Magic Love Ring

Chapter 558

Chapter 558

Recommended reading: Qianqing palace.

Looking at Fang Wei kneeling in front of him, Yingyi's face was pretty ugly, and even a strong murderous chance came out of his heart. I am the ninth five-year-old. A little doctor dared to disobey me

when he thought of this, Yingyi kicked Fang Wei and said, "get out to me and get five or ten boards"


Fang Wei retreated with a bitter face. He was seriously injured. He took another 50 boards. I'm afraid he will die soon.

Drink back Fangwei, Yingyi is restless walking around the hall. He can't swallow this tone. He can't let the doctor go anyway.

All of a sudden, his heart moved.

Take two little eunuchs straight to the west corner of the palace.

The west corner of the imperial palace is very desolate, even a little bit more desolate than the cold palace. Usually, even the eunuch would not like to come here, but today, the emperor is here.

At last, Yingyi came to a seemingly broken courtyard and waved back two eunuchs. He shouted loudly, "I want to see you, elder Yingyi."

"It's the emperor. Come in."

The two wooden doors of the courtyard opened automatically, and Yingyi stepped in.

The courtyard has been transformed into two vegetable fields with green vegetables. A white haired old man in coarse cloth and linen is squatting in the fields to hoe the grass. Seeing Yingyi come in, he just looks up and smiles at him and doesn't pay attention.

There was a little dissatisfaction with the old man's neglect of Yingyi, and even a shadow flashed in his eyes. But thinking of the old man's identity, he could only suppress his dissatisfaction and wait on the edge of the vegetable field.

A quarter of an hour later, the old man pulled out the weeds in the vegetable field, patted the soil on his hand, and asked with a smile, "the Emperor may as well speak directly about something."

Yingyi held back his anger and said: "master, I have a bad disease. All the doctors are helpless. There is a doctor in Xianyang city who can cure it, but he is arrogant and domineering. I sent Fang Wei, the leader of the Imperial Guard, to invite him, but he failed."

the old man's face moved slightly, and Fang Weina knew that he was the martial artist of the three realms.

"The emperor is going to let the old man invite him"

"exactly Yingyi quickly nodded: "the elder is the first expert of the state of Qin. If the elder comes out, he will be captured easily"

"the first expert" the elder smiled and shook his head: "where is the first expert

"You don't have to be humble"

"well, you go back first. I'll go there by myself. I don't know if I can invite the doctor."

"thank you, elder. I'll leave"

Yingyi's satisfied retreat. The old man goes back to the other side of the vegetable field and starts to pull grass again.

Since the bodyguard in the palace came to the medical center, no one has come to the song's medical center to see a doctor. Song Yan can understand that it is human nature to seek benefits and avoid disasters. Song Yan beat the bodyguard in the palace, which indirectly offended the emperor.

Coming to the hospital is likely to be implicated. Who dares to come.

However, although no one came to see a doctor, his name spread rapidly in Xianyang city.

"Close the door"

Song Yan said a word to the two drug children and walked back to the hospital.

"Now that you are here, please show up," Song Yan said suddenly as he stepped into the backyard. josei

"Haha, I can't imagine you are so sharp in your spiritual sense"

the shadow of a person flickers. There are many old people in coarse cloth and linen clothes in the yard, all of them are covered with a square. If others don't know his identity, they will only regard him as an ordinary old farmer, but his accomplishments have reached the Ninth level of the earth environment, that is, the Ninth level of the earth environment is the Ninth level of the nature.

"It's hard for you, old man, to practice in Jiuchong. Please take a seat."

Song Yan goes to the stone table and takes out the teapot and teacup from the ring of the spirit of storing things to play with it.

Xiuwei was directly ordered by song Yan, and the old man's face changed slightly. When song Yan took out the teapot and teacup out of the air, his eyes shrank sharply.

"I don't invite people to have tea if I don't want to sit down." Song Yan said to himself, and then the water in the teapot began to boil.

"Good pure Qi"

seeing song Yan burn a pot of tea to boiling with genuine Qi, he was even more shocked. He walked to the stone table and sat down in front of him.

After a while, song Yan's wrists shook slightly, and a teacup full of boiling tea slowly flew to the old man.

The old man's turbid eyes suddenly burst with golden light, and he reached for the teacup.

Only when his hand just touched the teacup, his color suddenly changed, and his body stood up abruptly, retreated, and flew back

at this time, the speed of the slow flying teacup increased sharply, catching up with the old man.

"If I let you drink tea, you have to drink it. You can't or can't refuse it."

the old man's heart is shaking. Where is inviting people to drink tea? It's just human life. His hands are full of soft power, trying to dissolve the power on the teacup.


Poop poop

there is an unprecedented distance on the teacup that he can't change no matter how he changes. Therefore, the teacup breaks the strength of the old man's cloth and continues to hit his chest."Drink"

open the air and spit out the sound, the old man's whole body momentum skyrocketed, the blue tendons on his forehead and hands were exposed, and he reached for the tea cup.

Seize the next moment of

the old man's face a joy, but at this time, regeneration changes.

The green tea in the cup turns into a water arrow and goes straight to the old man's mouth.


the old man was shocked, and his subconscious retreated, but the cup he was holding in his hand suddenly came off, like an electric light, hitting his chest.


the old man opened his mouth and cried painfully, and the water arrow fell into his mouth.

Strangely, the hot tea was so cold that he almost froze his tongue.

The transformation of yin and Yang is random and man-made.


the old man swallowed the tea and stared at Song Yan in horror.

"How does the tea taste?" Song Yan asked, holding up a cup and drinking tea.

"Very good"

the old man hesitated, walked slowly to the stone table, sat down again, and stared at Song Yan without blinking: "who is your Excellency"

"Song Yan"

"Song Yan"

"Song Yan"

the old man felt that the name was familiar and should be heard somewhere, but it was too old to remember.

After a long time of hard thinking, the old man finally thought of where he had heard the name. Then, his face became extremely frightened, and his voice trembled: "you are song Yan, the general of Qi State"

"general ah" Song Yan's face flashed the color of remembrance: "it seems that someone in the world still remembers me."

"You are the general of Qi," the old man asked again.

Song Yan didn't answer, but asked, "do you know if Ji Yuxi is dead or alive?"

although song Yan didn't admit it, the old man has identified song Yan as the general who disappeared from the Qi state. He first stood up and saluted song Yan: "Ji Grand Master, after helping the Qin state to rule the world, retired. No one knows her whereabouts"

"this woman" Song Yan looks again He murmured, "then you can know where my wife and children will go after the end of Qi Dynasty"

: sanguine


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