Magic Love Ring

Chapter 581

Chapter 581

In short, under the temptation of ten thousand Liang silver, these ten examiners, like beating chicken blood, rushed into the surrounding areas to search for the whereabouts of the boy named Huang Liang. Please search and read the latest and fastest novel.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Chen Yan came back fighting a second-order monster killed.

However, this monster is a little big, at least not a kilogram.

"You won't let me bake the whole beast," Song Yan joked with a smile.

Chen Yan smiled awkwardly: "that's not necessary, the roasted part is good"

peeling, viscera removal, cleaning,

soon, song Yan put a mass of more than 50 Jin of monster meat on a thick branch to barbecue.

The beast that Chen Yan beat is called the beast. The meat of the second-order medium-term beast is much better than the leopard meat. According to song Yan, the second-order beast meat can be sold for one or two to three liang of silver. The meat of the beast can be sold for at least two liang of silver.

The meat of monsters and beasts is not only delicious, but also can strengthen the body after being eaten by ordinary warriors.

It has to be said that song Yan's craftsmanship is really not covered. In just half an hour, this group of beef exudes an extremely attractive fragrance. Chen Yan's eyes stare at the barbecue, for fear that in a flash, the group of barbecue will disappear.

After another five minutes of baking, song Yan began to take out the seasoning and evenly spread it on the barbecue. As a result, the meat flavor was more rich. At the age of 17, Yuan Sheng was a leader of the younger generation. His cultivation has reached five aspects of refining Qi.

It's a pity that he didn't come from a wealthy family. He can go to this step. There is no extra money in his family for him to continue his cultivation.

Therefore, he came to qingweimen to participate in the entry-level assessment.

for this assessment, he has great confidence. As he expected, he easily passed the first and second round of assessment and the third round of assessment. Within a quarter of an hour after entering the trial forest, he killed a second-order monster and obtained the demon core. josei

As long as he finds a place to rest and waits for the array to open tomorrow, he can become a disciple of qingweimen.

Unexpectedly, a rich boy came to him.

For those children born in a rich family, he is somewhat hostile, but he can't refuse the other side's terms. As long as he catches a guy named Huang Liang, he can get 10000 liang of silver.

He had a premonition that his breakthrough to the six fold of refining was not far away.

However, with these ten thousand Liang silver, he can buy Xuandan and break through the six fold of Qi refining faster.

Once he breaks through the six aspects of Qi refining, he can be promoted to the inner disciples.

It's an honor to be the first one among many external disciples to be promoted to internal disciples. It will also attract the attention of the higher level, and often others will only pay attention to the first.

The first one of the outer disciples was promoted to the title of inner disciple.

Think about it and feel excited.

So, now he is very urgent. As long as he finds Huang Liang and catches him, he will not only get 10000 Liang silver, but also endless honors waiting for him.

"What flavor"

Yuan Sheng, who is searching for Huang Liang's whereabouts in the jungle, hears this smell, which makes him feel like a meal. It reminds him that he hasn't eaten in five hours.

Subconsciously, he raised his feet to the direction of the smell.

"No, it's important to search for Huang Liang"

and he stopped after two steps.


just then, his stomach started to cry, as if he was rebellious.

"Come on, let's go and have a look"

so, Yuansheng carefully went in the direction of the fragrance.

Soon, he found the source of the fragrance.

Two experimenters are roasting meat.

"Well, how could the barbecue man be familiar with his eyes?" suddenly, there was endless ecstasy on Yuansheng's face, because the young barbecue man was Huang Liang.

"It's true that the emperor is willing to help others"

he has the impulse to look up to the sky and roar.

But immediately, he calmed down, because there was not only Huang Liang alone, the breath of the young man squatting beside him made him feel a little taboo, and he should also be a five fold warrior of refining Qi.

One on two.

He is not absolutely sure.

After a while, he finally came up with a plan. So he went out of his hiding place and went straight to the two men.


Chen Yan grabs the long sword around him and stands up, staring at Yuan Sheng warily.

But song Yan was calm, still unmoved, and focused on baking meat.

"Don't get me wrong, two friends. I'm just attracted by Rouxiang. In order to make himself stronger, he used to be a robber and thief in private.

So his experience is much higher than that of his peers.

Seeing Yuan Sheng's smile, Chen Yan slightly lowered his vigilance."Two friends, I don't know if you can sell me some barbecue. I haven't eaten for nearly five hours. I'm really hungry." during the conversation, Yuan Sheng's eyes deliberately looked at the barbecue group and swallowed saliva.

Wen Yan, Chen Yan looks at Song Yan.

"As long as we pass this assessment, we are all brothers of the same sect. I don't want much barbecue, just a jin or two, just enough to eat." As he spoke, Yuan Sheng took out a ingot of ten Liang silver from his bosom.

"Brother Huang, do you think you can share his points?" Chen Yan completely dropped his guard, mainly because Yuansheng's acting skills were too good.

"You catch the beast, you can make it up to you." Song Yan disagreed.

Chen yanben is a simple and honest person. He has no objection to song Yan, so he said to Yuan Sheng, "OK, for the sake that everyone is a teacher brother in the future, we will divide your meat into five Jin."

"thank you so much. My name is Yuan Sheng. How do you call him?" Yuan Sheng's face is full of gratitude.

Without waiting for song Yan to answer, Chen Yan said: "my name is Chen Yan from Dongyan City, this is Huang Liang, from Kaiyuan city."

Yuansheng ' Come to Chen Yan and hand him the silver.

Chen Yan waved his hand and smiled disapprovingly: "even if it's money, you may be the same brother in the future. What's a few Jin of barbecue? Brother Huang, do you think it's true"

"it's true." Song Yan nodded with approval

"how interesting is that"

but at this time, Yuan Sheng threw the silver ingot into his hand without any sign Chen Yan's cheek.

The silver ingot is infused with real Qi. The roar has come to Chen Yan's face. Suddenly, Chen Yan is shocked. He can only reach for the silver ingot if he wants to avoid it. At the same time, he is furious. Unexpectedly, Yuan Sheng is so mean that he dare to sneak on him.

In the moment of throwing out the ingot, Yuan Sheng moved. The smile on his face disappeared and became cold, and his eyes were twinkling with some ferocity.


Chen Yan's chest was bombarded with his fist, which contained 10% genuine Qi. With a sound of bone fracture, Chen Yan's body flew out like a broken kite.

: Thank you for your great reward

two changes

this book is from. HTL

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