Magic Love Ring

Chapter 556

Chapter 556

Although Yingyi made a sealing order to conceal his real condition, the news that he was unable to deal with affairs still spread among the royal family.

Before he ascended the throne, he was the fifth prince. The second prince and the ninth Prince competed with him for the throne. As a result, he won the victory.

After becoming emperor, he did not kill his two brothers, but confined them in Xianyang city.

However, in these two days, some ministers took the initiative to visit the two fallen princes. Hearing this news, Yingyi regretted it very much. Knowing this, he should not leave these two evils for that reputation.

He bit his teeth and suppressed his anger. If he could not spread the news of human affairs around the world, he would not have the courage to sit on the Dragon chair without the rebellion of his two brothers. If he wanted to solve the crisis, he had to find a wise doctor to cure him.

The next day, the imperial list was released again.

Last time, huangbang was aimed at the doctors in Xianyang City, but this time, it was the doctors in the world.

The reward is also more generous. You can get the Earl's title, ten thousand liang of gold and a big house to cure the emperor's disease.

Such generous rewards make doctors all over the world come to Xianyang city one after another.

Hearing the news of huangbang, song Yan smiled contemptuously.

Even if winyi gathered all the doctors in the world, it could not cure his disease, because the reputation of the hospital that night was growing, and the number of people who came to see the doctor every day was increasing.

Although song Yan's speed of seeing a doctor is very fast, he often can solve a patient in three or five minutes, and the longest time is only ten minutes.

But today's patients are especially many, until noon, just send all patients away.

However, there are three people left in the hospital.

These three people are headed by a white veiled and graceful woman. Behind her are two people, one is xiaodezi, who was scared away by him yesterday, and the other is a martial artist with sufficient energy and cultivation to reach the double level of the environment.

This woman has been here for a long time, but she doesn't disturb song Yan to see a doctor.

Song Yan walked slowly and calmly to look at the masked woman with a faint smile: "girl, but I have something to find my husband"

"I have met Mr. Song."

Princess Yu gets up and worships song Yan Yingying. Yes, this masked woman is Princess Yu, the most favored concubine in the palace.

Seeing that his wife actually gave such a big gift to a wild doctor, little Dezi was very dissatisfied, and the vice commander of the guard on the other side was also very confused.

Song Yan's delicate body was held up by an invisible force as soon as she brushed it.

"Girls don't have to be polite." Song Yan's gentle voice sounded.

Feeling the soft power of holding up her own, the jade princess's eyes suddenly brightened like autumn water, and she became more and more sure that the doctor of Song Dynasty was a superior person in the world.

Here she watched the doctor song for an hour. josei

The speed and means of treatment are amazing, for example, an old man with a lot of pain and sweating.

Only saw this song doctor to take out the silver needle to pierce on him several times, the other side already recovered, the whole process only then dozens of breaths.

For example, for a middle-aged woman who is dizzy and supported by others, the doctor song also only pricked two needles on the top of her head, and her dizziness has been cured.

There was also a baby who cried for a long time. Doctor song only massaged the baby a few times, and the baby stopped crying.

What's more surprising to her is that although the doctor of Song Dynasty is old to middle age, he has a very good appearance. He must be very handsome when he was young. At the same time, he has some unspeakable temperament, which makes her want to be close.

"Thank you, doctor song."

"Come to the backyard with me, girl. It's not convenient to talk here." Song Yan said something and turned to the backyard of the hospital.

Yu Fei hesitated and followed song Yan's steps to the back yard.

Xiaodezi and the vice commander of the bodyguard also need to keep up. Princess Yu suddenly turns around and asks them to stay here.

Hospital backyard.

Song Yan is sitting in front of a stone table. There are a teapot and two teacups on the table. They are already filled with two steaming cups of tea.

"Sit down, girl."

"Thank you, Mr. Song."

"Tea, girl."

"Well, yes." Princess Yu took the tea cup and put it on her lips gracefully, lifted the veil slightly, took a sip of it, then put it down, and looked at Song Yan eagerly: "Sir"

Song Yan raised her hand, interrupted her words: "let me guess the origin of the girl, but the girl is from the palace"

Princess Yu nodded, but she was surprised.

"The girl came to see me, but for the sake of her Majesty's disease now"

Princess Yu nodded again, and looked at Song Yan for a little more worship. Mr. Yu was so powerful that he was just a clever plan.

"I don't know if you can cure your Majesty's disease," Princess Yu asked.Song Yan proudly smiled: "there is no disease in the world that I can't cure."

Hearing this, Princess Yu was delighted: "can you follow me to the palace to cure your majesty?"

Song Yan smiled and shook his head.

"Why don't you do it?" said Princess Yu. "As long as you are willing to treat your Majesty's disease, not only your majesty is seriously injured, but also your concubine will give you something."

Song Yan smiled disapprovingly: "I'm an outsider. I'm just a floating cloud. If I don't want to, I won't see a doctor even if the emperor gives me all the things in the Treasury."

Hearing song Yan's words full of forced taste, Princess Yu's impression on Song Yan increased a little. She did not doubt that song Yan said lies, because in that time, she saw with her own eyes that song Yan paid little for people's medical treatment, even for some poor patients, she not only did not charge, but also gave medicine.

Combined with song Yanzhuang's words, she portrayed an image of an outsider with unique skills and medical skills playing the world of mortals in her mind.

After a long silence, Princess Yu stared at Song inkstone and said, "how can you treat your majesty?"

Song inkstone took up his tea cup again and took a drink: "please come back, girl."

"Sir, please, as long as you cure your majesty, the little girl will appreciate you for a lifetime." Princess Yu begged.

"Please go back, girl." Song Yan said again. He didn't wait for Princess Yu to open his mouth. With a flick of his hand, Princess Yu's body was wrapped in a gentle force and flew directly from the backyard to the hospital.

"Niang, are you ok?"

the vice commander of the guard and xiaodezi hurriedly welcome you up.

But Princess Yu's eyes were a little dazed, because from the backyard to the hospital, there were all kinds of distances. Mr. song just waved her hand, and she was moved to the hospital by the backyard. I'm afraid that only gods can use these methods.

"Niang, is that wild doctor disrespectful to you?" xiaodezi asked again after seeing Princess Yu.

Hearing that xiaodezi actually called song Yan a wild doctor, Princess Yu was furious and scolded: "xiaodezi, please shut up and don't disrespect your husband, otherwise, we can't spare you."

: Thank you for your great reward.

This is the first shift, and the second shift will arrive at


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