolf camp would certainly be weakened.

"Gentlemen." At this time, the blood camp out of an old man as thin as wood: "I am the Great Duke of Hilde."

Hearing this name, the three players of super power, as well as the Illuminati and werewolf camp, could not help changing their faces.

The Grand Duke of Hilde, an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, the founder of Hilde family, the former head of Hilde family, is the only grand duke among the blood family.

There is a legend that he has died. Unexpectedly, an alien spaceship attracted him.

Speaking of Hilde, those who have lived a little longer have heard of his reputation.

This old man not only likes to suck the blood of human beings, but also his own blood family. The vampire who died in his hands is not less than 200.

The Grand Duke of Hilde continued: "everyone came here for the sake of this spaceship, but there is only one spaceship, but we have eight forces here, obviously not enough!"

"Eight forces?"

Wen Yan said that people from the other six camps were puzzled, but everyone was not stupid. He soon thought that there must be another force hiding in the dark, trying to pick up the cheap.

"Little mice from the island country, are you going to come out by yourself or ask the Duke to invite you out!" Hilde called out hundreds of meters away.

"The Great Duke of Hilde is indeed well-known."

The yellow sand surged, and then dozens of figures rushed out of the ground.

The first is a little old man with a figure of no more than one meter six.

This man is the temple master of yin and Yang Temple in the island.

"A group of mice." The man who built the foundation on the side of the immortal sneered.

In the face of each other's sarcasm, Tiangou master not only did not get angry, but also laughed at Yingying's salute: "it turned out to be the famous immortal taixuan, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

Just so-called outstretched smiley man, immortal taixuan is the only expert in the middle stage of foundation building in the celestial world, and he doesn't care to continue to mock the islanders.

"I hate the islanders. Why don't we join hands and get rid of them?" Hilde suggested. josei

In this regard, except for the island countries, people from other camps have shown their reflection.

As for the heavenly dog master, his face became extremely ugly.

"I agree." Said immortal taixuan.

"Although our Illuminati and dark creatures are enemies of the world, compared with the islanders, we would rather cooperate with dark creatures than with the islanders!" Said a red mage on the Illuminati side.

The islanders are famous for their stabbing in the back. This time, they deliberately didn't show up and wanted to calculate all the people. Therefore, the islanders have committed public anger.

"We werewolves agree!" Chekov glanced at master Tiangou and said with a grim smile that he had suffered losses in Sergei's hands, but intended to recover some face from the islanders.

"We agree!"

An old monk of the third middle school said.

"We stay neutral!" Thunderobot said coldly, after all, the islanders are a dog that their Chinese raised in Asia to contain the yellow fever. Even if the dog has the intention to calculate the owner, some people are not generous in dealing with them.

At this moment, master Tiangou's face turned blue and red, and he said angrily, "baga, you are so deceiving!"

"Let's do it!"

Hilde's body shape changed into a black phantom. Before a ninja could respond, he was clasped by his thin hand around his neck. Then, two half foot long tusks grew out of his mouth and burst into the Ninja's neck.

In less than one breath, the Ninja was sucked to death by Hilde and became a dried up body.

In the moment Hilde rushed out, his blood clan's men also rushed out. Then, the werewolves camp, the Illuminati camp, the immortals side, the three monks launched attacks on the islanders.

Seeing this scene, master Tiangou was heartbroken, holding a jade bottle and growling, "come out, my general!"

As soon as the voice fell, a strong black fog came out of the jade bottle, and quickly turned into a three meter high, dark as ink, with a single angle on the forehead and a big knife.This type of God is called general. It is the ghost of a dead Shogun general in the Warring States period of the island country.

The shogunate general was extremely fierce in character before his death. He killed no less than 500 people by his own hands. Therefore, after his death, his fierce soul remained unchanged and turned into a ghost. Finally, he was caught and sacrificed by the Yin and Yang division and turned into a Shishen.

After so many years of feeding, the general Shishen has reached the realm of the ghost king, which is equivalent to the early days of foundation.

"Baga, which bastard disturb Ben Wang's sleep!"

The general Shishen was fierce even after he became a ghost. He shouted loudly as soon as he appeared.

But immediately, his face became extremely frightened.

Because, at the beginning of the foundation building, the five members of the cultivator's side urged the magic weapon to hit it.

Scared, he quickly turned into a black smoke and went back into the jade bottle. No matter how the Tiangou mage called him, he would not come out again.

Ninety percent of the fighting power of the Yin Yang division comes from their Shishen. When they can't summon the general, the strength of the Tiangou master is born to be the same. Therefore, even the scream didn't come out in time, they were killed into pieces by five magic weapons.

After the death of Tiangou master, the remaining Yin and Yang masters and Ninjas were all like dead masters. Within ten minutes, the whole army was destroyed, and they were jointly destroyed by six people.

Hilde wiped out the blood from the corners of his mouth and said with a smile, "it's so pleasant that all the mice in the island country are dead! Why don't we cooperate once more to kill these immortals? You know, immortals are a huge threat to all of us! "

In terms of comprehensive strength, this group of immortals are indeed the most powerful. Therefore, hearing Hilde's proposal, everyone showed his heart.

As for the face of immortal taixuan, it seems a little ugly.

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