Magic Love Ring

Chapter 605

Chapter 605

The tragic death of two inner disciples in a row infuriated the high level of qingweimen. Not only the elder in charge of the law enforcement hall participated in the investigation, but also a core disciple was dispatched to assist the investigation.

The core disciple is Sikong mu. He is 35 years old. He has reached the later stage of the master's cultivation. He is expected to break through to the great master before the age of 40.

The importance of the clan made the inner disciples of Xinsheng panic a little relieved, or they were really worried that they would be the next victims.

Inside the morgue.

Sikong Mu was looking at the two corpses. He observed them very carefully. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he found that there was an extremely narrow wound on the top of the heads of the two dead people. Because the flesh and blood of the dead were sucked dry, the scalp was tightly attached to the skull, and the hair was covered, it was difficult to find the small wound.

"Sikong, have you found anything?"

elder of law enforcement hall, Lin Huaishan strides into the morgue.

"A little bit of a discovery."

Sikong Mu pointed to the small wound on the top of the two bodies.

Lin Huaishan's face looked solemn and said his judgment: "it should be sword wound."

"Hmmm" Sikong nodded: "I think so too, but there are too many disciples who use swords in the clan. It's too hard to lock the murderer. Moreover, one of the dead is the eighth and the other is the ninth. Judging from the scene, there is no fight, so the murderer killed both of them in one blow."

"You mean"

Lin Huaishan's old eyes are a little bright.

Sikong Mu shook his head: "it's not easy to say. It may also be the flaw that the murderer deliberately dropped, misleading us"

"then how do you plan to check" Lin Huaishan asked again.

In Sikong Mu's eyes, there was a brilliant light: "there are two ways. First, we can intentionally reveal a trace of the murderer that has been found. Maybe this will cause the murderer to behave in disorder. Second, we can check the inner door. The other side can absorb the blood and flesh of the two victims in a short time. The weapon he used must be unusual. It is likely to be a magic weapon"

Listen Lin Huaishan is not surprised by the word "magic weapon". It's a weapon from the demon family. It's said that some strange magic weapons have strange effects such as absorbing other people's essence and blood.

"OK, I'll arrange my disciples to check the weapons of the inner disciples"

when Lin Huaishan left, Sikong Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, and then left the morgue quickly and went straight to the inner part of the gate.

A quarter of an hour later, Sikong Mu saw the leader of the micro gate of the Qing Dynasty.

"Sikong, you come to see me, but that matter has an eyebrow." East heavy snow over a hundred years old, but the appearance also looks less than 40 years old.

"I have a guess." Sikong Mu Dao.

"Oh." East heavy snow looks at him, waits for him to say own guess. josei

With a solemn face, Sikong Mu said: "I doubt that it is the two hundred year old heirs who have devoured the devil who have been born"

"devoured the devil"

the calm face of the eastern heavy snow suddenly changed, and it was a little more cold. Devouring the devil was the peerless person two hundred years ago.

At first, the demon devoured the LORD was just an ordinary young man in the border town. Once, the demon attacked the human race, his family was killed by the demon family, and he was taken back to the demon territory and became a slave.

The demons are cruel and easy to kill. They also like cannibalism. They take the human race back and raise it as beasts, so that they can reproduce continuously and use it as food.

That devours the spirit of the Demon Lord. After being captured, he has been forbearing. Three years later, he planned an escape. He took other escaped human slaves as a cover, and he himself ran to the depths of the demon kingdom.

However, as a human race, it's really too difficult to survive in the demon kingdom.

After hiding for several months, he was found by the demons and finally killed.

However, he escaped into the forbidden area of the demon family and the evil abyss.

The evil abyss is one of the ten forbidden areas of the demon family. Even the demon family dare not enter. Therefore, after swallowing the demon lord and escaping into it, the demon family stops pursuing him and thinks that the human family must be dead.

But what the demons never thought of was.

The devouring demon not only survived in the evil abyss, but also learned the magic of devouring.

It's so evil that it can devour the flesh and blood of the world's creatures and feed itself.

Three years later, he devoured the demons and emerged from the evil abyss, slaughtered all the living creatures in the surrounding demons' villages, and absorbed all their flesh and soul.

This made the demons very angry. They sent people to kill him again.

This escape and killing lasted for three years, and the devouring demon clan became extremely powerful in these three years, and directly stepped into the realm of grand master.

Finally, he fled back to the human race after killing a small tribe of tens of thousands of people.

His behavior completely infuriated the demons.

One of the ten kings, the horned demon king, led 100000 demon soldiers directly to the border.In ten days, he broke six cities and killed nearly ten million people.

At that time, the people were shocked. They quickly gathered their troops to fight against the army of the horning demon king. The two martial saints of the people were traveling with them.

However, under the joint efforts of the two martial saints of the human race, the horned demon king was severely damaged and escaped with a fluke.

However, it annoyed all the demons. The other nine demons, one after another, launched their armies and led millions of troops to attack the people.

Knowing this news, the Terran also quickly gathered soldiers and sent a large number of martial saints to fight against the demons. One of the martial saints was from qingweimen.

The war was so shocking that the mountains and rivers were broken and floating bodies were everywhere.

In the end, both sides suffered a great loss. Several martial saints died, including the one in qingweimen.

The demons also died two demons.

Because there is also a third force, the demon clan, who is still standing still, the two sides gradually calm down and have peace talks after suffering huge losses.

In the peace talks, the demons put forward a request to surrender the devouring demons.

Because the devil's attitude is quite tough, the high level of the human race agreed to their demands and sent people to catch and devour the devil.

Devouring the devil is not the kind of person willing to sacrifice. He directly killed the people who came to capture him, devoured their flesh and soul, and expressed his dissatisfaction with the high level of the human race.

Even some great masters of the people died in his hands.

In desperation, wusheng had to take him personally, but devour the Lord and run for his life in the territory of the demon family for many years. He had accumulated rich experience of running for life. The wusheng actually chased him for one month, but he didn't catch him.

However, the demon clan only gives the human clan two months, so the human clan can only send three martial saints to capture the devouring Demon Lord at the same time.

In the end, he was trapped in a deep mountain by three martial saints of the human race, but he didn't want to be captured and killed himself.

After obtaining his body, the three martial saints of the human race found that the sword and storage ring that devoured the Demon Lord were gone.

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