Magic Love Ring

Chapter 563

Chapter 563

There is a manor on the top of the cliff.

The manor covers an area of hundreds of mu, but it is plain. There are many trees and rockeries in the manor. If you look down from the sky, you will find that these trees and rockeries contain some laws.

Deep in the manor, there are several yards.

In one of the yards, an old lady with silver hair is playing go alone.

Behind her stood two beautiful middle-aged women.

Half an hour later, the old woman put down her chess piece and asked two middle-aged women, "Maple is here"

"back to her ancestors, maple is waiting outside." A middle-aged woman respectfully replied that when she mentioned the word "feng'er", her tone was particularly soft.

"Let him in"


soon, a dignified, tall and handsome young man walked into the yard, and then knelt down in front of the old woman, kowtowed respectfully for three times: "Maple salutes the old ancestor"

"get up" the old woman raised her hand.

"Xie laozuzong"

Ji Feng stood up and stood there respectfully.

"Fenger, the old ancestor gave you a task this time, would you like to go?" the old woman smiled kindly.

"As long as it is the task assigned by the ancestors, maple is willing to go," Ji Feng said cleverly.

"It's a good kid. However, there is a lot of danger in this task. Would you like to go?"

"no more danger?" Ji Feng said firmly.

"Very well, the old ancestor didn't hurt you in vain. Your task this time is to go to Xianyang, find a man named song Yan, and then invite him here"

"Maple obeys"


the old woman waves her hand, and Ji Feng leaves after saluting again.

When Ji Feng left, the two middle-aged beauties showed their worries: "my ancestors, is it too dangerous for feng'er to invite song Yan?"

"jade is not made into a tool"

the old ancestor said a light sentence, and then got up and walked into the house.

After entering the room, the old woman suddenly saw a cold smile on her face and murmured, "Song Yan, song Yan, I waited for you for more than 60 years, and you finally showed up. As an old friend, I have to give you a big gift, hoping you like to giggle."

listening to the laughter from the inside of the room, the two middle-aged ladies standing outside looked at each other 。

Song's medical center.

The two eunuchs had been waiting for a long time, but when they saw that Princess Yu had not come out, they were all worried.


After another quarter of an hour, Princess Yu came out of it.

"See your mother"

they hurriedly saluted.

"You two go back to the palace. If the emperor asks, you will tell him that I will not go back to the palace again."

hearing this, two eunuchs fall to their knees: "Niang Niang, if you don't go back to the palace, if your majesty knows it will kill us"

the jade is exquisite and can't help but think about it and say: "if so, you can stay"

"this ”The two eunuchs were hesitant.

One of the eunuchs said bravely, "Niang, you'd better go back to the palace"

"presumptuous. Do I have to obey your orders? Put my words here. If you like to go back, you can go back. If you don't want to leave"

words, Yu Linglong is too lazy to pay attention to these two people and goes directly to the back yard. josei

In the backyard, song Yan sat in front of the stone table, on which were some tools for drawing three paintings. Then he pointed to a stone bench: "exquisite, you are sitting there. I'll draw a picture for you."

"Thank you, sir." The jade is exquisite.

Song Yan smiled, then picked up the painting tools and began to paint. He moved quickly and skillfully. Looking at Song Yan, who was serious about painting, Yu Linglong's eyes were obsessed with him, because at the moment, song Yan has recovered his normal appearance.

More than ten minutes later, song Yan put down his brush and smiled: "OK, do you have a look of satisfaction"

"as long as it's painted by my husband, exquisite people like it"

Yu Linglong hurriedly came over. When he saw the picture on the paper, he could not help but show a shocked expression. It was so similar. It was almost as if she had been shrunk and put into the paper 。

It's night.

Song Yan is reading at night.

Suddenly, Yu Linglong came in with a plate in her hands. There was a bowl of soup in the plate.

"Sir, this is the soup I made for you. How do you taste it"

"it's hard, put it there"

Song Yan put down his book and said gently.

"Sir, it's better to drink the soup while it's hot." Jade Linglong put down the plate and took the soup bowl and sent it to song Yan.

"OK, thank you."

Song Yan took the bowl and drank it up with a few mouthfuls. He praised it and said, "it's not bad."

"As long as you like, Linglong will cook for you every day." A sly smile appeared at the corner of jade's delicate mouth.All of a sudden, song Yan felt a heat rising from his belly, and looked at Yu Linglong strangely: "what's in your soup"

"Mr. Hui, this soup is made by deer whip." Yu Linglong lowered his head, and his face was a little more shy and red.

When song Yan saw it, he immediately understood the girl's plan. Secretly, the girl was really bold. He was afraid that she had planned to devote herself. Thinking of this layer, song Yan could not help looking at Yu Linglong in a different way.

She was born extremely beautiful, otherwise, she would not be favored by Yingyi.

"Linglong, you are playing with fire. Do you know that"

"Linglong is willing to give everything for you?" Yu Linglong suddenly raised his head and stared at Song inkstone.

If song Yan can still sit on Mount Tai, he is not a normal man.

So, he waved a move, jade Linglong flew to him, fell into his arms, and in exchange for her exclamation.

Song Yan held up her delicate and round chin, smiled and said, "exquisite, you need to think clearly."

"Sir, Linglong will only belong to you from now on," she offered her lips.

Soon, their lips collided.

The jade exquisite lips are soft and sweet. Song Yan tries to pry open her teeth and capture her little fragrant tongue after tasting it carefully. Meanwhile, his right hand quietly climbs up the two mountains, attracting the jade exquisite to make a whisper.

Gradually, song Yan's hand is not satisfied with touching several layers of clothes.

"Hua La"

he tore off several layers of her clothes, leaving his snow-white skin exposed, especially the two snow-white mountains with a little purplish red appear particularly attractive.

Bow, song inkstone did not hesitate to kiss up.

The rising sun rises to the East.

Song Yan slowly opened his eyes, but he felt a tender and smooth body in his arms. He thought of the night's romance last night, and found that his body had some reaction.

However, he immediately suppressed these reactions, because after last night's expedition, Yu Linglong was very tired.

After getting up to get dressed and simply washing, song Yan came to the yard and started to fight.

: four changes are coming

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