Magic Love Ring

Chapter 574

Chapter 574

Under the gaze of song Yan, the blood dripping into the stone ring slowly dipped into the stone ring, but after the blood completely immersed, there was no reaction.

"Isn't there enough blood"

muttered that song Yan squeezed three drops of fresh blood directly onto the ring.

Three drops of blood stone ring smile, but still no change.

"Ma Dan, I don't believe this evil."

Song Yan took a teacup, then cut his wrist and put a cup full of blood into it. Then he threw the stone ring into it.


the blood of the cup keeps bubbling and decreasing at a very fast speed. In less than ten seconds, the whole cup of blood is completely sucked up without any residue.

At the same time, song Yan also found that he had a special connection with this stone ring.

Pick up the stone ring, song inkstone heart God a sink, entered the stone ring interior.


Silver flash, a thumb size transparent crystal flew out of the stone ring, fell into song inkstone eyebrow. josei

He did not panic, because he remembered that the protagonist Ning Mo also described it when he inspired the stone ring. This crystal is the Soul Crystal condensed by the last soul power of the dead strong man in the high plane, which contains his cultivation memory and the image of the enemy.

By integrating this soul crystal, you can not only obtain the cultivation memory of the other party, but also increase the power of the soul. By the way, the so-called power of the soul is the spiritual power.

It seems that the protagonist has been confused for seven days and seven nights.

But the spirit of song inkstone itself is strong. It took only two hours to fully absorb the soul crystal, which made his spirit soar.

call out the system interface and look at the mental force column. The original value is 1732. Now it has become 2109, an increase of 377 points. When you go back to the real world, your level will be upgraded to level 4.

In addition, he also obtained a large number of cultivation memories, from the body training period to the martial god, and then from the martial god to the emperor. In a word, it is very detailed. In addition, the image of the enemy is an extremely beautiful woman

the spirit sinks into the ring again, and song Yan's eyes fall on the golden blood.

This blood is also left by the master of the stone ring. If this blood is integrated into the body, it can greatly strengthen the body. At the same time, this drop of blood also has a huge energy. It seems that the protagonist Nimer once had a life and death crisis, and almost died. Finally, this drop of blood flew out of the ring, cured his injury, and made him cultivate two realms, Then go back and trample on the enemy.

At that time, the protagonist should reach the grand master, so song Yan is not ready to use this drop of blood immediately, otherwise, it is wasteful.

According to this guy's memory, it only took him more than 60 years to cultivate Wushen from the peak of his body training period.

And the fighting power of Wushen's peak has surpassed the strength of the first infant stage of Xiuxian kingdom.

However, in order to cultivate to the yuan infant period, song Yan estimated that it would be difficult to achieve it without a hundred years. No wonder that the system should specially open up a dimensional space in my body to hide my whole cultivation.

Because cultivating the martial arts of this world can make me strong and fast.

Thinking of this, song Yan's eyes fell on the second item in the stone ring.

That's a book.

A book made of special crystals.

As soon as he got hold of it, the book fell into his hands. He put a drop of blood into the paper, and the book turned into a ray of light that didn't enter the heart of song inkstone. This book records the skills and martial arts of Mr. Jin Zhi. Only when the accomplishments meet the corresponding conditions, this book will release the corresponding skills and martial arts.

Therefore, after entering the sea of knowledge of song inkstone, the book released a set of exercise and Qi refining chapters, as well as three kinds of martial arts.

This is called the immortal Phoenix formula. It's exquisite and mysterious. It's much stronger than the yaoyang skill taught by Huangshan.

As for the three martial arts, they are footwork, lightness and attack.

The footwork is called "you long bu", the lightness skill is called "phantom bird shadow", and the attack method is called "Huang Dao Jiu Sha".

Because song Yan has not seen the real martial arts in the world, so it can not be judged that these three martial arts belong to several star martial arts.

It took an hour for song Yan to learn the immortal Phoenix formula and all three martial arts. The main reason is that his spiritual strength is too strong. Even the great masters in this world may not be better than him in spiritual strength.

The stronger the spirit, the faster the cultivation speed.

After the cultivation of immortal Yujue, song Yan felt that his body was at least three times stronger than before. At the same time, the real Qi in Dantian was like a volcano about to erupt. Once released through martial arts, the destructive power of the cliff would be more than twice that of yaoyang.

Thirdly, song Yan's mind sank into the stone ring.

There is also a sword in it.

From the hilt to the sword God, they are all red, but the sword seems to have been damaged and looks very dim.

At the same time, the shape of this sword is similar to the wide sword of Europe in the real world.As soon as he grasped it, the sword came to song inkstone from the inside of the ring space. At once, he felt heavy.

This sword is very heavy, at least less than two thousand jin.

After recognizing the LORD with blood dripping, the sword flew directly into his sea of knowledge, and after recognizing the Lord, the weight of the sword was only about 100 Jin.

Finally, there is a set of broken armor. There are three holes in the front of the armor, two in the back, and one leg is completely broken.

Take out the armor, song Yan once again drops blood to recognize the Lord, and then directly earn it to know the sea temperature.

No matter that sword or this armor is a rare artifact, it's a pity that it's all damaged. In addition, song Yan's martial arts are not strong enough to use at all.

But it will certainly help him a lot in the future.

All of a sudden, song Yan thought of Ning Mo, the protagonist, whose golden fingers had been taken away by himself. Will he still make great achievements in this world.

There are still eight days left, when the qingweimen mountain once opened for three years to recruit disciples. Only those under the age of 20 who have reached the level of Qi refining or above can be recruited.

After changing to immortal Yujue, even though song Yan had been deliberately suppressed, he still achieved the double goal of refining Qi just five days later.

This makes the couple happy and crazy. The cultivation talent of his son is so good.

Before he left, Huangshan told him to keep a low profile after entering the qingweimen, and Liu Wushuang directly put 5 million liang of silver notes in his arms.

The currency of the world is silver and gold.

Five million liang of silver is not a small amount. It can be seen how much Liu Wushuang dotes on him.

Dozens of miles away from the city, song Yan walked out of the carriage and asked to ride on horseback. This time, Xiao Bang, the deputy commander of the city Lord's mansion, escorted him to the qingweimen. His accomplishments have reached the Ninth level of refining Qi.

In addition, there are 50 guardians who are in the triple to quintuple of Qi refining.

As for Xiao Hu and Xiao Wu, they also went on the road with song Yan. Once they passed the examination of the disciples, they were allowed to take two slaves to the mountain.

: second change

this book is from. HTL

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