Magic Love Ring

Chapter 577

Chapter 577

Recommended reading: Chopin usually looks simple and honest. Once he enters the battle, he will become domineering.

There are seven people with Wu Yu, four refining six, two refining seven, and one refining eight.

If only Chopin was alone, seven of them would still win the battle, but there were fifty guards with swords gone out of their sheaths. With seven of them, it would be very miserable.

"Childe, you see," the eight heavy Qi refining attendant asked for Wu Yu's opinion in a low voice.

Wu Yu's face flashed the color of struggle. At last, he gave song Yan a hard look and left the inn with the cruel words "let's see.".

It's just that no coincidence is not a book.

Shortly after Wu Yu left, a tall woman in a purple training suit walked into the inn with a trace of fatigue on her face:

"is there any room left for the shopkeeper"

"sorry girl, the last eight rooms of the shop were rented by the childe." the shopkeeper looked at Song inkstone.

Gao Zhilan can't help showing her eyebrows. She has run more than ten inns, but there are no extra rooms in each inn. It's almost dark. If she can't find any more rooms, she can only sleep on the street.

Thinking about it, she came to song Yan.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Xiaowu and Xiaohu, and he felt that they were familiar.

However, she didn't care much. She looked at Song Yandao and said, "this young man, I heard from the shopkeeper that if you rent eight guest rooms and can you give me one, I can pay double the price."

before Gao Zhilan beat Huang Liang, song Yanyan didn't plan to worry about it, but unexpectedly, the other party asked him for something, so he sneered: "you How do you speak? Are you contemptuous of my young master's lack of money "

GAO Zhilan's frowning:" don't get me wrong, I don't mean that. I just want to ask you to give up a guest room "

" who do you think you are and what you want? I have to give it to you. You think I'm your father, "Song Yan joked.

"Bastard, you want to die"

chi Yin

the long sword goes out of its sheath and turns into a lightning bolt that stabs song Yan.

When a snow bright knife light suddenly bursts out, he stands on the sword light in an instant, and Sheng cuts it off.

Gao Zhilan takes two steps back with the sword, and looks at Chopin with the sword.

Song Yan's hateful voice sounded again: "a gentleman does not move his mouth. You are a woman who wants to draw a sword to kill people if you don't agree with each other. It's too vicious and cruel. A woman like you can't marry in the future"

Song Yan's words make Gao Zhilan angry and jump three corpses and seven steals cigarettes. But she knows that she can't take song Yan with the man who holds the knife Take a deep breath, turn around and walk out of the inn.

Seeing this, song Yan can't help secretly. Huang Liang and Huang Liang, I've avenged you with one stone.

When Chopin saw that there was no danger, he took his knife and sat down. He ate silently, but he said to himself that his young master was really not a fuel-efficient lamp. He first offended the son of the Wu family, and now he took Gao's younger sister away. In this way, he didn't know how many people to offend.

Above an inn in a small town.

Wu Yu's face is gloomy. Can't he just let the boy go? He can't let him go so easily. When he thinks of the boy's hateful face, he has an urge to gnash his teeth.


There was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Wu Yu said in a poor voice.

A tall young man in a white star suit pushed the door and said with a smile, "who made my cousin so angry"

the white star suit is the unique dress of the disciples in the inner gate of qingweimen.

In the micro gate of Qing Dynasty, the disciples of the outer gate wear white clothes without stars, the disciples of the inner gate wear white clothes with stars, the elite disciples wear white moon clothes, and the core disciples wear purple star clothes.

"Cousin, you are here." Wu Yu's face shows a trace of joy.

"Cousins fight each other, who dares not to be brothers?" Chen Yan said with a smile.

"My cousin is very polite"

they exchanged greetings and talked about business.

After hearing Wu Yu's narration, Chen Yan couldn't help showing his heart: "you can find out"

Wu Yu said in a deep voice: "don't worry, cousin, I specially sent someone to Kaiyuan city. The boy named Ning Mo was just an ordinary drugstore apprentice before, but in just over ten days, he became a martial artist of five aspects of refining Qi.

In such a short period of time, I must have taken a great talent and treasure. Moreover, the boy's martial arts are also amazing. I sent five alchemy and six heavy pursuit to kill him. As a result, he killed two people with the black sword in his hand. The remaining three people died in the hands of the guard of the boy Huang Liang. If I guess correctly, the black sword must not It's a weapon of all kinds, at least at the level of spirit weapon. It's also a treasure of heaven, material and earth. It's also a spirit weapon. That kid has absolutely obtained a treasure. "

hearing Wu Yu's analysis, Chen Yan's eyes are full of pure light and flicker, which is a little more greedy."What is my cousin going to do?"

a trace of resentment flashed in Wu Yu's eyes: "Huang Liang should also come to participate in the entry examination of qingweimen. As long as my cousin can let him fail, the boy named ningmo will return to my cousin, and I won't take"

"isn't it too bad for my cousin?" Chen Yan pretended.

Wu Yu waved his hand and said, "if Huang Liang dares to insult me, I will redouble it."

Chen Yan nodded contentedly: "well, since that's the case, you can go with me to see the boy named Huang Liang and ask him to give up Ning Mo"

in the Inn room, song Yan is cultivating the immortal Phoenix formula. Because of his strong mental power, he has entered a very fast stage in cultivating this skill. Now he has already Through 38 points and orifices all over the body, we stepped into the triple of refining Qi.

Suddenly, a knock on the door broke his practice.

"Young master, it's not good. The disciple surnamed Wu with the inner disciples of qingweimen came to us for trouble."

Song Yan got out of bed and opened the door, and Xiaohu shouted in panic.

"What kind of panic, is not an inner disciple"

Song Yan scolded: "by the way, where are they"

"waiting downstairs." Tiger Road.

Xiao Bang, who lives next to song Yan, also opens the door and comes out to remind song Yan in a low voice: "young master, if someone is really a disciple of the inner door of the slight door, please keep back, otherwise, it will have a certain impact on you to join the qingweimen"

"well, I know"

Song Yan nods and raises his feet to go downstairs.

In front of a table downstairs, Chen Yan and Wu Yu are drinking tea unhurriedly, standing behind them with seven attendants.

At the sight of song Yan, Wu Yu could not suppress his anger, and looked at Song Yan with a resentful look. josei

"I'm Chen Yan, Mr. Huang. Please take a seat."

Chen Yan smiles and points to the stool opposite him.

Song Yan was not polite either. He went straight to the opposite side of him and sat down. He said lazily, "what do you want to do with me?"

as soon as he saw this picture, Wu Yu was angry from his heart and said coldly: "little boy Huang, you can see clearly. My cousin is the inner disciple of qingweimen. You'd better respect him"

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