Magic Love Ring

Chapter 560

Chapter 560

In a blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

Song Yan's reputation has spread all over the Qin Dynasty. Countless people expressed shock, doubt, disbelief, uncertainty and sneer at the rumors. They thought it was just a biography of Miao. How could someone defeat six thousand with one enemy.

However, some young and old people sent people to Xianyang to investigate after hearing the name of song Yan.

At the same time, the state of Qin, which had been quiet for many years, began to surge.

In these ten days, Yingyi was drunk every day. In the past, although he was a whore, he didn't deal with political affairs. He was afraid. Song Yan was so impressed by the scene that he defeated 6000 people by himself. He was worried that song Yan would not break into the Imperial Palace and take his head off one day.

Only when he is drunk can he not be afraid.

Song's medical center.

Song Yan is lying in the sun on the backyard couch. These days, his reputation is growing, but no one comes to see him again.

He knew that no one would dare to come to him to see a doctor again. He just sent the two drug children together. However, before sending them away, he gave them two hundred taels of silver each.


There was a knock at the door.

"Is Mr. Song at home?"

there is a little uneasiness in his voice.

Wen Yan, song Yan waved, and the two doors of the hospital opened.

"Come in, girl."

It's Princess Yu, but today she doesn't cover her face with white yarn.

"You wait outside."

Princess Yu said a word to the two eunuchs behind her, and stepped into the hospital carefully.

"I have seen Mr. Song with exquisite jade."

"Princess Yu, please take a seat." Song Yan sleeps on the reclining chair without moving, and his tone is very casual.

"I dare not sit down in front of you."

Jade exquisite light voice way, speaking, she couldn't help but secretly look up to sleep in the reclining chair of song Yan, it seems to be in the early 40's, completely not seven old 80's appearance, is he really more than 60 years ago Qi's the world-famous general.

"Well, you can do whatever you like."

Song Yan turned to sit up from the reclining chair and looked at the gorgeous jade Princess: "the jade princess came here to plead for the love of the winning city"

"as expected, sir, her eyes are as bright as fire."

Princess Yu nodded with a sad look: "these days, your majesty is drunk all day. I know that he is worried that he will retaliate against him, so please forgive your majesty and don't worry about him."

"he is the emperor, the whole world is his, and he will be afraid that I will retaliate against him." Song Yan smiled a little.

To be honest, he doesn't care who is the emperor of the world. The reason why he makes such a big noise is that he wants to lead out the heart of spring lotus, autumn fragrance, Qin Nong jade, jade, fox Qin and even Ji Yuxi. In short, he just makes use of Yingyi to build momentum.

"Of course, I'm afraid that Mr. Zhang was the most powerful general of Qi state. He invented liquor, glass, gunpowder, printing, paper, etc. in just a few years, he built a powerful Qi state. He defeated the Yanzhao allied army in the place where his bones were buried. Later, he even annexed Yanzhao and the Qin state at that time, which made the Qin State shrink to the place of danwan Panting "

the smoother Princess Yu said, the brighter her eyes would be. At last, she looked at Song Yan with a strong worship.

Song Yanyang raised his hand and interrupted Princess Yu's words. He said with some emotion: "I can't imagine that over sixty years have passed, and some people still remember these old events."

"I don't know anything about you, but I like to listen to stories when I am young. My father often tells me your stories. So in my eyes, you are the first hero in the world. I wish I could have lived for decades earlier, so that I could see your peerless demeanor."

Song Yan said with a smile, "you girl is quite able to talk. Forget it, I'll give you a face. Go back and tell Yingyi. As long as he doesn't come to provoke me, I won't talk to him again."

"Thank you, sir. Thank you very much." Princess Yu once again bowed to song Yan: "but Sir, I heard that your painting skills are very high. Can you give me a little request?"

"let's talk about it."

"The little girl wants to have my husband paint for me."

Wen Yan, song Yan's mind can't help remembering the scene when he painted three portraits for the women, such as spring lotus, autumn fragrance, Qin heart, etc., and a sweet smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After a while, he found that Princess Yu was looking at him with expectant eyes, and his heart moved. He asked, "where did you know that I can draw?"

"you don't know, sir, that you have a painting collected by my father, and that you can draw, which my father told me."

"Who is your father?"

"my father's name is Yuheng, and now he is the northwest General of Daqin." Princess Yu replied truthfully. josei


Song Yan murmured it to himself, but there was no one named Yu in his memory.He has only painted six Fu paintings in the world, one is a five beauty playful picture, which refers to the five girls of spring lotus, autumn fragrance, Qin Nongyu, jade Fox and Qin Xin.

In addition, there are portraits he painted for five women alone.

As for his paintings, all the five women are precious, but now, one of them falls into the hands of others. He believes that the five women will never easily lose the paintings he painted for them. Therefore, he is very suspicious that some woman who lost this painting has encountered an accident.

Thinking of this, he asked eagerly, "where is your father now"

"in Qingyang County"

after the state of Qin ruled the world, the land of Shenzhou was divided into 81 counties again, Qingyang County is a county city in the northwest border area.

"The painting your father collected can be found in Qingyang County," Song Yan asked again.


"well, let's go to Qingyang County now"

as soon as the voice falls, song Yan throws out the silver boat, then grabs it with his hands, inhales the jade princess into the air and falls into the silver boat together.

At the next moment, the silver boat carries two people to the sky.

Like a flash of light, Princess Yu only felt that the scenery around her was retreating rapidly, and she could not see clearly at all, but she knew that she was flying in the sky for a while, only shocked and inexplicable.


Silver boat landed in a remote place in Qingyang County.

Then he put away the silver boat and landed on the ground again with the jade princess.

"Where is this?" asked the princess.

"Qingyang County." Song inkstone.

"How can it be?" cried Princess Yu incredulously. It's more than two thousand miles away from Qingyang County. How can it take more than ten breaths.

But soon, Princess Yu completely believed that it was Qingyang County, because after she walked out of the remote place, she soon found that it was indeed Qingyang County she was very familiar with, because she had lived here for more than ten years.

"Take me to your house." Song Yan said.

"Sir, do you want to?" Princess Yu suddenly showed some concern.

Song Yan couldn't understand what she was worried about, so she said: "don't worry, I won't hurt your father, I just want to take back that painting, which I drew for my woman, except for her, no one in the world is entitled to have"

: thank you for your great reward.

I'm sorry for the late update today. We still owe you a change yesterday, so today is the fourth change. Please visit..

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