Magic Love Ring

Chapter 570

Chapter 570

After studying the yaoyang Gong Song Yan, we found that the body and strength were tempered in the first four times, and in the fifth, the bones of the whole body were tempered, the channels were tempered in the sixth, the membranes were tempered in the seventh, the viscera were tempered in the eighth, and the blood was tempered in the ninth.

As long as the process of body training is completed, the body of the warrior will become extremely strong, even stronger than the body of the real world's innate warrior.

However, Huangshan only taught the body refining chapter of song Yan yaoyang skill, which can't be obtained in a short time.

In the early morning of the next day, the martial arts show was held.

A fat figure is running around the arena. It seems to be clumsy, but it is full of dexterity.

After a while, Huangshan came. Seeing this scene, I was quite satisfied.

"Follow me as a father." Huangshan beckons to song inkstone.

After wiping off the sweat with the towel handed over by Xiao Hu, song Yan followed suit and left in Huangshan.

After a while, the city Lord's office, the practice hall.

Huangshan pointed to the dynamometer in the practice hall and said, "try it in the past."

The force measuring instrument is a kind of relatively simple and crude instrument used to measure the strength. Its accuracy is not high, so it can only roughly measure the strength of the warrior.


the waist is closed and the crotch is raised. Song Yan hits the dynamometer with a heavy fist.

Suddenly, there was a red liquid running up from the bottom of the force scale, and finally it stayed at the position of 800 Jin. That is to say, song Yan hit 800 Jin with this fist, which reached the standard of one weight exercise.

The careless Huangshan suddenly widened his eyes and stared at Song Yan unexpectedly: "try again"


Song Yan did not hesitate to fight again on the dynamometer.

The red liquid still rises to the position of 800 Jin.

Huangshan, who was staring at the scale of strength, still couldn't believe it. He just taught the little bastard the skill yesterday. How could it be that in just one day, he reached the first level of body training? Br >
"is there something wrong with the force measuring instrument"


Huangshan walked quickly to the force measuring instrument, controlled the force way in the Ninth level of body training, and blew out one fist.

All of a sudden, the red liquid in the scale darted up, and finally stopped at the position of ten thousand jin.

"That's right, this little bastard really has reached the first level of physical training. He can reach the first level of physical training in a day. Is he a martial arts genius?" Huangshan felt a little strange when he stared at Song Yan's fat body.

"Isn't it surprising? I've said that I'm a martial arts genius." Song Yan took Huangshan's expression to the bottom of his eyes, and said with a stinking face.

Huangshan's face was hurried. He told me that he couldn't make the little bastard too proud, or he would be too complacent. He said coldly, "hum, what's so proud about this? A finger for a father is enough to stab you ten times"

Song Yan turned his mouth and said: "you are a martial arts master, and you can practice with me again"

"you dare to talk back to me, bastard" The mountain waved and slapped the fan.

Two days later, song Yan punched a thousand jin, which shocked Huangshan again. josei

Five days later, song Yan hit two or three hundred jin with one fist, and formally stepped into the triple training. Now, Huangshan's eyes on Song Yan were totally different. In terms of address, he changed from a bastard boy to a good son.

At the same time, after entering the triple training, song Yan's weight dropped from 300 Jin to 220 Jin, the whole person looked thin in a big circle, and the plump cheek was a little more handsome.

Practice hall.

Looking at the still fat figure, Huangshan thought it was particularly pleasing to his eyes. He smiled and said: "my dear son, you have now stepped into the triple training. Now, teach you three skills as a father."

In Xuanniao star, both martial arts and martial arts are extremely precious.

This paper introduces the level of lower skill and martial arts.

The skills are divided into four levels: Heaven and earth xuanhuang, and each level is divided into three levels.

As for martial arts, there are nine stars. One star is the kind of martial arts on the road. Naturally, nine stars is the most advanced martial arts. It's said that there are divine martial arts above the nine stars.

Huangshan, as the leader of a city, can be used by him to teach his son's martial arts.

The three skills are white tiger attacking food, black tiger stealing heart and Eagle fighting rabbit.

After rehearsing the three moves, Huangshan looks at Song Yan and asks, "dear son, how much do you remember"

"all remember" Song Yan's lazy way.

Huangshan was stunned at first, then he pulled down: "I really remember"

Song Yan nodded.

"That's good, you show me again"

"good first move white tiger swoops on food"

as soon as the voice falls, song Yan's languid momentum suddenly changes, his whole body is more fierce, his hind legs are on the ground, his body is swept to the air, and then he quickly swoops on it. The whole movement is like flowing water, and this move white tiger swoops on food is practiced well.

I almost stared at Huangshan and murmured, "genius, genius. My son is a genius. Who dares to say that I have a dog in the future?"."The black tiger opens his heart"

Song Yan's body shape changes, and he once again performs the second move.

"The eagle fights the rabbit"

Song Yan's body shape flies up again, and then after the three moves exercise, song Yan proudly looks at the stunned Huangshan: "how"

Huangshan's mouth curling: "OK"


on the 12th day of song Yan's martial arts practice, he makes a breakthrough again, from the triple to the quadruple, hitting four kilograms at one stroke Strength.

On the afternoon of his breakthrough.

Huangshan called him to the pharmacy.

In the pharmacy, there is a large one meter high wooden barrel with firewood under it, and the barrel is filled with black liquid medicine.

"Take off your clothes and go to the barrel." Huangshan pointed to the barrel.

"What is this?" Song Yan asked deliberately.

Huangshan Road: "the medicine in the barrel is for the father to spend a lot of money to configure, which can help you speed up the hardening of your muscles"


Song Yan takes off his clothes directly and enters the barrel wearing only a pair of underpants.

The water in the bucket is at least 70-80 degrees, very hot, but song Yan doesn't scream, instead, he looks like enjoying himself.

"Add fire"

Huangshan people squatting in front of the barrel to burn the fire.

"Yes, adults"

soon, the temperature in the barrel continued to rise, reaching about Baidu. Song Yan felt that his skin was itchy, his whole body's capillaries were open, and he constantly had the power to drill into the body.

"Keep your heart and mind tight, and turn on the power of yaoyang," Huangshan reminded.

Song Yan nodded and began to work the yaoyang skill. In this way, he found that the medicine that had been drilled into his body went to his whole skeleton one after another and was absorbed by the skeleton.

An hour later.

The black liquid medicine completely turned into clear water. Song Yan walked out of the barrel, reached out and raised his feet, and suddenly made a sound of "crackling.".

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